Sunday 22nd of September 2024

independence from the american empire demands balls....

In the Intellectual Self-Defense Manual (special edition of Le Monde Diplomatique), the media philosopher MICHEL ONFRAY gets his ears rubbed by Benoît Bréville, director of Le Diplo.

Bréville quotes Onfray: “At the Liberation, only General De Gaulle is legitimate to lead France. He wants to unite, that is the nature of Gaullism. (…) When the general takes over a PCF [FRENCH COMMUNIST PARTY] that relays the orders of the Kremlin in a France that is still armed or socialists, most of whom voted full powers to Pétain, what ministries should they be given? Defense? No. Foreign Affairs? No. The Economy? No. The Interior? No. There is no question of giving a party taking its orders from Moscow the piloting of the nation in the midst of Stalinism!” They are left with culture, education, universities, research, journalism — all areas in which they will prosper. This is how the terrible slogan “It is better to be wrong with Sartre than right with Aron*” comes about.


Some remarks by Bréville.

– De Gaulle takes the Ministry of Defense for himself, but Charles Tillon is Minister of Armaments.

– Almost all the ministries linked to the economy are occupied by communists: Thorez in the Civil Service, Croizat, Minister of Labor, Paul, Minister of Industrial Production, Billoux Minister of the National Economy.

– De Gaulle does not recover the communists to “unite”. The communists have recovered 26% of the votes and are the leading party in France. Their presence is essential, particularly given their role in the fight against the occupier [FIRST THE GERMANS, THEN THE USA] and in the development of the program of the National Council of the Resistance.

– There was no Ministry of Culture in 1945. Created in 1959, this ministry had never been occupied by a communist.

– The Ministry of Education was not assigned to a communist but to Paul Giaccobi, a radical who voted for full powers for Pétain and who, as Minister of the Colonies, gave instructions not to recognize the resistance fighters from the West Indian colonies as full-fledged resistance fighters. In addition, there was no Ministry of Universities and Research.

– The Ministry of Information (what Onfray called “journalism”) was assigned to the Gaullist André Malraux.

Student Onfray: 1/20. You deserve to be on CNews.



*Raymond Claude Ferdinand Aron (14 March 1905 – 17 October 1983) was a French philosopher, sociologist, political scientist, historian and journalist, one of France's most prominent thinkers of the 20th century.

Aron is best known for his 1955 book The Opium of the Intellectuals, the title of which inverts Karl Marx's claim that religion was the opium of the people; he argues that Marxism was the opium of the intellectuals in post-war France. In the book, Aron chastised French intellectuals for what he described as their harsh criticism of capitalism and democracy and their simultaneous defense of the actions of the communist governments of the East. Critic Roger Kimball suggests that Opium is "a seminal book of the twentieth century". Aron is also known for his lifelong friendship, sometimes fractious, with philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre. The saying "Better be wrong with Sartre than right with Aron" became popular among French intellectuals.



Michel Onfray (born 1 January 1959) is a French writer and philosopher with a hedonistic, epicurean and atheist worldview. A highly prolific author on philosophy, he has written over 100 books. His philosophy is mainly influenced by such thinkers as Nietzsche, Epicurus, the Cynic and Cyrenaic schools, as well as French materialism. He has gained notoriety for writing such works as Traité d'athéologie: Physique de la métaphysique (translated into English as Atheist Manifesto: The Case Against Christianity, Judaism, and Islam), Politique du rebelle: traité de résistance et d'insoumission, Physiologie de Georges Palante, portrait d'un nietzchéen de gauche, La puissance d'exister and La sculpture de soi for which he won the annual Prix Médicis in 1993.

Onfray is often regarded as being left-wing; however, some observers have stated that he harbours right-wing tendencies. He has become appreciated by some far-right circles, notably with his sovereignist magazine Front populaire.


Sovereigntism, sovereignism or souverainism (from French: souverainisme, meaning "the ideology of sovereignty") is the notion of having control over one's conditions of existence, whether at the level of the self, social group, region, nation or globe. Typically used for describing the acquiring or preserving political independence of a nation or a region, a sovereigntist aims to "take back control" from perceived powerful forces, either against internal subversive minority groups (ethnic, sexual or gender), or from external global governance institutions, federalism and supranational unions. It generally leans instead toward isolationism, and can be associated with certain independence movements, but has also been used to justify violating the independence of other nations…





moving to russia....

Pierre de Gaulle, the grandson of the late French leader General Charles De Gaulle, intends to move to Moscow, the Russian State Duma announced on Monday.

News of De Gaulle's residency plans were published on the Telegram account of the lower chamber of Russia’s parliament after he met with its chairman, Vyacheslav Volodin. The post included footage of the two shaking hands and having a discussion. The conversation focused on the preservation of historic memory, primarily that of World War II, and improving Russo-French humanitarian ties, the report said.

The French national is a vocal critic of President Emmanuel Macron, whom he previously accused of “creating chaos” for the sake of personal power. He has also publicly stated that he would consider it an honor if he were granted Russian citizenship.

Via his eponymous foundation, Pierre de Gaulle advocates for better relations with Moscow, which he argues was part of his grandfather’s strategy for keeping France as a major player in international politics.

France has been bouncing between crises for the past few years. The latest was triggered by Macron’s refusal to nominate for prime minister Lucie Castets, the candidate of the New Popular Front (NFP) alliance, which won last month’s snap parliamentary election.

The president instead last week appointed Michel Barnier, a member of the center-right The Republicans (LR), who previously represented the EU in the Brexit negotiations with the UK. The French presidential system allows the head of state to choose anyone as head of government, although the choice traditionally reflects the composition of parliament.

Macron’s decision sparked protests on Sunday, with 110,000 people taking to the streets nationwide according to the Interior Ministry.

READ MORE: Thousands rally against new French prime minister (VIDEOS)

Charles de Gaulle was the leader of the French forces opposing Nazi Germany during World War II and the founder of country’s modern political system. He was the Fifth Republic’s first elected president, serving from 1958 to 1969, when he resigned after a major decentralization reform he proposed failed at a referendum.

Pierre is the youngest child of General de Gaulle’s only son, the late admiral and senator Philippe de Gaulle.