Sunday 5th of January 2025

the ties that bind .....


the ties that bind .....

roll-on november 3 .....

A recent poll finds 52 percent of Australians believe that turd blossom is the worst US president ever, whilst his popularity at home has shrunk to the lowest ever recorded by a US president - 17% - primarily due to his Iraq war policy.

Yesterday, demonstrating yet again his remarkable capacity to stay in-touch with the sentiments of the Australian electorate, our prime war criminal, rattus, reassured bushit that he would not reduce the 1,600 Australian forces in Iraq.

Roll-on November 3 ….

good on the chaser

Chaser duo detained over APEC stunt

Two stars of The Chaser's War on Everything have been detained after conducting a fake motorcade through Sydney.

Chaser co-star Chris Taylor has told ABC News Online that police have detained Chas Licciardello and the show's executive producer Julian Morrow.

Taylor says the motorcade was made up of three cars.

"A lot of people were involved [in this stunt]," he said.

"Some have been detained and some haven't."

Taylor says the crew members have been detained in their cars, while police wait for special units to arrive.

Lawyers for the ABC are also on their way to the scene.


Gus: Hahahha  ha ha hahha...

Sure, but the "white" picket fence is still there...

Australians say goodbye to the backyard By Kathy Marks in Sydney Published: 06 September 2007

The backyard, an icon of Australian suburbia, is under threat – and it has taken a Pom to point it out. Tony Hall, a former British town planner who is now a Queensland academic, warned that sprawling single-storey homes had become the norm in Australia, swallowing up the outside space once proudly occupied by the backyard.

It used to be every Australian's dream to own a house on a quarter-acre block in the suburbs, surrounded by a white picket fence, with a big yard containing a swimming pool and barbecue area. Families lived outdoors for much of the year, eating, playing and entertaining.

But Professor Hall, who studied aerial photographs as well as measurements of homes and residential blocks, said a dramatic change had taken place during the 1990s. Houses now extended right to the boundary of blocks, leaving little room oudoors. They were cheaper, and maximised floor space, but were threatening the backyard with extinction.

Professor Hall, from Griffith University, began his research after moving to Australia two years ago, and noticing that building trends appeared to contradict the image of an open-air lifestyle. He said the trend was being driven by people who wanted to maximise the resale value of their houses, or worked such long hours that they were rarely at home.

"The real problem, I think, though, is what is happening to the Australian lifestyle," he told Australian Associated Press. "What's happening to this idea of the outdoor lifestyle – the barbie, the swimming pool?"


Gus: with John Howard at the helm, the "white" picket fence is still there but it has now become the "white" Australia barrier again... Looking towards the invasion of Aboriginal lands by Johnne's troop, one can only see the reduction of the backyard for a quick profit or a style of negotiation mafia style... You behave, you pay up or we break your windows...

No real caring social value in the long term, just a quick shot in the grab-all policy that Johnnee loves so much... May he and his friend Bush burn in hell for having invaded Iraq and killed many people on a whim... and a few giant lies... Unforgivable...

flexible downfall...

Bush pushes Chinese President on flexible currency

United States President George W Bush has used a meeting with his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao to raise America's concerns about China's refusal to float its currency.

The two leaders have held highly anticipated talks on the sidelines of APEC, including discussions about the trade imbalance between their countries and food security.

The US continued its push for China to introduce a flexible currency but it also canvassed a range of trade-related issues.


Gus: Bush may be bargaining for more than he can chew... The laws of huge numbers show that should the Chinese currency float, the US economy could become second ranking after China's within two years max...  Not only that, this float would herald the end of cheapo goods from China and make inflation climb through the roof in the western world... Soon the US would join the list of banana republic like those they have manipulated into misery in central America... And once Putin talks to the Chinese president, Bushit's America could slide even further very quickly... And China's muscle can quickly match that of the roaming US armies...

All this even if the US money markets tried to manipulate the world's economy with swifties...

Now, all one needs on top of that is that the internet hub be shifted away from the US shores and tada...

Bushit, tread carefully mate... 


Australia has decked out the visting APEC leaders in Driza-Bone coats for the traditional forum photo.

The world leaders have appeared on the steps of the Opera House wearing tailor-made Driza-Bones.

Each leader has chosen one of four lapel colours to customise the traditional brown stockman's coats: blue, yellow, red or green, to represent different facets of the Australian environment.

They have each been given an Akubra hat as one of their gifts.


Gus: what? No ties?... With Bush in town, I'm not surprised the weather here is crook — just on the chilly side... and should have this circus been held in summer, the outfit could have been a colourful cosy with the bum crack and a life-saver hat...

Mind you that would have been another crock as we cannot expect any life saving from the Bushit and our Johnnee... While Bush has been in Sydney, so far 17 of his US soldiers have been killed and about 120 have been maimed for life — the 120 is Gus's estimate, as injured figured are only tallied at end of month by the US defense department. thus counted here using the 1 dead for 7 to 8 injured ratio...

Don't enjoy your trip, Mr Bush... May horse flu affect Air Force One...