Sunday 12th of January 2025

if the price is right .....

if the price is right .....

This week rattus announced the sale of uranium yellowcake to India & that it was also considering sales to Russia.

The rodent solemnly declared that no yellowcake will be sold to India, unless the Indian Government agreed to a set of strict conditions aimed at preventing that uranium from being used in nuclear weapons. Of course the little trickster ignored the obvious fact that India’s current uranium supplies would be able to be redirected into its nuclear weapons programs, as they are replaced with uranium from Australia.

Foreign Affairs Minister, fishnets clowner, said that Awstralya should support responsible countries wanting to use uranium to fuel civil power stations, as he adjusted his stockings to conceal the same obvious holes.

Apparently the Government will talk about the proposal of sales to Russia when Vladimir Putin visits Australia next month for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting in Sydney.

A po-faced clowner said: "In the same way as we have nuclear safeguard agreements with other countries, it would be a breach of international law if they were to try to do that. I don't think Russia would want to become a rogue state & break international law."

Labor's foreign affairs spokesman, Robert McClelland, said that it would be prepared to look at Australian uranium sales to Russia, because unlike India, it has signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

However, Greens Leader Senator Bob Brown says Russia is already transferring nuclear material & technology to Iran. "President Putin has mooted nuclear exchange in terms of technology with Iran of all places & Burma - the military junta of Burma," he said in the Senate this morning. And John Howard is feeding uranium into that process."

Reminds me of the story of the woman who was offended when offered $50 for sex, but her offence evaporated when the offer was upped to $500. Her vocation wasn’t in dispute, just her rates.

The rattus government has long ago given-up any pretence of being interested in maintaining Awstralya’s historic commitment to responsible international behaviour & is clearly willing to deal with anyone, regardless of the consequences.

This is the same mob who couldn’t wait to join bushit in trashing Iraq & the rest of the middle east, allegedly to “keep us safe” from weapons of mass destruction.

Pathetic, evil, little hypocrites …..

india's wmd .....

‘The International Panel on Fissile Materials, a group of independent scientists, estimates that the nuclear deal will allow India to produce and stockpile enough plutonium for more than 300 Nagasaki-type bombs every year. This can be done through reprocessing fuel in un-safeguarded power reactors, diverting domestic uranium from civilian to military uses, and continuing/expanding fissile material production in un-safeguarded civilian and military facilities.’

Political Fallout Of Indo-US Nuclear Deal Turns Severe

Are we still selling uranium to China?

China looking for 8kg of 'missing' uranium

State media in China reports that eight kilograms of radioactive uranium has gone missing in the country, delaying the verdict in a trial of four men charged with attempting to sell it on the black market.

A court in Guangzhou, capital of China's southern province of Guangdong, heard the four tried to sell the material between 2005 and January 2007, the China Daily said.

The men were arrested in January after a potential buyer in Hong Kong reported them to the authorities, the paper said.

However, despite having the four men in custody, police were unable to locate the uranium.

"The men claimed it had been lost because it had been moved around so much between potential buyers," the paper said.

A verdict had yet to be reached "as the court said the trial would continue until authorities tracked down" the uranium.

whoops .....

Presented by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as one of the biggest successes of his term, the cooperation agreement on civilian nuclear matters signed at the end of July with the United States could paradoxically cost his government its life.

Just as he had finished finalizing the terms of this historic text, concluded after two years of bitter negotiations with Washington, the Congress Party-led government is confronted with a new obstacle: its Communist allies. Fiercely anti-American, the Indian far left sees this bilateral accord as an outrage against national sovereignty, liable to make India a client of American hegemony. The Congress Party, which leads the governmental coalition, cannot maintain itself in power without the Communists' external support.

The crisis is such that Manmohan Singh, usually very reserved, flew off the handle last month, challenging his allies to bring down his government. In the end, he was forced to give in by creating a multiparty committee charged with examining the "consequences" of the agreement on India's foreign policy.

Nuclear Agreement With US Rips India Apart

a principled decision .....

The newly installed Rudd government has reversed a decision by the rattus administration to sell uranium yellowcake to India. In doing so, the new government has countermanded bushit’s previous orders to his awstralyen deputy to permit such sales, notwithstanding New Delhi’s refusal to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.  

The former prime rattus defended his government's policy saying it would bring India more into the mainstream, forcing it to provide assurances over the disposal of the uranium. The cowardly little war criminal & lounge chair warrior predictably & stubbornly stuck to his guns, even after lawmakers stalled the US-India agreement in the Indian parliament.  

The NPT has 189 signatories of which five are in possession of nuclear weapons: the US, Britain, France, Russia & China, with four non-signatory nations - India, Pakistan, Israel & North Korea - acknowledged by the entire planet as having nuclear weapons.  

New Foreign Minister, Stephen Smith, apparently told India's nuclear envoy, Shyam Saran, this week that the Labor party had campaigned prior to the November election against nuclear proliferation. "We went into the election with a strong policy commitment we would not export uranium to nation states that are not signatories to the NPT," Smith said after the meeting with Saran.