Sunday 20th of October 2024

israhell does not make mistakes, lebanon included......

Israel succeeded in what it is good at destroying, killing children and women and assassinating leaders, in killing Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar. But the Israelis are only deceiving themselves if they think that through their crimes, they can accomplish success for their colonial project and force the Palestinian people to surrender.


Will Israel learn from its history or be doomed to repeat its mistakes?    By Ali Kazak


Since its establishment in Palestine in 1948, Israel has committed hundreds of massacres, killing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, ethnically cleansing over seventy per cent of the Palestinian people, destroying 530 villages and towns, and now the entire Gaza strip, it has poisoned Fatah and PLO leader Yasser Arafat, assassinated his deputy Khalil al-Wazir in Tunisia, killed Hamas founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, Ismael Haniyeh, and assassinated dozens of other Palestinian leaders; but Israel did not achieve victory and did not advance its colonial project an iota.

If Israel could not force the Palestinian people to surrender in 1948, when they were weak and displaced, it would not be able to do so today when they are stronger, more numerous and organised.

The more crimes Israel commits, the more determined the Palestinian people are to continue their struggle to liberate their homeland and achieve their legitimate rights to the return of refugees to their cities and exercise their right to self-determination in their homeland, and new leaders will emerge to lead their march towards freedom.

Israeli arrogance, Western hypocrisy and appeasement of this sadistic monster that it created, armed and protects to serve its interests in the Arab world will only bring more wars, bloodshed and instability in the Middle East and the world at large.

While the US and some Western governments say they support a two states solution instead of holding Israel accountable, for its crimes and systematic violations, they reward it.

The US cannot hide from its complicity and partnership in Israel’s war crimes against the Palestinian and Arab people and destabilisation of the Middle East, which are being conducted with American weapons, financial assistance, political support and protection.

The United States continues to arm Israel to the teeth with the deadliest weapons it produces and finance its budget with around 24 billion US dollars this year alone.

Without this blind and unconditional support, Israel would not dare to challenge the international community, breach international law and resolutions, and continue with its occupation, violations, and crimes. This hypocrisy and double standard is the main reason behind the feeling of animosity and hatred from the international community towards the United States and some other countries.

The influence of the Israeli lobby over the US and other Western governments, especially Britain, Canada, and Australia, has become so powerful that their governments and main opposition parties are captive to it and compete with each other in showing their support for Israel to please its lobby and gain its approval, to the extent of often putting Israel’s interests above their own countries’ national interests and above international law.

The Palestinians have the right to fight for their freedom and independence. Israel, like all colonialists and occupiers, has no right to defend its occupation and an apartheid regime.

No honest person can blame the Palestinians for the conflict and collapse of the peace process, which the Israeli government turned into a process without peace. Occupation, oppression, ethnic cleansing, the building of colonies and apartheid are not the fault of Palestinians.

If Israel and its Western protectors are keen for peace and security and do not want the October 7 operation or even worse to be repeated again, they must learn from history and their experience with the Palestinian people and the fate of all colonialists and apartheid regimes and recognise the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people to return, self-determination, and equality.

The Palestinian people will not surrender; they are here to stay and achieve their rights no matter how long it takes and what the sacrifices are. Their history is full of invasions, from the Greeks and Romans to the Crusaders. They only remained in the dark pages of Palestine’s history. The current Zionist invasion will meet the same fate.

The Palestinian people, like all people, are entitled to have the right to live in freedom, peace and security in their homeland. The sooner Israel recognises this reality, the better for everyone.



playing victim....

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused the Iranian-backed armed group Hezbollah of attempting to kill him and his wife after his vacation home was targeted by a drone launched from Lebanon.

On Saturday morning, three UAVs loaded with explosives were spotted flying towards the coastal town of Caesarea in northern Israel. Two drones were intercepted by the Israel Defense Force (IDF), while a third one exploded near the PM’s private residence. Netanyahu and his wife were not home during the attack, and there were casualties on the ground. 

While Hezbollah did not claim responsibility for the strike in Caesarea, the pro-Palestinian group announced new attacks on north and central Israel on Saturday, according to Al Jazeera.

In a message on X, Netanyahu issued a strongly worded warning to Hezbollah and its allies in Tehran. “The attempt by Iran’s proxy Hezbollah to assassinate me and my wife today was a grave mistake,” the PM said, adding that the attack “will not deter me or the State of Israel from continuing our just war against our enemies in order to secure our future.”

I say to Iran and its proxies in its axis of evil: anyone who tries to harm Israel’s citizens will pay a heavy price,” he continued. The PM pledged to rescue the remaining Israeli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza and to facilitate the safe return of Israeli residents to the border areas with Lebanon, which have frequently come under Hezbollah fire.

“Israel is determined to achieve all our war objectives and change the security reality in our region for generations to come,” he concluded.

Some 70,000 Israelis have been forced to flee their homes due to Hezbollah attacks since October 2023. The IDF intensified airstrikes in Lebanon last month, killing several high-ranking Hezbollah operatives, including the group’s longtime leader, Hassan Nasrallah. Overall, more than 2,000 people have been killed during Israeli strikes in Lebanon, according to the country’s Health Ministry.

On Friday, Hezbollah announced that its military confrontation with the Jewish State was entering “a new and escalatory phase.” The group vowed to continue firing rockets and drones across the border in solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza, where Israel has been waging a war against Hamas for over a year.