Monday 10th of March 2025

das Ding zu schiessen.... (shoot this [shitty?] thing)....

Here’s the worst part about the leaked German ‘Crimean Bridge attack’ call
Some officers seem to have forgotten which country they are sworn to defend – and they are really bad at deception, too....


BY Tarik Cyril Amar


Since Russia has revealed that on February 19 high-ranking Luftwaffe officers discussed – on a basically open conference platform – how German Taurus cruise missiles could strike Russian targets (let’s call it the ‘Taurus Huddle’), the public reaction in the West has taken two main forms: In Germany, the key register has been clumsy damage control; among Berlin’s allies, embarrassment has ensued, as well as barely concealed anger at multiple indiscretions – particularly regarding British and US covert operations in Ukraine.

The allies’ exasperation has come through in scathing headlines such as The Telegraph’s ‘Germany spills British military secrets … using off-the-shelf video phone technology in one of Berlin’s worst security breaches since the Cold War’. Berlin’s fumbling attempts to contain what chancellor Olaf Scholz has called “a very serious” matter have consisted of two insipid moves. First, make it all about Russia: “How wicked, they hacked us!”

Obviously, moralizing about routine eavesdropping among opponents comes across as rather silly from a government that does not mind blown-up pipelines and weaponized de-industrialization between “allies.”The rather whiny complaint also makes the German elite look even more sophomoric. Public Service Announcement for the all-new “Zeitenwende” Germany: Yes, states, especially states against which you are co-waging a proxy war, will gather intelligence on you. If your top brass is klutzy enough to spill the beans via eminently hackable online communications, you’ve only got yourself to blame.

In the same vein, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has called Russia’s exposure of Berlin’s shenanigans a hybrid disinformation attack.” In reality, what inconveniences him is not “disinformation” but the opposite: facts that even Germany has had to acknowledge as authentic. Berlin’s reaction only shows that its and Kiev’s techniques of dodging responsibility are now converging: As it happens, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has already – prophylactically, so to speak – blamed any future Ukrainian rebellion against his literally catastrophic leadership on Russian “disinformation.” Between German Tweedle-Dee and Ukrainian Tweedle-Dum, the principle is the same: Mess up yourself, blame others (i.e. Russia).

Berlin’s second move to blow smoke over its fiasco is to avoid talking about its substance. Insofar as the content of the Taurus Huddle is even summarized, then only to, misleadingly, claim that it was all harmless routine: Planners will plan, you know; just some hypothetical brainstorming. Moreover, they were merely following orders (an “oldy but goldy” of German political culture) by preparing a briefing for the minister. Again, Pistorius has taken the lead in the whitewash, declaring the officers were only doing what they are there for. That, actually, is a stunningly self-revealing statement: If the Taurus Huddle is really part of the ordinary “job” – as Pistorius also put it – of German officers now, everything is so much worse again.

To understand why, we must do what so many Germans love to skirt: Delve into the details of the scandal.

The basics are simple: The recording of the conversation is almost 40 minutes long; there were four participants. Two with high-ranking and important functions: The head of the German air force, Ingo Gerhartz, and the head of the Operations and Training Department, Frank Grafe. Both are generals. In addition, two experts of lower rank (Oberstleutnant) from the Air Operations Command at the Space Operations Center, called Fenske and Frohstedte (or possibly Frostedte), also took part. The discussion details the options for the use of Taurus missiles – formally by Ukrainians, but with irreplaceable German and potentially British and US input – against either the Kerch Strait Bridge or Russian munitions depots. Two participants tend to stress how feasible such operations would be (Fenske and Frohstedte), one – to his credit – is more ambivalent, pointing out obstacles and emphasizing that German involvement is hard to conceal (Grafe). Alarmingly, Gerhartz, head of the air force, can’t detect what he calls a “showstopper,”that is, a clear reason not to launch a covert missile attack on Russian targets via Ukraine.

In the original, the tone is informal and the language often slovenly: an odd hybrid German (a “Kauderwelsch,” as Germans used to say), frequently barely grammatical and saturated with comical calques from English (“to cheat” becomes “den Trick pullen” (to pull a trick); an attack is “doable” as long as the Ukrainians are taught “das Ding zu schiessen,” (to shoot the thing) for instance). Ernst Jünger’s high style this is not.

To get two diametrically opposed misinterpretations out of the way: The discussion does not amount to an explicit conspiracy. This is not a meeting of out-of-line officers openly discussing how to drag their political leadership into a covert cruise missile attack on Russia by using Ukrainian proxies. But that is also the best that can be said about the Taurus Huddle, which is a very low bar. Because – here’s the second popular misunderstanding we need to get rid of – this is not a normal meeting either. These are not, as Pistorius wants to pretend, politically disengaged staff officers dispassionately playing through military thought-experiments (as bad as that would be with this kind of scenario). In reality, the best single phrase to describe the essence of the affair is “gray zone.” Think of it as a messy mix between a rudimentary pretense of professional analysis and a massive dose of bias, politics, and indiscretion.

Perhaps the most striking single feature of the Taurus Huddle is that all participants take breathtaking cheating for granted. No one sees any problems except of a technical nature in the idea of a de facto German attack on Russia as long as German input can be concealed or denied. That is the spirit in which the officers mull over details such as transferring targeting information by either secure data line (oh, the irony…) or maybe personal courier through Poland. (Germans painting a big fat target on Poland for Russians? Qui mal y pense!) Or how the company producing the Taurus (MBDA) could serve as a cut-out to hide the military’s involvement. Their ideas are surprisingly crude, but what’s more important is the sheer criminal energy and boyish recklessness they betray.

In war, all is fair, some may say. But there are two flaws with that response: First, Germany is not, actually, at war with Russia – and the participants of the meeting are not assuming it will be (at least not to begin with, and “the day after” seems not to interest them). Hence, secondly, while deception is a traditional and, principally, legitimate element of warfare, what these officers consider normal is something else, namely replacing deception within a war by covert operations against a state Germany is not and would not be at war with. That is the domain of, perhaps, intelligence services and special forces (and it’s still not a good idea). There are very good constitutional reasons why officers of the traditional military are not even supposed to think of such methods as either admissible or (listen up, Boris Pistorius!) “their job.”

A high point of this attitude occurs when one of the Taurus Huddlers admits that with all the anticipated German training of Ukrainians to handle the German missiles in Ukraine, at least the “first missions”would have to “take place by us in support.” Those who do not know German well may misread this phrase – muddled in the original, not merely in this translation – as simply reiterating that the Ukrainians would need help. But that would be wrong: Read carefully in the context of the preceding discussion, it clearly is a euphemism for Germans actually carrying out at least planning and targeting for these attacks. 

Another remarkable feature of the Taurus Huddle is the extreme nonchalance with which highly sensitive and damaging information regarding NATO allies and Ukraine is tossed about. We hardly learn anything surprising about deep British, US, and French involvement in attacks on Russian forces. What is shocking is the slapdash attitude with which German officers shoot off their mouths about these covert operations that are not even their own. As to Ukraine, its air force must have been thrilled to hear the Luftwaffe confirming how few planes of a certain type (“in the single digits”) it has left. It is certain that none of this was news to Russia. But I can imagine Russian officers shaking their heads in a mix of sorry disbelief and wry amusement about their German counterparts.

And last but not least, there is the fact that even moments of realism do not make the Taurus Huddlers stop and think. The meeting features the head of the air force, Gerhartz, himself acknowledging that even if the Taurus were brought into play, their numbers would be limited to a maximum of 100 missiles and that their use would not “change the war,”that is, in Kiev’s favor, of course. Grafe, meanwhile, the other Huddler with a general’s rank, stresses that the Kerch Strait Bridge is not an easy target and may well survive an attack. Futility all around; and admittedly so.

And yet, at the same time, none of them even raises the most serious risk that such an operation would involve. Grafe is worried the media could get wind of the German military’s underhanded methods. Yet that would be child’s play compared with the worst that could happen. Because a strategy of childish-cheating-with-Taurus could, actually, “change the war”: by making Russia give up its policy of turning a blind eye to most of Western de facto belligerency and, instead, start to retaliate, for instance, against Germany.

These are officers sworn to defend Germany. But their only genuine concern seems to be to figure out how to help Ukraine fight Russia, while the risks to which their schemes would expose Germany escape their attention. The first problem here is that, in practical terms, they seem to have lost any sense of the difference between their obligations to Germany and to Ukraine (or NATO, for that matter). The second one is that their defense minister, their chancellor, and much of the German public seem to be unable to make the distinction either. In that sense, the Taurus Huddle may feature in history as a triumph of Ukrainian policy, even if a futile one.


















the ruskies are winning.....

NATO's Hunger to Lose - George Galloway's Win - Nuland's Resignation | Richard D. Wolff



weapons of mass profits....


keep the russians out, keep the americans in and the germans down — and make sure no-one aspires.....


searching for decent journalists.......





bad germans....

Faced with the duplicity of German leaders revealed if necessary by the recording, Russian anger explodes to a point that we find difficult to imagine, especially in the context of Macron's declarations which we believe to be directly driven by the United States. . It is not only about the anger of Putin's supporters, but we are also publishing the position of the communist soldiers who demand that we amplify the effort beyond what remains a “special operation”. As we publish the rest of the interview with Medvedchuk, the Ukrainian politician and it is always the same diagnosis: Western leaders have lost, Zelensky and his horde of neo-Nazis are at bay, there is no negotiation possible with people who have committed such crimes, including against the Ukrainians themselves, the only solution is to count on the way in which History is sweeping them away. The most lucid among the Americans also see this reality... We can be pleased that during the European elections, the young candidate leading the PCF list, Léon Deffontaines, really placed himself in the camp of peace and new relations of strength in the world. 

Danielle Bleitrach


by Alexey Nechaev

I have too many grievances against Germany. So it's time to review them. 30 years ago, Russians played a key role in the unification of the FRG and the GDR. Russia withdrew its troops from Germany, giving the Germans a chance at sovereignty. But they did not seize it, forgetting their duty to Russia. The Americans, for their part, never withdrew their troops.

Furthermore, in the absence of military threats, Germany relied on the development of industry, but all its economic exploits were based on two things: cheap resources from Russia and aggressive expansion on the foreign markets.

Having accumulated forces and finding themselves in the role of the locomotive of the EU, the Germans launched an offensive on Eastern Europe. The policy of “Eastern Partnership” was impossible without Berlin, and it broke the lives of millions of people, although it is not customary to talk about it.

On the Ukrainian side, the Germans behaved in the most despicable manner, constantly interfering in Kiev's internal kitchen: from protecting the Klitschko brothers and covering up for Yulia Tymoshenko at the Charité clinic, to their interference condescending in the events in Kiev at the junction of 2013 and 2014.

Do you remember the agreement between Viktor Yanukovych and the opposition? Who signed it, among other things, to guarantee compliance with the agreement? Frank-Walter Steinmeier, now President of the Federal Republic of Germany.

He is also the author of the “Steinmeier formula”, which made it possible to realize the Minsk agreements. Steinmeier did all this with the consent of Angela Merkel, who later admitted that Minsk-2 was used to give the Ukrainian armed forces time to regain strength.

Yes, Germany has done nothing to defuse the conflict around and in Ukraine. “Liver sausage” Olaf Scholz has further aggravated the situation, and now German military equipment is blazing in the areas of the “Surovikin line”.

It looks like it's time for Berlin to stop. The “Nord Streams” have been destroyed by their closest allies, there are no real prospects in Ukraine, the economy is in serious recession, the industry is moving to the United States, and without this and without cooperation with Russia, German prosperity is impossible.

But no. Instead of calmly accepting the unification of the Russians and thus repaying Russia's debt for 1990, Berlin is trying to figure out how to blow up the Crimean bridge with Taurus missiles while avoiding direct confrontation with Russia.

And just as the whole world learns about Germany's military plans, what should the German ambassador in Moscow ideally do? That's right, put out the spreading fire. What did the ambassador actually do? He went to parade in one of the Moscow cemeteries, where another patient from the Charité clinic was buried.

It is clear that Alexander Lambsdorf, whose ancestors served in the Russian Empire, visited the cemetery after receiving direct instruction from the German government. But if German politicians today considered this issue a priority – then…

Clearly, Russia's alleged military response to the Bundeswehr trying to escape Scholz's control would be a good way to bring Germany to its senses.

I'm done. We will talk about France and Great Britain later.

source: VZGLYAD via History and Society





EU war blues.....


European Vassal States Mull Arms Production as Biden Leads Continent to Destruction


By John Miles


As Europe suffers economically from the US-backed proxy war in the Donbass, will its leaders find the courage to question decades of anti-Russia hysteria?The United States’ proxy war in Ukraine has brought Europe to a state of crisis. As sanctions on Russian gas push energy costs sky high, German industry has taken a hit as manufacturing has become unsustainable. A flood of Ukrainian migrants has also taxed countries' social systems, creating controversy as refugees are granted housing that’s increasingly unaffordable to average people.


Now a full-scale collapse in Ukraine threatens to discredit politicians who bet everything on arming the country, with anti-establishment parties poised to benefit.

International affairs analyst Elijah Magnier has observed these developments with disbelief from his home in France, where controversial President Emmanuel Macron recently faced criticism for advocating even deeper European involvement in Kiev’s failing effort. The journalist joined Sputnik’s Fault Lines program on Thursday to sound off on the madness of the EU’s political class.

“It seems that Europe is freaking out,” said host Jamarl Thomas. “Because they know in more detail how bad Ukraine is doing on the battlefield. It seems like they're worried about a general collapse at this point.”

“It seems to be a general collapse on some level with Ukraine doing everything in their power basically just to hold ground and them not being able to do so,” he continued. “From the internal polling itself, [Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky] is not doing great in regard to the way the Ukrainians are seeing him as a leader. And if they were given the option, they would pick [former Ukrainian armed forces commander Valery] Zaluzhny.”


Zelensky, observing Zaluzhny’s popularity, ousted him from his position as top commander of Ukraine’s military, a move that reportedly drew opposition from the Biden Administration. Presidential elections set for later this month were canceled as Ukraine extends a period of martial law. Zelensky’s strongarm tactics, which have also included the forced dissolution of opposition political parties and closure of media outlets, have generated broad criticism.

“In my experience in a war zone and the aftermath of the war, all leaders fall, including General Charles de Gaulle after the Second World War,” noted Magnier. “Then they wake up and say ‘what is left of our country?’ That is going to be the major question for Ukraine.”

“And the more challenging one is for the Western bloc to acknowledge its defeat,” added the veteran war correspondent, who reported from the ground in Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia. “We are talking about 50 nations gathered together in one place in Ramstein, Germany – planning, organizing, supporting with intelligence, logistics, money, military support, men – everything to defeat Russia.”


“And then to acknowledge that Russia has won over the 50 united countries under the banner of the United States in Germany, that is going to tremble the earth and all of the European and the Western bloc.”

Recently, European politicians have moved to shoulder the cost of assistance to Kiev as Republicans in Congress have balked at continued aid for the country. The Donbass Conflict has generated a bonanza for US weapons manufacturers who have worked to replenish American stockpiles drained by the war. But political gridlock in the United States has led Europeans to mull domestic arms production.

The proposal has proven highly controversial, with observers pointing out the continent’s atrophied arms production capabilities would struggle to meet Ukraine’s needs. Additionally, Europe is already facing economic challenges amidst high inflation and deindustrialization. Politicians are hesitant to invest resources towards military concerns, which would likely require the issuance of bonds.


“There is a real panic in Europe, but there is not enough intelligence to say 'we've lost the war and we stop now,’” said Magnier. “I think that is due to the presidential elections in the United States, where they don't want to be seen as the one that created the failure of Joe Biden in the coming election because they are terrified of [former US President Donald] Trump coming and dictating his policy overtly and embarrassing them.”


“Joe Biden is more soft on not really voicing what he's doing with the Europeans,” he explained. “But he's doing exactly the same as any other president - putting America first.”

The United States has long offered Europe military protection under the aegis of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). But along with the guarantee of the alliance’s nuclear umbrella has come a degree of political coercion.

NATO and the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) funded and organized clandestine “stay behind” militias throughout Europe during the 20th century as part of a secret effort known as Operation Gladio. The paramilitary groups were ostensibly designed to offer resistance in the event of a Soviet invasion. But evidence has implicated the right-wing militias in various acts of terrorism and assassination throughout the continent.

Italy was rocked by decades of open warfare between the US-supported paramilitaries and left-wing groups, with bombings and massacres frequently making headlines. An Italian parliamentary commission found the violence was part of a CIA-backed “strategy of tension designed to discredit the Italian Communist Party, which enjoyed widespread popularity as a result of its leading role in opposing Benito Mussolini. The United States also worked to undermine the Italian left via a covert media campaign, ensuring European democracy remained within the narrow parameters deemed acceptable by leaders in Washington.

In Italy, as in neighboring France, the Communist Party was a major force in politics amidst proposals to strengthen the welfare state after the collective sacrifice of World War II. Both parties charted a course independent from Moscow, proposing a peaceful "road to socialism" by democratic means. But fear of Russia proved useful in reorienting European politics back towards the center. When Cold War hysteria proved insufficient in reshaping the democratic landscape, US intelligence stepped in to help mold public opinion.

“Today, what's happening in Europe is leaders are thinking why we need to think in the belligerent approach towards our neighbor,” concluded Magnier, noting that opposition leaders are challenging the long-held hostility towards Moscow promoted by the US. “Because Russia is part of the European continent.”


“‘Why do we need to provoke other countries when we can be in peace and do business?'” he asked, summarizing the thinking of many throughout Europe. “Nevertheless, the problem remains [with] who is the leader, and in this case, the leader is America.”


As the saying goes, political power flows from the barrel of a gun. As long as Europe is dependent on outside powers for security, it will never be fully sovereign, and the fixations of Washington will become the neuroses of Brussels.





self-inflicted by USA.....

How America Destroyed the German Economy