Tuesday 28th of January 2025

the natives were driven out or destroyed by divine right.......


“I do hold the view that the luckiest thing that happened to this country was being colonised by the British,” he said. “Not that they were perfect by any means, but they were infinitely more successful and beneficent colonisers than other European countries.” – John Howard, October 26, 2023.


The lucky Aborigines    By Humphrey McQueen


In confirmation of our erstwhile prime minister’s perspicuity, there follows an extract from a venturer’s Memorial from the late 1720s to his Majesty, the Hanoverian George II.

But I had another reason which made me less forward to enlarge His Majesty’s dominions by my discoveries. To say the truth, I had conceived a few scruples with relation to the distributive justice of princes upon those occasions. For instance, a crew of pirates are driven by a storm they know not wither, at length a boy discovers land from the topmast, they go on shore to rob and plunder, they see an harmless people, are entertained with kindness, they give the country a new name, they take formal possession of it for their king, they set up a rotten plank or a stone for a memorial, they murder two or three dozen of the natives, bring away a couple more by force for a sample, return home, and get their pardon. Here commences a new dominion acquired with a title by divine right. Ships are sent with the first opportunity, the natives driven out or destroyed, their princes tortured to discover their gold, a free license given to all acts of inhumanity and lust, the earth reeking with the blood of its inhabitants: and this execrable crew of butchers employed in so pious an expedition, is a modern colony sent to covert and civilise an idolatrous and barbarous people.

But this description, I confess, does by no means affect the British nation, who may be an example to the whole world for their wisdom, care, and justice in planting colonies; their liberal endowments for the advancement of religion and learning; their choice of devout and able pastors to propagate Christianity; their caution in stocking their provinces with people of sober lives and conversations from this the mother kingdom; their strict regard to the distribution of justice, in supplying the civil administration through all their colonies with officers of the greatest abilities, utter strangers to corruption; and to crown all, by sending the most vigilant and virtuous governors, who have no other views than the happiness of the people over whom they preside, and the honour of the King their master.

To know the name of the Irish cleric who served as amanuensis for this seafarer is its own reward.







         Gus Leonisky





high talk....


A Long Rant – Against Britain’s Neo-Colonial Crookery & Hypocritical Obstinacy    Posted by ABPUNCH    DECEMBER 28, 2019 

If there arises an opportunity to pontificate on the sanctity of international law and human rights, the British never resist the urge to jaw-jaw and bow-wow. That world must be ideally run, as per the UN Charter, and everyone must follow basic principles of justice in the interest of peace and harmony, and that the U.K. stands with everyone fighting for life, liberty and equality and a whole lot of more such baloney is the standard fare dished out  . What follows customary lip service to such matters at hand might be casual mentions or lengthy harangues about the British respect for and contribution to modern  jurisprudence and framing of the international order , and  towards the progress of humanity. All this etiquette sounds very impressive and the performance virtuoso, when Britain is not an interested party, in which case, the mask of the old imperialist falls and one comes face to face with the worst of colonial offenders in the modern world- a shameless hypocrite of a country which cannot just shed its old imperial skin and accord respect to global institutions.


The British refusal to transfer the control of Chagos Islands to the Mauritius, even in the face of an adverse ICJ ruling in February 2019 and the end of a six-month   UN deadline in November 2019 , betrays their arrogant mindset . Both the ICJ and UNGA have accepted the position of Mauritius that the Chagos Islands were forcibly severed (forced to sell to UK for 3 Million Pounds) from them in 1965 as a sort of precondition for independence (which was granted in 1968) . As such the UK should now vacate their claim over the islands and recognise the sovereignty of Mauritius . But the British continue to maintain that Chagos Islands  are a part of BIOT (British Indian Ocean  Territory) which has been under British sovereignty since 1814 , and hence there is no question to abide by the above rulings .



Britain evicted about 2,000 people from the Archipelago in the 1960s and 1970s to make way for a huge US military base on Diego Garcia, which played a key strategic role in the Cold War , and during the US bombing campaigns against Afghanistan and Iraq in the 2000s. In 2016, Britain renewed a lease agreement with the US for the use of Diego Garcia until 2036. Mauritius has declared that it shall continue to allow Washington to operate the base even if it resumed control over the islands, so even this strategic compulsion cannot be cited as the reason for the British intransigence . UK insists it shall return the islands to the Mauritius once its defence purposes are served. The islands are located at a distance of  6000 miles from London , so it must be the Empire’s defence that they must be concerned about.


It is through these legal-sounding elaborate fictions like British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) , British Antarctic Territory (BAT) and 12 such other ( Falklands, Gibraltar, Cayman Is, British Virgin Is, Anguilla, Bermuda, Monserrat, Akrotiri and Dekhelia etc.)  outposts which  comprise the BOT (British Overseas Territories) that the  UK runs its neo-colonial racket. BOT are remnants of the Empire that have either not been granted independence or have voted to remain British territories. They do not form a part of the UK. Most of the permanently inhabited territories are internally self-governing, with the UK retaining responsibility for external relations and defence . Three are inhabited only by a transitory population of military or scientific personnel. They all share the Queen as their Head of State (sovereign) . Most of these territories are either military installations/outposts/bases , or tax havens ( Bermuda, Cayman, Gibraltar, Virigin Islands).


Devious motives behind insistence for retaining the  sovereignty of such territories cannot be hidden inside the cloak of legal paperwork, and paying lip service to self-determination.  The populations in these ‘colonies’ have been forcibly altered as a precursor or as a result of colonial occupation of long years . Inhabitants of most of the BOT are given the British Passport and that explains the continued love and loyalty towards the UK.


The Anglo-Dutch forces occupied GIBRALTAR, located at the tip of Iberian Peninsula in 1704. Most of the native Spanish/Iberian population was soon  forced out . By the Treaty of Utrecht 1713, Gibraltar was ceded to Britain in perpetuity. That Britain still controls the vital  Strait of Gibraltar, which connects Atlantic Ocean with the Mediterranean Sea, and is physically adjacent to Spain but lies 1000 miles from London, is a travesty . UK has the legal backing of two referendums , held in 1967 and 2002. But whole the population has been settled under the good offices of Britain after the original was cast away , and is further beholden by the lure of British Passport, hence bound to be partisan in their favour. But how must this affect the Iberian pride and sense of security is anyone’s guess ! Spain does protest, but it does not have China’s clout to frighten Britian.


The self-determination principle has been utilised by UK in maintaining sovereignty over FALKLAND Islands as well. The same model as Gibraltar was followed . After reasserting their control over the islands in 1833, Britain threw out  local Argentine officials and settlers (fewer than 100), and settled some of their own. The population was a paltry 287 in 1851, which has now become 3400 strong . 99.7 percent of these immigrants voted in 2013 in favour of remaining a part of the BOT. Argentina and UK fought a brief war over Falklands in 1982. In 1983, Falklanders were made British citizens.  The islands are located just 250 miles from the coast of Argentina, but are 8000 miles from London.


But it is not as if UK has absolute faith in the primacy of  self-determination principle over the logic of territorial proximity to justify continued sovereignty. Facing a  mighty, aggressive, resurgent China in the 1980s , the British deserted 65 lakh British Hong Kong citizens (now 85 lakh) to Chinese mercy ,who are locked in an epic struggle for democracy even as we speak. How the British came to occupy Hong Kong in the first place is a shameful chapter of their colonial history, how they fled with their tails between their legs is the greatest modern example of abdication of responsibility of towards their own citizens. Was any plebiscite/referendum conducted to ascertain the wishes of the people ? What happened to the principle of self-determination ? U.K. never feels obliged to admit to their grand betrayal of the people of Hong Kong.


One cannot define sovereignty only in terms of nationhood in today’s time. Because of their imperial –colonial endeavours, the British and other European powers did populate certain regions across the world with their people (ethnic and religious proximity) who continue to  populate those ‘colonies’ ever since. If the wishes of immigrants, neo-converts and historical left-overs become the sole criteria to decide sovereignty, peace and security in  many developing nations might come under under pressure.


The British make it their business to croak about internal issues of other democratic countries. The temptation to go oral is irresistible on Kashmir . Perhaps the Raj considers Partition as half-finished business, and Pakistan their illegitimate child. Or maybe after half a century of crookery, hypocrisy and shamelessness, duplicity comes naturally to the modern Brits. They raise hue and cry over Kashmir, Chechnya and Myanmar, but never quite explain their historical record in Chagos Islands , Hong Kong, Falklands, Gibraltar and other BOTs. British pay lip service to  Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Palestine , but bring out their finest oratorical skills while describing veritable revolts in India or Russia. If only this neo-colonial power had conducted itself like it preaches, the world would have been a much better and safer place, and would have seen a lot bloodshed in the past four centuries.

But alas, with the British, all you get is high talk, and hypocrisy.





Terra nullius

Terra nullius is today used as a catch-all phrase to explain how Australia was founded; to justify and legitimise the dispossession, dispersal, and inhumane treatment of First Nations peoples. This Latin term means “land belonging to no one”, which has been interpreted as a complete absence of people and additionally the absence of “civilised” people capable of land ownership.[1]

The Proclamation of NSW Governor Richard Bourke in 1835 implemented the legal principle of terra nullius in Australian law as the basis for British settlement. This was 47 years after the arrival of the First Fleet. Terra nullius was overturned in the High Court of Australia’s Mabodecision in 1992, which recognised Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ continuing connection and rights to land through Native Title.

Did you know?

A treaty is a binding agreement between two or more states or sovereign powers. It is usually reached after a period of negotiation. Australia is the only major Commonwealth country (referring to British settler colonial countries) in the world that does not have a treaty with its First Nations peoples.[2]

Dhari 1907

The dhari is a traditional headdress from Mer (also known as Murray Island in Queensland). This was the homeland which Eddie Koiki Mabo fought court cases to establish that First Nations peoples had legal rights to their traditional lands in the form of Native Title. The High Court of Australia’s decision in Mabo v Queensland (No. 2) was handed down on 3rd June 1992, following many years in the Australian legal system. Sadly, the verdict was passed after the death of Mabo. However, his legacy continues to live on strong through the setting of legal precedent. We celebrate the High Court of Australia overturning terra nullius in this important court decision on Mabo Day every year on 3rd June, as part of National Reconciliation Week.

The dhari is a significant object for Torres Strait Islander people. It is worn by men in dance and ceremony and is the central symbol on the Torres Strait Islander Flag. The flag was designed by the late Bernard Namok of Thursday Island.

Invasion Day 2011, 2018

The invasion of Sydney by the First Fleet in 1788 has meaning for all Aboriginal peoples. The event marks the beginning of dispossession and genocidal practices that continue to have devastating effects on First Nations peoples today.[3] Uncle Gordon Syron has painted the First Fleet coming through the heads of Sydney Harbour over 600 times. Although it was 153 years before Uncle Gordon’s birth, and many hundreds of kilometres from his traditional Country, he knows that this event is connected to his lived experience as an Aboriginal person today.

I want to show the negative “feelings of the Aboriginal people, the truth is the way it was. The white master race came and took our land and did not even have the courtesy to ask us or buy it. They said we weren’t even human beings when they claimed our land as ‘terra nullius’. British law is alright for the British but Aboriginal law, customs, language … have been around a lot longer than ‘British law’.Uncle Gordon Syron, Worimi, Birpai, 2009.







         Gus Leonisky