Sunday 13th of October 2024

dying in the dark....

On 6 October, the head of the president of the Lebanese Association of Social Medicine said Israel has been bombing the southern suburbs of Beirut using banned bombs with uranium warheads and called for collecting samples from the bombed sites to send to the UN as part of an international investigation.

President of the Lebanese Association of Social Medicine Raif Reda called for “collecting samples from the bombing sites and sending reports to the United Nations so the world can witness the bloody, criminal history of the Zionist enemy,” according to statements reported by the National News Agency (NNA).

Warheads made with depleted uranium casings are designed to penetrate deep fortifications, causing significant destruction and releasing toxic gases. They are also radioactive and have been linked to massive increases in cancer rates in Iraq following the US wars on that country in 1991 and 2003.

Lebanese newspaper L'Orient Today reports that Israeli air forces may have used depleted uranium bombs when its air force dropped 80 one-ton (2,000-pound) bombs on at least four residential buildings in Beirut's southern suburbs on 27 September to assassinate Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

The New York Times notes that a video released by the Israeli army showed that the warplanes that flew the mission to assassinate Nasrallah were each equipped with six US-made BLU-109 missiles.

L'Orient Today notes that according to a report from the US Naval Institute, the most common type of explosives inside these missiles are bombs classified as GBU-31.

“These guided munitions are known for their ability to penetrate heavily reinforced concrete or steel structures thanks to a casing made of depleted uranium (DU), used for its high density, which enhances the bombs' resistance upon ground impact,” the Lebanese newspaper added.

The Israeli air force has already been known to use these bombs in Gaza. A report submitted to the UN Human Rights Commission documented the drop of GBU-31, GBU-32, and GBU-39 bombs documented airstrikes by the Israeli air force carried out on residential buildings, a school, refugee camps, and a market between 9 October and 2 December 2023.

Depleted uranium munitions pose a risk to civilians years after a site is bombed because they release radioactive particles upon impact and contaminate the soil and surrounding environment.

It is well known that the US Air Force used depleted uranium warheads during both its wars in Iraq.

Researcher Souad al-Azzawi, an associate professor of environmental engineering at Canadian University Dubai and former director of the doctoral program in environmental engineering at the University of Baghdad, cites studies showing that children's leukemia cases increased by 60 percent between 1990 and 1997 and that birth defects tripled between 1990 and 1998 in Basra, Iraq. 

The US Air Force bombed Basra in response to Saddam Hussein's 1990 invasion of Kuwait. Al-Azzawi says that depleted uranium used during such conflicts is responsible for the rise in cancer and birth defects in the area.

Depleted uranium is one of the most widely discussed contaminants in relation to birth defects. The World Health Organization released a report in 2003 titled “Potential Impact of Conflict on Health in Iraq,” which suggested that depleted uranium might be related to reports of increased cancers, birth defects, reproductive health problems, and renal diseases in the Iraqi population since 2003.

The Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP) reported that depleted uranium may be among the causes of a massive spike in birth defects among children in Falluja, which US forces bombed heavily during battles with insurgents in April and November 2004.

MERIP noted that the Falluja Hospital's birth defects Facebook page, where medical staff cataloged cases, revealed numerous different congenital anomalies. Babies in Falluja are regularly born with hydrocephaly, cleft palates, tumors, elongated heads, overgrown limbs, short limbs, and malformed ears, noses, and spines.



greater jewish turds....

In a new documentary, Israeli minister Bezalel Smotrich detailed his desire to conquer not only all Palestinian territory to the Jordan River but also the Syrian capital of Damascus and territories extending as far as Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

Smotrich, the Finance Minister in the Israeli cabinet and head of the Religious Zionism party, made the comments in a recently released documentary entitled Israel: Extremists in Power. The documentary was produced by Arte Reportage, a Franco-German broadcast news magazine.

When asked about his goal, Smotrich tells the interviewer, “I want a Jewish state … It is a country run according to the values of the Jewish people.”

Israel currently controls territory from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River, including the Palestinian territories in the West Bank, which have been under Israeli military occupation since 1967.

Israel has been building illegal Jewish settlements on stolen Palestinian land in the West Bank ever since.

The interviewer then asked Smotrich whether he thought the borders of the Jewish state should extend past the Jordan River.

Smotrich responded by saying, “Absolutely, but slowly … Our great religious elders used to say that the future of Jerusalem was to extend as far as Damascus.”

The documentary narrator then added, “Bezalel Smotrich has a maximalist vision of the promised land. And it includes all Palestinian lands, but also territories in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Egypt. Even in Saudi Arabia. A radical vision admittedly, but one that is accepted in public debate in Israel.”

Since the beginning of the Gaza genocide in October 2023, many Israeli soldiers, media personalities, and politicians have made it clear they are fighting to conquer the enclave for the sake of building Jewish settlements there.

They say that Gaza must be destroyed and the 2.3 million Palestinian inhabitants of the strip forcibly expelled, whether to Egypt by land or Europe by boat, to allow for Jewish settlement.

The ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in northern Gaza is now underway, according to the so-called “general’s plan.”

Some soldiers make clear the additional goal of conquering Arab territory as far as Syria and Iraq as well by the patches they wear on their uniforms.

Many in Israeli society also look forward to conquering southern Lebanon and bulding Jewish settlements there. On 25 September, the Movement for Settlement in Southern Lebanon published a map with “the new Hebrew names for the settlements of Southern Lebanon,” based on the current names of the Lebanese towns and villages.

Jewish Currents reports that in the movement's worldview, “the Israeli settlement of southern Lebanon will begin with a war with Hezbollah – which they view not as a last resort barring a diplomatic solution, but as the only reasonable path forward.”

Political analyst James Dorsey notes that the movement claims a Biblical justification for the conquest of Lebanon in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 3, verse 25. As Moses appeals to God to allow him to enter the Promised Land, he asks, “Let me go over and see the good land beyond the Jordan – that fine hill country and Lebanon.”