Sunday 23rd of March 2025

the new führer.....

Yesterday I read the following lines on the Internet – unfortunately without an author’s reference: This has never happened before: a man who has not even been elected chancellor yet negotiates the biggest borrowing in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany with parties that lost the election, in a Bundestag that has long since been dissolved.

If you had described Friedrich Merz’s current behavior to a German 10 years ago, you would have been declared insane and put in a clinic without raising a fuss.

Friedrich Merz, who refuses to form a coalition with the AFD because he accuses them of right-wing extremism, is preparing Germany for war against Russia. The AFD wants peace with Russia, Russia seeks peace, the Americans want peace and Merz opposes all those who seek peace.

This week the Handelsblatt reported that up to 1.7 trillion could be spent. This article will prove that this plan is madness, simply by putting this astronomical figure into perspective for regular people.

 How much is a trillion seconds?

I maintain that very few people are able to categorize the size of this number.

Let’s give it a try:

How much time elapses in one million seconds? – Correct, 11.57 days.

How much time elapses in a trillion seconds? – You will be wrong if you say a few years. It is exactly 31,709 years. That is indeed a long time ago. The earth was populated by sabre-toothed tigers and woolly mammoths, the last ice age took place. Rome was only founded a good 28,000 years afterwards.

I assume that all readers are somewhat overwhelmed that a trillion is as much as it is.

 1.7 trillion in money Germany’s current debt at federal level

As at June 30, Germany’s federal debt amounted to 1.621 trillion – or 1,621 billion euros. This corresponds to a national debt to gross domestic product ratio of 62.4%.

1.7 trillion is a hundred times more than all DAX companies together earned in 2023.

Friedrich Merz will double this debt. This would lead to a debt ratio of 125% – which would put the country in the neighborhood of Greece (158%).

 Additional interest burden

The additional interest burden for the 1.7 trillion euros will amount to 47.6 billion euros per year if the current interest rate of the 10-year German government bond of 2.8% is used for the calculation.

The cumulative profit of Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz and BMW amounted to 29.2 billion euros in 2024. The German automotive giants would therefore not even be able to pay the interest on this madness if they were to send all their profits to Berlin.

 No chance of ever repaying this debt

In 2024, Germany collected income taxes amounting to 181.95 billion euros at federal level. This means that for nearly 10 years, 100% of total income taxes would have to be spent on the repayment of 1,700 billion euros.


Without even mentioning that Friedrich Merz’s actions are more than legally questionable, it is already clear from the figure of 1.7 trillion euros that he has lost his mind. This debt bonanza will drive the former world export champion and the former jewel of industry to the wall financially.

For many years, the German political elite has been railing against Russia, the country to which it owed the cheap energy that allowed Germany to become the industrial jewel of the world in the first place. Russia forgave the Germans, who had 27 million Russians on their conscience; the Russians have not forgotten these atrocities, but the Germans, or rather the German leadership, have, because what the German people think, choose or want is once again a thing of the past in Germania. Germany then turned imperiously against China, the current industrial jewel that, unlike the Germans, has not slept through the major trends. Last but not least, the German leadership is salivating against the US, the colonial master of the Germans, which has made a political U-turn and is now seeking peace with Russia. It is therefore by no means inappropriate to describe Friedrich Merz’s behavior as megalomania.

Ms. Baerbock, who made Germany a laughing stock on the international stage during her time as foreign minister, is cuddling up to the new Syrian government, which is made up of terrorists. For about two weeks now, civilians have been slaughtered in Syria, women and children have had their heads cut off, obviously a necessity on the road to democracy. Ms. Baerbock seems to agree with this. Incidentally, I do not recommend our readers to watch videos of these goings-on, thousands of which are posted on social media; they are nightmares that will deprive you of sleep. Ms. Baerbock is transferring 300 million euros to these very gentlemen. Ms. Baerbock, who will soon no longer have a job, seems to have special talents. She is to become the new President of the UN General Assembly.

As a geopolitical analyst, you should always remain an optimist at heart, otherwise you will burn out completely. However, I find it increasingly difficult to carry a spark of hope for Germany: legally, geopolitically, in terms of freedom and emotionally.

Peter Hanseler is a geopolitical analyst who reports from Moscow. Peter was born in Zurich, Switzerland. He holds a J.D. (lic. iur.) and Ph.D. (Dr. iur.) from Zurich University Law School and Master in International Commercial Law (LL.M.) from Georgetown University Law School, Washington, D.C. He has lived in the US, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand and Russia. Peter is independent, his work is not supported by government or private entities. Peter’s website publishes its content in English, Russian and German.






         Gus Leonisky





The EU has found a way to issue so-called “joint” statements on the Ukraine conflict, by bypassing Hungary’s objections to the bloc’s continued support for Kiev, Politico has reported.

Hungary refused to endorse a bloc statement following Thursday’s European Council meeting in Brussels, which reaffirmed Brussels’ stance on the Ukraine conflict, and the bloc’s intentions to continue arming Kiev.

However, a document ignoring Hungary’s position was published as a formal European Council conclusion, bearing signatures from only 26 member-states, instead of 27. The EU intends to continue using the exclusionary tactic in preparing key statements in the future, the outlet reported on Thursday.

Issuing documents “on behalf of the 26… is the new normal. And it is useful when it comes to political intent. Maybe down the line though we will encounter other problems,” a senior diplomat told Politico.

A top EU official cited in the article, pointed out that “no one has any doubts that there is divergence with one member state. The objective should always be to have conclusions at 27 — if it is not possible, if the strategic division is maintained, and we have all the indications that it is maintained, that we would move forward at 26.”

Another diplomat insisted that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who has consistently criticized EU weapons deliveries to Ukraine and called for a diplomatic solution to the conflict, “chose isolation and a path of illiberal democracy against the obvious interest of the EU and, in fact, Hungary.”

“The security of Europe is too serious of an issue to negotiate with one person who sees things 180 degrees differently than everyone else,” the diplomat stressed.

Hungary’s absence from bloc’s statements does not remove its ability to veto key EU policy decisions, as they still require unanimous support from all 27 members.

The EU wants to avoid the kind of public breakdown in unity” that would likely be triggered by the suspension of Hungary’s voting rights, it said.

READ MORE: EU capital flight tops $300 billion – European Council president

Orban told Kossuth radio on Friday that at the summit in Brussels he “saw in the eyes of every [EU leader] that Ukraine has lost this war. Getting involved was a bad decision. The Hungarians were right.”







         Gus Leonisky




stark raving mad....


Silence! We Will Build Our EU Wehrmacht, Like It Or Not

Phil Butler

  Europe’s leadership has gone stark raving mad. We all watch in awe as the elusive Fourth Reich emerges from an otherwise peaceful confederation of states. Interestingly, few realize that the European Commission is advertising and spreading propaganda on social media to sell the most significant arms race in history.


This morning, I was scanning the LinkedIn business network when I came across this post from the European Parliament (915,131 followers) selling the spanking new resolution to “act urgently” to protect the continent against the “most profound military threat to its territorial integrity since the end of the Cold War.” A direct quote from the post aimed at business people, lenders, and investors reads:

“The resolution comes ahead of the publication of plans setting out the future of European defence next week that should include, according to MEPs, ‘truly ground-breaking efforts’ and actions ‘close to those of wartime’ from EU countries.” 

The warmongers in the EU Parliament can think of nothing but borrowing more to invest in profit machines like the military-industrial monster. 

Unfortunately for Führer Ursula von der Leyen (See Sergey Lavrov interview), comments on the post rage at more expenditures on invisible threats and the need to address the EU’s bigger problems. It seems that IT specialists from the Czech Republic, energy construction consultants in Spain, blockchain investors from Brussels, aerospace tech consultants in Italy, CEOs of capital research societies, and a laundry list of studious LI users chimed in, chastizing the inept at the EU Parliament. In short, the reception from business people to trillions more on war is just not there. Still, you can expect these imbecils in Brussels to start selling war bonds on LinkedIn soon.

“X” Marks the Spot

Turning to Elon Musk’s “X” platform, we find the same propaganda and sales pitch to almost a million followers. Comments there mirror those from LinkedIn, except “X” users are less diplomatic. One comment reads, “You, the EU parliament, are currently the biggest threat in Europe. Warmongers!” Another “X” users posted a mashup showing Ursula von der Leyen dressed in her Fuhrer uniform giving the Nazi salute.

If you care to share it,

Ban the EU from Facebook*

Moving to Facebook*, the organization promoting the creation of goose-stepping EU warriors received similar remarks. The responses range from laughing emoticons to comments praying for peace and thoughtful leadership, FB users irate because the resolution is not the will of the people, and EU citizens aware that Russia has been made a convenient enemy for financial gain. You can read the comments, trace the profiles, and understand that only vested interests and the completely brainwashed give the new Nazi Reich the thumbs up.

With peace in full view, and with hundreds of thousands of lives about to be spared, the warmongers in the EU Parliament can think of nothing but borrowing more to invest in profit machines like the military-industrial monster that’s sapped humanity unto death already. One FB user equated Brussels with the tower of Babel, which I found exceedingly fitting. The gods of Brussels rising to usurp heaven and Earth with their lofty, liberal, immoral values. It’s a joke, of course. One Italian man said it best in his comment addressed to the European Parliament: “I am ashamed of you.”

So much for democracy, the will of the people, and the Eden the European Union promised a billion people. If these psychopaths keep it up, the penguins in Antarctica will be wealthier than the middle class on the European continent. If the people keep expressing themselves on social media in this way, expect the EU bosses to ban all social media and speaking in the streets.

*- banned in Russia 


Phil Butler, is a policy investigator and analyst, a political scientist and expert on Eastern Europe, he’s an author of the recent bestseller “Putin’s Praetorians” and other books







         Gus Leonisky