Monday 10th of March 2025

rattus revhead .....

rattus revhead .....

Howard rejects inflation concerns 

Prime Minister John Howard has spent much of the day fending off questions about whether his election promises will fuel inflation. 

Mr Howard announced more than $9 billion worth of promises yesterday at the Coalition campaign launch in Brisbane. 

Labor leader Kevin Rudd says the spending splurge is concerning, especially after the Reserve Bank delivered a stern warning that inflation would continue to be a significant problem in the economy. 

"I'm concerned about the inflationary effect of what Mr Howard has to say yesterday," Mr Rudd said. 

Mr Howard says he is confident the promises can be managed and will be implemented without fuelling consumer spending and pushing up inflation. 

Howard Rejects Inflation Concerns

free shave, tomorrow...

Promises 'fully affordable', PM says

Posted 5 hours 6 minutes ago
Updated 4 hours 57 minutes ago

Prime Minister John Howard has denied his spending promises would drive up education, child care and housing costs if the Coalition is re-elected.

Mr Howard made $9.4 billion in election pledges at his campaign launch on Monday, sparking criticism it could put upward pressure on inflation.

Yesterday Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd described the Coalition's spending splurge as concerning, but Mr Howard has again defended his pitch to voters.

"The genie is not out of the bottle, these promises are all carefully planned and fully affordable..."


Gus: "free shave tomorrow" says the ancient sign at my barber... but when tomorrow comes it's already today thus tomorrow never comes...

the dark-tarred caldron calling the small teacup black

Rudd being deceitful: Howard

Prime Minister John Howard says Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd is being misleading when he claims Labor will not be spending as much as the Coalition.

Mr Rudd's promises at the Labor Party's official election launch in Brisbane today totalled $2.3 billion.

 "Unlike Mr Howard, I don't stand before you with a bag full of irresponsible promises that could put upward pressure on inflation," he said.

But Mr Howard says voters should look at Mr Rudd's total spending commitments, not just the promises from today.


Gus: for someone who has deceived the Australian public on the war in Iraq, children overboard and many other things, including climate change policies, this one takes the cake... It's like the dark-tarred caldron calling the small teacup black...

smirkers of the universe...

In my cartoons, Costello does not rate singularly often... He is used as a countepoint to the boss himself, selling economic restraint like hemorrhoid cream... But then the boss himself, in full election pork-barrelling mode, pledges a massive truckload of "fully costed" generous throw-aways that makes Costello look like the bloke on OzLotto placing the last buck on top of a pile of cash on his truck... Of course the tyres explode, the truck disintegrate under the strain! Can only imagine what happens in the rest of the skit... As a cartoon all ends well. As a reality, the fellow ends up in emergency at one of the major hospital with a few broken limbs. Possibly the head in bits too.

But then one falls upon little gems...

Smirkers of the World, Unite!

That’s funny: we thought the late-show comedy writers weren’t working. A strike update from

The Writers Guild of America is not alone on the picket lines during this difficult time. The writers are thrilled that the following labor organizations have joined us in an inspiring show of solidarity:

Screen Actors Guild

American Federation of Radio & Television Artists

International Union of Teamsters

Brotherhood of Soup and Chowder Workers

United Pedestrians of America

Union of Movers & Shakers

The American Federation of Library Shushers

The Gum and Chewy Candy Makers Guild

International Union of Celebrity Look-Alikes

Sisterhood of the Traveliing Pants...