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four years
2020 is a revelation still unfolding. It harshly schooled everyone who endured it. Five years later, what have those with eyes to see learned? Most of it is frightening, but some is hopeful. 2020 taught us that, despite (or because of?) the lengthiest state-mandated “education” in human history, our fellow citizens are extremely ignorant of natural rights and history, and of what conditions fertilize totalitarianism. It taught us that not just German Nazis, Soviet Communists, and Chinese Communists will herd innocent people into camps, but also allegedly democratic nations such as Australia, Germany, and New Zealand. It taught us that approximately half of American “Democrats,” and a minority but still too-big chunk of “Republicans,” would also support throwing people who disagree with them in camps. 2020 taught us that most of our public officials are feckless hirelings who’d throw your grandma into isolation to die, not sword-wielding warriors who stand guard fearlessly against rabid wolves. It taught us leftist conspiracy theorists ran our country, and they can trot out regime-change street rioters to get their way. It’s difficult to feel a community spirit when you realize some third to half of your neighbors would, if instigated by enough cellphone fear porn, tie you down and stick a needle of God knows what into your arm or consign you to indefinite house arrest. The same people who freaked out about sensationalized tales of police brutality in 2020 pushed to impose police brutality upon all dissenters, good and hard. All that requires that situation to arise again is similar propaganda conditions. Many of those are still present, and the parts that have been lifted are just one presidency away from being reimposed via executive order. No wonder Congress and corporate media’s favorability ratings are in the sewer. We are not out of these woods yet — not by a long stretch. Has there been accountability for those who psychopathically brutalized the entire world? Not even close. Without a reckoning, it can and will happen again. Trump’s re-election could be the beginning of a reckoning. Several of his appointments saddle the victims of monstrous federal agencies up to ride them. Notably, in this domain, there’s Robert F. Kennedy as Health and Human Services secretary, and likely Jay Bhattacharya as director of the National Institutes for Health, censorship foe John Sauer as U.S. solicitor general, and Marty Makary as U.S. Food and Drug Administration commissioner. Whether they will tame these buckers or be thrown off into the rodeo stands is yet to be seen. Trump’s re-election could end the constitutional culture war of the last half-century by brokering a new societal consensus that presidents including Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama promised and failed to deliver. But Trump’s re-election could also be the next upturn in a pitching see-saw of chaos. The tea leaves are there to read both outcomes into the future. Trump’s coalition is multiracial and middle class. It represents a broad consensus among Americans on long D.C.-ignored issues such as national economic and defense interests, gender confusion and family life, the social safety net, immigration, and America’s wealthiest getting rich by enslaving the rest of us rather than benefitting the rest of us. Its humorous challenges to political correctness are forming an attractive counterculture. Similar conditions, however, were present for presidents such as Nixon, Reagan, and Obama. Wildly popular at his inauguration, Nixon was taken out by what now looks like the CIA. The unconstitutional, anti-American bureaucracy only grew under Reagan. And Obama swiftly dashed American hopes of finally transcending outdated race politics by instead sharpening the once-blunted wedge issue into a razor. Plus, the American people and our institutions are in much worse shape than in those earlier presidencies. Our human and economic capital is mortgaged beyond any level ever seen in human history. Half of Americans take a prescription drug. We’re following other Western countries off the demographic cliff. We owe Baby Boomers more than they earned in elder-welfare, and it’s far more than we spend on an aging and corrupt military-industrial complex that insists on fighting losing wars against the American interest. The rising generation, the most medicated and diagnosed in American history, was permanently damaged even more by school shutdowns, meaning they have to pay for other people’s benefits — not even their own! — while being deprived of the capacity to do so. Most of the same people who should have known this would happen still control all the public schools and public health institutions in America. We have more takers than makers in almost every way possible, and it’s killing us. It’s never been this bad for the United States, ever. It would be a historical anomaly for the United States to turn this around. Trump’s political chemotherapy could be too little, too late. What gets me hopeful is remembering the bullet that providentially missed Trump’s brain. But we’re going to need more than one miracle to get out of this. So get to church and start praying! Prayer can work miracles. And the next four years will be a golden opportunity to go big on all these Herculean problems. Statistically speaking, we’re not going to see four years like this again. Every American who was scared awake by what we saw in 2020 needs to report for duty. Spend less time on your sports teams and boats for four years, folks, and help make America great again. Choosing to sit out now will shame you forever. Trump may be the last president to represent the forgotten Americans who have for nearly three decades tried to settle the culture war between the traditionalists who believe in natural law and its constitutional way of life and the progressives who believe humanity has no nature and therefore an unlimited government must direct its evolution. For what can follow after him but a president who solidifies the new American consensus or one who sends federal agents to chase it forever into the cultural caves? If a Democrat president immediately follows Trump without Congress and the states solidifying the consensus that earned him astounding popular and Electoral College majorities, what can the majority of Americans expect but a vengeful and accelerated reprisal? It would empower the same crazies who wanted everyone locked into perpetual house arrest over a really bad flu season, four years into them feeling their own swords used against them. Don’t forget, either, that Trump was taken for a ride by the Covid hysteria, costing him his re-election in 2020. Anything can happen. Falling back asleep is not an option. President Biden already declared his plans to pack the Supreme Court and amend the Constitution via executive order. The next Democrat president will use Trump’s executive-order flurry as justification for erasure-level damage to what’s left of American constitutional norms — unless Trump’s consensus is secured by serious legislative and electoral victories during these next four years. No, we are not out of the woods yet. We are still in a dark, crawling forest needing lots of swords and hatchets to hack our way out. We’re in a time like our Revolutionary War, when we need even boys and grandpas (figuratively!) polishing up their farm muskets and pulling on their out-of-date war uniforms. We need girls and aunts, deplorables and white-shoed lawyers, patriots and punks all showing up. Some certainly are, but we need more. Run for office. Pressure your state lawmakers and members of Congress to get MAGA legislation on the books. Clean gay porn out of your local schools and library. Get some friends to help. Pick a new American consensus issue, any issue, and win some victories on it where you live. This is the fight of our lives, right here, right now. 2020 showed us the stakes. Now act like you saw what you saw. You might only have four years. Joy Pullmann is executive editor of The Federalist. Her latest book with Regnery is "False Flag: Why Queer Politics Mean the End of America." A happy wife and the mother of six children, her ebooks include "Classic Books For Young Children," and "101 Strategies For Living Well Amid Inflation." An 18-year education and politics reporter, Joy has testified before nearly two dozen legislatures on education policy and appeared on major media including Tucker Carlson, CNN, Fox News, OANN, NewsMax, Ben Shapiro, and Dennis Prager. Joy is a grateful graduate of the Hillsdale College honors and journalism programs who identifies as native American and gender natural. Joy is also the cofounder of a high-performing Christian classical school and the author and coauthor of classical curricula. Her traditionally published books also include "The Education Invasion: How Common Core Fights Parents for Control of American Kids," from Encounter Books. RECORDS HISTORY AS IT SHOULD BE — NOT AS THE WESTERN MEDIA WRONGLY REPORTS IT.
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This ‘looks like an insidious intersection of the Bidenbucks and USAID scandals,’ said Adam Gibbs, Foundation for Government Accountability.
A veritable who’s who of left-wing NGOs had a seat at the table in creating and carrying out President Joe Biden’s executive order transforming the federal government into a taxpayer-funded get-out-the-vote machine for Democrats.
But one group involved in the “Bidenbucks” cabal has taken leftism to the next level, tapping a renowned revolutionary to lead one of its lengthy indoctrination programs, a Federalist investigation finds. It turns out Vot-ER, a leftist voter registration outfit in the healthcare space, isn’t joking when it boasts that it is “revolutionizing voter engagement.”
And wouldn’t you know it. The corrupt and criminally wasteful USAID has a part to play in this strange story of leftist bedfellows.
‘Alarming Extremist Views’As The Federalist has reported, Biden’s Executive Order 14019 — or “Bidenbucks” as government watchdogs dubbed it — was the apparent brainchild of Green New Deal peddler Demos, according todocuments obtained by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project. The initiative, sold as “Promoting Access to Voting,” recruited (or opened the White House doors to) an army of leftist nonprofits affiliated with the Democrat Party.
The executive order was so weaponizing and constitutionally suspect, President Trump rescinded it on his first day in office.
Vot-ER was on the guest list of invited leftists for a July 2021 listening session led by the Department of Justice, other government agencies, and White House representatives on how to use non-governmental organizations to roll out Bidenbucks. Representatives from billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Policy Center, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Black Voters Matter, and the Democracy Fund, also joined the dozens of leftist NGOs in attendance, according to the documentsobtained in the Oversight Project’s records request.
“The NGO talking points focused upon efforts to target historically Democratic voter blocks and expressed alarming extremist views. There is no corresponding evidence of efforts increase voter access and education in likely Republican constituencies,” a Heritage Foundation memo states.
‘Contamination of a Physician’s Role’Vot-ER has deep connections to the power players in the leftist movement. The organization was founded by Alister Martin, an ER physician, an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School and Harvard Kennedy School, and a senior fellow at the Burnes Center for Social Change. Martin also served as an advisor to Vice President Kamala Harris and the White House Office of Public Engagement as a White House Fellow. And he was a health policy aide to former Vermont Democrat Gov. Peter Shumlin and Rep. Raul Ruiz, a California Democrat, according to his bio.
Vot-ER pushes its leftist voter registration and mobilization agenda throughout the U.S. healthcare system, “seek[ing] to identify low-income and minority voters,” according to InfluenceWatch. As the Washington Free Beacon reported, “doctors affiliated with the group” also “routinely use left-coded language … when interacting with patients and the public.” Founded in 2019, the organization claims it has registered to vote or prepared to vote more than 89,000 people at more than 800 hospitals and clinics.
Vot-ER’s mission is “transforming routine healthcare visits into opportunities for civic empowerment, partnering with trusted health professionals, and reaching historically underrepresented communities.” Politics infused healthcare. What could go wrong?
“Vot-ER develops nonpartisan civic engagement tools and programs for every corner of the healthcare system—from private practitioners to medical schools to hospitals,” the group’s website states.
In September of last year, just weeks before Election Day, the Republican National Committee “sent letters to election officials in six swing states urging them to monitor Vot-ER … for possible violations of election law,” as the Free Beacon reported. The letters, obtained by the outlet, alleged Vot-ER was politically “weaponizing the healthcare system” and “threatening … election integrity.”
The group’s get-out-the-vote materials have ostensibly “been used to register patients in emergency rooms, substance abuse clinics, and even psychiatric hospitals,” according to the Free Beacon.
Vot-ER, the news outlet reported, provides physicians scripts to urge noncitizens to register “friends and family members who are citizens” to vote.
“I can’t even begin to tell you how inappropriate this is,” said Sally Satel, a lecturer in psychiatry at Yale Medical School, told the Free Beacon. “It’s such a contamination of a physician’s role.”
In August 2024, GOP Rep. Chip Roy sent a letter to Vot-ER and another organization with reported connections to the get-out-the-vote group “to inquire about the steps [the] organizations [were] taking to ensure non-citizens do not register to vote.” The letter, obtained by the Washington Examiner, also alleged that “Vot-ER has actively worked against efforts to ensure non-citizens do not illegally register to vote in federal elections” by opposing legislation that would have required proof of citizenship for voter registration.
Vot-ER representatives, including Martin, did not return The Federalist’s multiple requests for comment.
Professor RevolutionaryPerhaps it’s not surprising that the leftist Vot-ER offers an intensive training session for healthcare providers. The Civic Health Fellowship (CHF) is an eight-month program guided by “top-tier instructors in community organizing” out of which participants “emerge with a profound understanding of civic involvement, health equity concerns, and effective community mobilization techniques.” The sessions, according to Vot-ER’s website, run from April to November. Fellowship participants receive lessons on “Public Narrative,” “Snowflake & Campaign Structure,” “Tactics,” and “Campaign Strategic Goal Strategy/Planning.” What all of that has to do with registering people to vote isn’t clear.
One CHF’s “top-tier” instructors is Srdja Popovic, a Serbian revolutionary famous for leading the protest movements in the former Yugoslavia that toppled President Slobodan Milosevic in 2000 and ended with the dismantling of the country. Popovic was featured in the 2002 documentary, “Bringing Down a Dictator,” which tells the story of a student group called Otpor! or “Resistance!” in Serbian, that employed “civil disobedience, rock ’n roll and ridicule” to nonviolently knock out Milosevic. It was, of course, narrated by Martin Sheen.
The revolution was no easy feat. NATO’s U.S.-backed targeted bombing campaign in 1999 couldn’t upend the Yugoslavian government, which was engaged in various war crimes. Popovic was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. He did a TED Talk. He literally wrote the book on “nonviolent” revolution.
“… Otpor’s success suggests that oppressive leaders can best be toppled not by outside military force but by grassroots movements from within,” a New York Times review of the documentary raved at the time,
‘Feeling Betrayed’But what wasn’t initially public was that Otpor was heavily funded by the U.S. government, in another ostensibly pro-democracy regime change insider job.
“Like the entire opposition to Milosevic, Otpor took money from the U.S. government, and lied about it. When the real story came out after Milosevic fell, many Otpor members quit, feeling betrayed,” Journalist Tina Rosenberg wrote in a 2011 piece titled, “What Egypt learned from the protestors who overthrew Milosevic.” The author examined Popovic’s revolutionary training institution, the Center for Applied NonViolent Actions and Strategies (CANVAS). That same year, Voice of America in a feature piece, described CANVAS as a “school of revolution” that teaches activists “how to overthrow a dictator.”
Rosenberg reported that CANVAS’ efforts had been mostly ineffective. By 2019, Popovic and his organization had reportedly trained “activists in 50 countries including India, Iran, Zimbabwe, Burma, Ukraine, Georgia, Palestine, Belarus, Tunisia, and Egypt.” But, oddly enough, regimes, particularly extremely repressive ones, don’t seem to care much for “resistance” revolutionaries hanging around and causing trouble.
‘Even More Alarming’Interestingly, CANVAS received a chunk of $17 million from the controversial United States Agency for International Development (USAID) for the federal agency’s Civil Society Engagement program in Georgia. Begun in 2021, the five-year initiative was supposed to end next year, although its status is not clear amid the Trump administration’s dismantling of the corrupt agency. The Civil Society Engagement program was implemented by East-West Management Institute, Inc., a USAID-sponsored leftist group, CANVAS, and others.
Things have not gone well in the Republic of Georgia for the engagement initiative. As InfluenceWatch reports, the Georgian government accused USAID of sponsoring a training session that the Georgian State Security Service claimed was intended to teach “civilian activists and representatives of non-profit groups” who they said “will play a crucial role” in attempting to “bring down the government by force.”
“The accusations referred to a training workshop held by the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies on September 25, 2023,” InfluenceWatch reported. “The Georgian State Security Service claimed that the workshop held by CANVAS was specifically created to prepare for a revolution.” The Biden administration’s U.S. Embassy in Georgia claimed the allegations were false and “fundamentally mischaracterize the goals of our assistance to Georgia.”
Popovic did not return The Federalist’s request for comment.
The Foundation for Government Accountability, which has suedBiden’s Department of Justice in pursuit of documents on Bidenbucks, believes the Trump administration will shine light on the executive order and the leftist groups involved. Adam Gibbs, FGA’s communications director, said the government watchdog already was concerned about Vot-ER’s “use of the provider-patient relationship to infiltrate healthcare institutions and influence voting patterns nationwide.”
“But this latest revelation is even more alarming,” Gibbs told The Federalist. “The news that Vot-ER is using a USAID-funded Serbian revolutionary to train American healthcare workers in regime change tactics sounds more like a wacky mad lib than a legitimate use of tax dollars.”
Gibbs added that Trump was right to shut down Bidenbucks, but the effort shouldn’t stop there.
“We hope this administration gets to the bottom of what looks like an insidious intersection of the Bidenbucks and USAID scandals,” he said.