Sunday 12th of January 2025

too many bosses .....

too many bosses .....

Costello launches ad attacking Labor's union links

Federal Treasurer Peter Costello has launched a new advertising campaign attacking the number of Labor party frontbenchers with union links.

It signals that the Coalition will attack Labor's union links throughout the election campaign.

Mr Costello released a television advertisement that shows a long line of senior Labor figures and lists their union backgrounds.

Costello Launches Ad Attacking Labor's Union Links

Abbott, the union Mr Fix-it

Abbott admission fuels union debate

In a new twist in the debate over Federal Labor's union ties, Liberal frontbencher Tony Abbott has described his background in the union movement.

Mr Abbott has come out saying he used the support of a union when he was a journalist.

"I was a union member for a while when I was a journalist, I was a member of the Australian Journalists' Association," he said.

"In fact I moved a resolution to go on strike one day after consolidated press management sacked the whole photographic department."

The Labor Party has since seized on Mr Abbott's admissions amongst intense scrutiny from the Coalition in a recently unveiled advertising campaign.

Labor's health spokeswoman Nicola Roxon says Mr Abbott's union background highlights how silly the advertisements are.

Costello lies

Costello admits wrongly naming 'union officials'

Treasurer Peter Costello has admitted that the Coalition wrongly named some Labor MPs as former union officials in a recent advertisement.