Tuesday 15th of October 2024

painting landscapes with bombs....

The bombing of the Basque town of Guernica, in Spain, in 1937 “heralded a terrible new age of warfare” that, almost 90 years later, remains graphically notorious as a “wanton man-made holocaust”. Over the last twelve months, Israel has made exceptional progress towards crafting a similar enduring understanding of the hellscape it has created in Gaza.


From Guernica to Gaza    By Richard Cullen



The Spanish Civil War, fought primarily between Republican and Falangist-Fascist forces extended from 1936-1939. General Franco, leading the Falangist bloc, enjoyed powerful external backing from Hitler’s Nazi Germany and Mussolini’s Fascist Italy, while the Republican side enjoyed less forceful backing from Stalin’s USSR.

According to the LSE historian, Professor Paul Preston, Franco, “frustrated with the slowness of the advance” sought assistance from German airpower to use “terror bombing [on the Basque town of Guernica] to break the morale of the [enemy] civilian population”. The Chief of Staff of the German Condor Legion in Spain was a Prussian aristocrat, Colonel Wolfram von Richthofen – a cousin of the WWI, “Red Baron” air ace, Manfred von Richthofen. The Condor Legion lent conspicuous air power to the Falangists. Wolfram planned “the entire [Guernica] operation as an experiment in terror” and as an instructive, deadly rehearsal for the German use of air power in the anticipated major war with Britain and France.

As Preston explains, Guernica was a small but culturally important Basque town. It was essentially defenceless and, in particular, had no air defences. A crowded market day (April 26, 1937) was chosen for the attack to maximise casualties. New German fire-making incendiary bombs were used to create a fire storm in the town, which had many wooden buildings. The water supplies were bombed first to ensure the fires would spread without hindrance. Residents trying to escape from the town on foot were machine-gunned from lighter, circling aircraft. The toll of dead and injured – from a total population, including market visitors, of around 10,000 – was over 2,500.

Thanks to the courage and determination of journalists covering the incident, and especially George Steer, from The Times, graphic reports of this flagrant terror attack – read with horror worldwide – soon circulated.

Meanwhile, Pablo Picasso had been invited to contribute an artwork to the Spanish Pavilion at the 1937 World’s Fair in Paris. On May 1, after reading Steer’s harrowing report on April 29, Picasso, already appalled by the suffering of Spanish refugees, began work on what would become his most famous painting GuernicaThis large, extraordinary black and white painting has conveyed the essential inhuman horror of what happened in Guernica to every generation since. The painting hangs, today, in the Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid.



Hamas, the militarised radical political group (widely labelled as a terrorist organisation in the West) has run the Gaza enclave since 2007, after winning a Western-blessed election in 2006, much to the exasperation of Washington.

Over two years ago Gaza was described by Human Rights Watch as: “Israel’s open-air prison”. Gaza has also been described as a: “concentration camp where genocide is taking place“.

On October 7, 2023 a group of Hamas militants broke out of Gaza and launched an extremely violent attack in Southern Israel resulting in the death of around 1,200 (including over 800 civilians) and the taking of over 250 hostages.

Shortly after, France 24 observed that, “It’s payback time. After the unspeakable horrors perpetrated by Hamas, Israel is now in battle formation,” asking, “What does revenge look like?”.

We soon had an answer. Israel’s almost immediately launched a massive, military invasion of Gaza. It was an unambiguously enraged operation from the start. Since it began, the IDF, acting under increasingly rabid political direction, has created a hellscape across all of Gaza involving, colossal levels of deliberate destruction, month after month, of housing and every single aspect of infrastructure including, schools, hospitals and mosques – all of this shamelessly excused by claims to be hunting for Hamas militants.

The conservative estimated death toll, in a population of around 2.5 million, stands at over 40,000 with the majority being women and children. The Lancet credibly estimated, three months ago, that, in fact, a death toll of 186,000 or higher was likely. Oxfam now says that “more women, children have been killed by Israel in Gaza than in any other conflict in two decades

The number of deliberate, homicidal Israeli attacks on medical workers, aid workers, UN workers and journalists in Gaza is staggeringly high. In the midst of, “destroyed health-care infrastructure; severe shortages of food, water, and shelter; the population’s inability to flee to safe places; and the loss of funding to UNRWA” (as noted by The Lancet), Israel’s finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich argued in August that: “No one in the world will allow us to starve 2 million people, even though it might be justified and moral in order to free the hostages.”.



An Australian Jewish writer recently asked: “How can we, the Jewish people, celebrate the coming New Year when these psychopaths ruling Israel are laying the foundations for more hate, more death, more mayhem?.

Here is a sample of further acute commentary on where the maniacal Zionists now in charge have led Israel, especially since their latest unbridled assault on basic human values began in Gaza about a year ago :

In January, 2024, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) found that a plausible case could be made that Israel has committed genocide in Gaza. And in July, 2024, the ICJ found that “Israel’s presence in Palestinian territory [including the West Bank] is unlawful”.

Meanwhile, in May, 2024, the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor advised the ICC that it should issue arrest warrants for war crimes with respect to certain member of Hamas and the Israeli government, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Yoav Gallant.

Israel has treated all these international law decisions with unalloyed contempt. More recently, confirming their loathing of any international fact-based commentary which they find unacceptable, Israel has banned the UN Secretary-Generalfrom visiting.

Israel has made exceptional progress over the last 12 months in confirming its ranking as a pariah state. Outside of the US-led Global West it is, today, widely recognised as a depraved terrorist stateChris Hedges argued earlier this year that Israel is a settler-colonial state which has now destroyed itself.

As if to put this scandalous standing beyond any risk of fading, CNN recently reported how Israel has now launched another sickening war (preceded by horrific hi-tech terrorism) against Lebanon and its Hezbollah nemesis, with yet more war promised and its contempt for President Biden re-emphasised.

The comprehensive, homicidal horror Israel has visited on Gaza has not yet prompted a single crystalising artwork like Picasso’s Guernica. But round-the-clock, graphic video coverage is carrying the daily terrorising particulars, visited on over 2 million civilians, into worldwide homes, day after day.

How will the world see what has unfolded in Gaza (and beyond) in 20 or 100 years? There are visibly sound reasons to expect that, over time, Israel’s unyielding terror-blitz in Gaza may come to be understood as equalling or eclipsing the “wanton man-made holocaust” created in Guernica by a repulsive troika of fascist states in 1937. Moreover, the grievous complicity of the US (and its posse of feckless allies) in the Gaza genocide also looks well set to be acutely remembered.




a bit of anti-zion...


How Gaza Has Changed Everything

Text of a speech given to a live audience in September 2024.


[SEE ALSO: Warren Balogh of NJP (anti-semitic Nationalist Justice Party) and Emily Youcis on Hitler's affiliations with Pan-Arabist]




Let me start off with a disclaimer. I’m going to be speaking today very highly of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian cause. And I’m aware that I’m addressing a gathering of nationalists who are strongly opposed to mass Muslim migration into Europe. We all saw what happened in the UK a few months ago, and we all saw how the Palestinian flag was being used by the Muslims there—mostly by Pakistanis—as a symbol rallying against the St George’s Cross carried by the native English people.

We’re all sick of Muslims in Europe. And we all support the struggle of the English people, and all our European kinsmen, against the occupation of their cities and towns by invaders from the Muslim world. But none of this has anything to do with the struggle of the Palestinians in Gaza.

The Gazans are not all Muslim, for one thing: Israel treats Palestinian Christians just as harshly, and Israel has blown up churches—some of the oldest on Earth—just as indiscriminately as it has destroyed hundreds of mosques. The Palestinians also are obviously not the same people as British Pakistanis, for example, or Turks living in Germany, or North Africans living in France.

The Palestinians are mostly Levantine Arabs, and far from wanting to invade Europe, they are people who have endured the worst atrocities for decades precisely because they don’t want to leave their ancient homeland. They don’t want to go to Europe, or even to Egypt, because they love the native soil of their forefathers—and in fact their entire national consciousness is founded on this blood-and-soil connection.

Now before I talk about what happened on October 7th of last year, let’s talk about what didn’t happen. In the first place, October 7th wasn’t a terrorist attack. Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is fond of comparing October 7th to 9/11. In fact, he likes to say that Oct. 7th is the equivalent of twenty 9/11s. (I’ve never been sure whether he means the number of people killed relative to the total population, or that one Israeli life is worth 20 American lives).

But regardless, Oct. 7th was not a terrorist act—that is to say, an indiscriminate mass attack meant to kill as many civilians as possible. Forty babies weren’t, in fact, beheaded by Hamas. In fact, only two infants died on Oct. 7th, and it seems both of these were killed by Israel under its so-called Hannibal doctrine. There also were no mass rapes, in fact there were no rapes at all. This lie has been debunked over and over again, so often that the New York Times actually had to issue a rare retraction, but it continues to be repeated.

October 7th was, strictly speaking, a raid—to use military terminology. The target was a dozen or so Israeli military bases outside the fortified wall bordering Gaza. The objective was to capture Israeli military personnel and take them, as prisoners, back to the territory controlled by Hamas, to be exchanged for the release of some of the thousands of Palestinians being held in Israeli prisons. A large percentage of these Palestinian prisoners are held as “administrative detainees,” which means indefinitely incarcerated without charge, but nobody ever calls them “hostages.”

The political background on this raid, why it was launched, has to do with the condition of the people living in Gaza, their status under international law, and a very specific chain of events leading up to October 7th.

The Gaza Strip is an area of about 140 square miles populated by about 2 ½ million Palestinians, mostly refugees who were ethnically cleansed from the territory carved out to form the State of Israel in 1948. Gaza was under direct Israeli military occupation for decades after the 1967 Six-Day-War, and the Gaza Strip is still considered to be occupied by Israel under international law. In 2005 Israel withdrew from Gaza, and in the last free election held in Gaza, the people there elected Hamas over the corrupt Palestinian Authority.

It’s important to note that Hamas, although designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. government, is no more a terrorist organization than the Nordic Resistance Movement in Sweden, a pro-White political party which runs candidates in elections and was also recently declared a terrorist organization by Antony Blinken’s State Department. Hamas has been running the Gaza Strip as their elected government for almost 20 years: not only governing but providing social services such as food banks, quality schools and clinics. Hamas has a military wing, just like the United States government—and the only reason they aren’t a uniformed regular army like any other country is because the Palestinians are not allowed their own military under Israeli occupation.

When Hamas was elected, the Jews—as they are wont to do—decided they didn’t like the result of a democratic election and imposed a blockade on Gaza. This blockade has strangled Gaza for nearly 20 years, with Israel completely controlling the free movement of people, food, clothing, medicine into and out of the territory. This is the real reason for October 7th: the Palestinians there have been subjected by Israel to two decades of crushing collective punishment—and after the Abraham Accords normalized relations between Israel and some of its Arab neighbors—the fate of the Palestinians in Gaza appeared to be sealed. Their last peaceful spasm of protest was at the border during 2018-19, when thousands of Palestinian men, women and children non-violently demonstrated outside the wall surrounding Gaza in what was called the March of Return.

These protests went on for 18 months, but the world turned a blind eye as Israel not only completely ignored their pleas, but slowly and methodically subjected the protestors to terror and murder. 223 protestors were killed by Israel—including 46 children—and over 9,000 wounded in these peaceful, non-violent protests. Israeli snipers even made a game out of shooting Palestinians in the knees, crippling them for life. One Israeli sniper bragged that he broke the standing record for knee-shots in a single day, scoring 42 hits.

Those clearly marked as journalists and medical personnel were singled out for assassination, in flagrant defiance of all principles of humanity and international law. I will never forget when in June 2018, a beautiful young Palestinian nurse named Rouzan al-Najjar, who was known for courageously evacuating the wounded under live fire, was deliberately and fatally shot in the chest by an IDF sniper. She became a symbol for all the innocent lives lost during this time.

Perhaps these nonviolent protests, inspired by the example of Gandhi, and others who used peaceful protest during the decolonization struggles of the mid-20th century, failed because in the past those protests were supported by Jewish-dominated mass media, and that support was conspicuously lacking in this case.

In any event, it was the complete failure of these 18-month long non-violent protests to get any attention from the world, or move the needle one inch in terms of Israel loosening its brutal blockade, which directly led to October 7th. Hamas military leaders made the calculation that if Israel could not be moved by appeals to compassion or mercy, they would certainly respond to the need to free Palestinian prisoners in exchange for Israelis, as they had done in 2011 when Israel traded 1,026 Palestinian prisoners for the release of one captured IDF soldier.

So that was the military objective of the raid on Israel on October 7th of last year. The operation stunned Israel, which had become used to tormenting the Palestinians in Gaza like a caged animal, without any fear of retaliation or consequences. It absolutely smashed the myth of Israeli military invincibility and shattered the idea that Israel’s spy and security apparatus was so sophisticated that it could anticipate any threat. Israel was blindsided by the attack, and humbled before the world.

What has unfolded since then in Gaza has been, by far, the worst genocide of the 21st century. Israel responded with an unprecedented campaign of mass bombing and terror against the people of Gaza which shocked the world. Even hardened students of the history of Jewish hatred and vengefulness have been taken aback by the scale and scope of Israel’s barbarism. Netanyahu’s stated military objective was to destroy Hamas—but the obvious, unspoken goal of the campaign is to destroy Gaza, to make it unlivable and eventually to displace the Palestinians there, perhaps to Europe, so that the Gaza strip can be rebuilt and repopulated with Jews.

Right now the official death toll in Gaza stands at about 42,000 people. For those keeping track, that’s the equivalent of 1,735 9/11s—about 2% of Gaza’s prewar population. The actual number is surely higher, as the bodies of thousands of people are still buried in the rubble, their deaths unrecorded by the Gazan Health Ministry. The majority of those killed are women and kids. Last weekend the ministry released a list of confirmed names and ages of about 34,000 killed. The list is 649 pages long, the first 14 pages are babies.

On October 17th last year, the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in northern Gaza, founded in 1882 and the only Christian hospital in Gaza, was hit by a massive explosion which killed almost 500 people. This was a huge controversy at the time, but Israel claimed it was hit by a Hamas or Islamic Jihad rocket which had misfired. This explanation was accepted blithely by the Biden administration, and the so-called West. But by February of this year, it was reported that “every hospital in Gaza is either damaged, destroyed, or out of service due to lack of fuel.” According to the World Health Organization, as of this past June, Israel has attacked 464 health care facilities, killed 727 health care workers, injured 933 more, and damaged or destroyed 113 ambulances. One of the most recent examples of Israel’s targeting of aid workers was the precision killing of seven people from the World Central Kitchen, most of them Europeans. Their cars were clearly marked, they informed Israel of their route and coordinates, but their vehicles were nonetheless hit repeatedly in broad daylight, until all of them were killed.

The atrocities and war crimes committed by Israel since October 7th beggar the imagination. Israel recklessly used a simple AI program to generate lists for airstrikes on the homes of supposed Hamas officials and their families. They routinely target journalists and have killed at least 134 documenting the Gaza massacre, one of the highest numbers of journalists killed in any warzone on record.

By January, Around 1.9 million people—nine in 10 Gazans—were displaced at least once, including about 45,000 pregnant women. Over 70% of the Gaza Strip’s buildings have been destroyed or severely damaged. On July 29th, IDF soldiers released a video of themselves—set to Hebrew rap music—blowing up one of the last reservoirs providing drinking water to the civilians in Rafah. On July 31st Israel committed another war crime, violating the sovereign territory of another country by assassinating the leading cease-fire negotiator for the Palestinians in Gaza.

On August 7th, after horrific new revelations of mass rape and torture at Israel’s Sde Teiman prison camp, Israeli lawmakers and TV anchors responded by publicly making arguments in favor of the systematic mass sexual abuse of prisoners. And this week, Israeli Mossad took their diabolical ingenuity to a new level of grotesque horror, detonating thousands of personal electronic devices all over Lebanon, blowing off the fingers, faces and hands of thousands of people in civilian life.

Jews and Court Historians of World War 2 often describe the Holocaust as “the most documented genocide in history.” These same individuals, such as Deborah Lipstadt—who was confirmed by the US Senate on March 30, 2022 as the “Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism,” with the rank of Ambassador—deny a genocide in Gaza is even taking place, even though social media such as Twitter and Telegram are awash with thousands of pictures and videos of little children blown to bits, their limbs missing, their skulls blown out, their mangled bodies dangling from their parents’ arms like rag dolls.

There is more evidence of the abominable snowman than the gas chambers at Auschwitz—Gaza is CERTAINLY the most documented genocide in all of human history—but the position of these Jews is that calling Gaza a genocide amounts to antisemitism, and that we need laws banning it. No joke: the U.S. government is working to adopt the IHRA so-called “Working Definition of Antisemitism,” which includes anti-Zionism, as part of American Civil Rights law, meaning that anyone who expresses or allows anti-Zionism to be expressed in schools or workplaces could be sued or criminally penalized by the Justice Department for violation of Title 6 of the Civil Rights Act.

Israel is a rogue state, flagrantly committing genocide and war crimes as a matter of course. They’ve been able to get away with this because they enjoy the total, blanket protection of the United States and some European puppet regimes. Carl Schmitt wrote that the Exception to the Rule is the ultimate test of political power and reveals in whom that power is vested—the Exception reveals who is truly sovereign in a given state.

Israel brazenly violates every rule touted by the postwar U.S.-led “Rules-Based International Order.” We went into Iraq because Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction? He didn’t, but Israel possesses a totally illegal cache of nuclear weapons. Assad killed his own people? Israel killed hundreds of their own people on Oct. 7th under the Hannibal Directive. Putin assassinated his enemies? Israel uses assassination as standard practice, often wiping out whole families in their clumsy attempts to murder their political enemies. China commits human rights abuses? Israel detains thousands of people without trial in documented torture centers where they are subject to systematic sexual abuse and murder. Israel is sometimes called an Apartheid State, but in fact there is no comparison between the much-maligned former system of South African and the horrors committed by Israel. No sanctions. No condemnations. No calls for regime change.

We in this room all know why Israel is Carl Schmitt’s great exception to America’s Rules-Based International Order. But increasingly, the rest of the world knows it too.

Young people on college campuses recently got a big wake-up call. When Israel started its campaign of genocide, thousands of young people all across America and the West took to their campuses and the streets to protest. Some of them, perhaps, formerly participated in Black Lives Matter protests in recent years, or they were at least aware of the example set: that when there was an injustice done to Black or Brown people by a perceived oppressor, it was okay to show up and protest about it.

What happened earlier this year was something we haven’t seen in America in decades. It was the largest college protests since the Civil Rights era, but again, the Great Exception: this time the protests weren’t welcomed by the media and campus officials. This time the schools and the police swept in and dealt with the protestors about the same as Jewish mayors Michael Bloomberg and Rahm Emmanuel did with Occupy Wall Street protestors in New York City and Chicago: they simply crushed them with brute force.

Actually, the treatment some of these protestors got was nearly identical to what many of us in the Alt Right experienced in 2017-18. On the UCLA campus, for example, on the nights of April 30-May 1st, pro-Palestinian campus protestors were brutally attacked by mobs of Zionists armed with clubs, pipes and brass knuckles as the police stood by and watched. This went on for hours, and it was later confirmed that many of the Zionist thugs were not students, but adult men who were in many cases duel citizens of Israel and even members of the IDF!

In something straight out of the Charlottesville playbook, the police not only stood by and watched, but then later the next day, the police themselves charged into the pro-Palestinian protestors, smashing them with riot shields, spraying them with chemical agents and rubber bullets at point-blank range. Unlike the BLM protestors, these young people were entirely nonviolent. They were truly peaceful protestors, simply occupying space, but they were ruthlessly crushed by coordinated attacks by irregular bands of armed, masked thugs and the organized brutality of heavily armed riot police.

Something else that’s been happening since the war began is Jews, on both sides, have been engaged in systematic gatekeeping and polluting of narratives. On the right, so-called “patriot” Jews like Ben Shapiro try to make support for Israeli genocide as a litmus test for being pro-America, a phenomenon that reached such absurd extremes at the RNC that Congressman Andy Barr declared to journalist Michael Tracey: “Being pro-Israel is America First.” But on the Left, Jewish activists, such as those associated with the organization Jewish Voices for Peace, make sure that the Palestinian cause is always associated with burning American flags, supporting BLM, trans rights, and all the things obnoxious and hated by normal White Americans.

Jews on both sides do everything to polarize the issue along a neat Left-Right split, playing into culture war divisions among White people they themselves have nurtured—and they are aided in this by their dupes and paid agents among the goyim, such as Tommy Robinson in England, who declared the reason English people were out protesting with St. George’s flags was because they were opposed to Hamas!

Another example is AOC, the congresswoman from the Bronx whose “support” for Palestinians is wrapped up inseparably with advocacy for open-borders migration, gay rights and anti-White hate.

But with even all the lies, obfuscations, denials, victim-blaming and intelligence ops, Israel and world Jewry have lost the battle of public opinion. Even in the United States, for the first time ever, majorities of young people—including right-wing Whites—are rejecting U.S. support for Israel and, more importantly, are aware of the evil effects of Jewish power.

You see, this isn’t like the Iraq War, when the Jewish neocons were able to hide behind the Bush administration and drag America into a war against one of Israel’s regional enemies without most Americans knowing how or why. In 2003, the great Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mahathir, said: “the Jews rule the world by proxy, they get others to fight and die for them.” He was right on the money, but most Americans didn’t realize it at the time. This time, the Jews are having to rely more and more on themselves.

They’re right in the spotlight, and the whole world is seeing them for what they are: a people without honor, a race of gangsters and murderers, an international criminal syndicate who control the hated puppet regimes of the West through bribery, blackmail, threats and extortion. AIPAC recently spent $100 million buying off American elections, a drop in the bucket compared with the total amount in spending and earned media by Jewish billionaires and their stooges in U.S. politics, but such naked buying-off of American politicians was noted by all. Election interference? Add that to the list of Israel’s Great Exceptions.

Facts about the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty are becoming widely known. The connection between Jewish billionaire donors and top politicians in the Democrat and Republican parties, including both presidential nominees, are all out in the open. It’s very likely that President Biden’s entire re-election campaign was a casualty of the Gaza war. Young people saw the same President who campaigned on fighting racism and hate eagerly endorsing, shielding, protecting, defending and funding the worst war crimes ever captured on video. Scranton Joe became Genocide Joe—this will be his legacy.

His cabinet is a veritable junta of anti-White Hebrews: Alejandro Mayorkas with his Great Replacement policies; Merrick Garland, the former Janet Reno disciple who brought Cheka-style secret police tactics and ideology to the Justice Department and the FBI; Antony Blinken as America’s top diplomat, with his open allegiance—“as a Jew”—to Israel. Yet his Jewish advisors and allies were the first ones to toss him in the gutter when he outlived his usefulness, and this self-styled champion of “democracy” was undemocratically replaced on the ticket in what was effectively a Jewish coup.

U.S. military priorities, which were supposedly focused on Putin first, and China second, have shifted strategically in a way that also exposes the Great Exception to the world. Zelensky, formerly the darling of Washington’s ruling elite, was left high and dry with a munitions shortage against Russia as the U.S. redirected everything to Israel so Netanyahu could keep pounding high-rises and civilian infrastructure. In the last few months, the U.S. redirected so much support to shield Israel from possible retaliation for its terrorist attacks on its neighbors, that the South China Sea was actually left without a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier group: both the USS Theodore Roosevelt and USS Abraham Lincoln were moved to the Middle East.

Apparently protecting Taiwan is not as important as making sure Netanyahu can keep dismembering babies. And speaking of Netanyahu, did any of you see his recent address to the Joint Session of Congress? After seeing that, I realized “ZOG” isn’t an epithet—it’s a descriptive term. The worst war criminal of the 21st century got such an overwhelmingly gushing response from the bought-and-paid-for representatives of the regime, it was almost cartoonish. Nearly five minutes of rapturous applause as he entered. Almost 50 standing ovations in the course of his speech. I cannot overemphasize how this kind of spectacle has undermined U.S. soft power and moral credibility in the world. The reverberations of this will be felt for decades to come. The whole system of Western democracy is being discredited by the extreme double standard of America’s Great Exception.

Jewish power in the West is being lit up like a Christmas tree. The nepotistic, tribalistic networks of Jewish power are being seen clearly by everyone, and they can’t be unseen. This growing realization is being piled onto the increasing malaise throughout the West, the ever-increasing gap between what “we the people” want—and what we get after every election. In the past few years more and more people have noticed that no matter who they vote for, their lives just keep getting worse. But now, more and more people are also noticing that no matter who they vote for, Jews stay in power.

Young people are seeing that the same Jews pushing mass non-White migration in the West in the name of tolerance and diversity, invoke the genocidal precedent of “Amalek” to justify killing the women and children of all their enemies. Repeatedly, Jews like Alan Dershowitz have cited the Allied war crimes in World War 2, such as the firebombing of Dresden and Hamburg or the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as examples for why Israel is morally right to bomb civilians in Gaza—but all this does is draw focus to the moral illegitimacy of the Allies—and with it, of the entire postwar order. And as outrageous Jewish lies have been repeatedly debunked about atrocity stories on October 7th… more and more people are starting to wonder what other atrocities they’ve been lying about.

I want to close with two quotes. The first is from Voltaire, and it’s one of the best quotes about Jews ever written. He said the Jewish nation shows “an irreconcilable hatred against all nations; it revolts against all masters. Always superstitious, always greedy of the well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous—cringing in misfortune and insolent in prosperity.”

I don’t think ever in the history of mankind has this been more on display, and the implications of it—not only for Israel and the United States, but for the future existence of the White race—are profound. Paradigms and narratives that underpin the whole power structure of the anti-White ruling world order are being shifted and disrupted so fast, we are only beginning to see the consequences.

The second quote is from Hitler, who already in 1923 could foresee the future function and ultimate purpose of Zionism. He said: “It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.”

This is exactly what Israel became, and after Hitler’s defeat they grew more powerful than they’ve ever been—but this centralization of world Jewish power is also creating a world backlash like nothing we’ve ever seen. I believe that, like so often in Jewish history—including after their successful crucifixion of Christ—they will end up as the victims of their own success.

And for our people, Whites of European descent, this will mean a future opportunity to reverse our condition greater than anything any of us have experienced in our lifetimes.
