Friday 25th of October 2024

going with the media flotsam...

According to physicists, the two existential (live-or-die) policy-issues are to prevent a World War Three (WW3) — a war between nuclear superpowers, which would kill-off more than half of the global population within two years after the explosions — and to prevent runaway heat-up of our climate.


How News-media Hide (Not Report) the Most Important Issues




Both outcomes (WW3 and gobal burnout) have been becoming increasingly likely during the past few decades (and WW3 as an outcome of the war in Ukraine is higher than it ever was during the Soviet era, it’s reached criticality), but the mainstream news media in the U.S. and its colonies (‘allies’) don’t focus on either of them, because the U.S. Government itself (which all of these media adhere to, regardless of whether they are Republicans or Democrats) is leading the world toward both of these mega-destructive outcomes. Consequently, in a ‘democracy’ which controls its public by controlling what its media report and don’t report to their public, keeping the population ignorant or else misinformed about each of these two mega-dangers is a top priority to achieve — and it is being very effectively done. (This prevents even the possibility of having a real democracy in these countries.)

For example, on October 9th, the Gallup polling organization headlined “Economy Most Important Issue to 2024 Presidential Vote”, and asked Americans to rank the importance of 22 public issue-areas. The public’s importance-rankings of the offered 22 items were: 1. The economy; 2, Democracy in U.S.; 3. Terrorism and national security; 4. Types of Supreme Court justices candidates would pick; 5. Immigration; 6. Education; 7. Healthcare; 8. Gun policy; 9. Abortion; 10. Taxes; 11. Crime; 12. Distribution of income and wealth in the U.S.; 13. The federal budget deficit; 14. Foreign affairs; 15. Situation in Middle East between Israelis and Palestinians; 16. Energy policy; 17. Relations with Russia; 18. Race relations; 19. Relations with China; 20. Trade with other nations; 21. Climate change; 22. Transgender rights.

Avoiding a WW3 wasn’t listed among the offered options, though some of the 22 topics are related to it: 3. Terrorism and national security; 14. Foreign affairs; 17. Relations with Russia; 19. Relations with China. So, the top existential concern (WW3) wasn’t even listed, at all, and therefore wasn’t able to be ranked there. And the second-from-top (but perhaps in the long term even the #1) existential concern, “21. Climate change,” ranked second-to-last.

This shows that the few people who control the U.S. don’t want the public to be thinking much about either WW3 or a heating planet. Whereas the billionaires — such as the Soros Network —  who fund the Democratic Party and control liberal newsmedia, want the public not to be thinking about the danger of WW3, and are perhaps invested mainly in ‘Defense’ stocks such as Lockheed Martin, which boom from all of this ‘defense’ spending; the billionaires — such as the Koch Network — who fund the Republican Party and control conservative newsmedia, want the public not to be thinking about the dangers of global warming, and are perhaps invested mainly in fossil-fuels stocks such as ExxonMobil, which suffer from all of this public concern about global-warming; so, those issues are not high-priority ones for America’s voters. The combined effect of both the Democratic and the Republican billionaires is to eliminate from being nominated, anyone who has no billionaire backing that candidate; and, so, only candidates who have at least some billionaires backing them, have a chance of being elected to federal office.

There was only one U.S. Presidential candidates’ debate, between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, on September 10th, and the key question wasn’t asked: “Might it be worth a preemptive blitz nuclear attack against Russia &/or China if that’s what’s needed in order for the U.S. to retain its position as the most powerful nation?” I had emailed it personally to the main moderator, David Muir, seven hours before the debate, while the questions-list was being drawn up; but this, the most important of all questions to be put to the two nominees, wasn’t asked nor at all touched upon; and, so, Americans will go to the polls ignorant of what the answers by Harris and Trump would have been to it. Maybe the electoral contest would have been significantly different if it had been asked. But the people who ultimately control the U.S. Government are clearly not interested in having that question be, at all, an issue in this political contest; so, it isn’t.

PS: If you like this article, please email it to all your friends or otherwise let others know about it. None of the U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media will likely publish it (nor link to it, since doing that might also hurt them with Google or etc.). I am not asking for money, but I am asking my readers to spread my articles far and wide, because I specialize in documenting what the Deep State is constantly hiding. This is, in fact, today’s samizdat.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


