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Citizens initiated ReferendaI know the subject of citizens initiated referenda has been discussed before on this site. But it is important that we as fair thinking Australians keep the pressure on Governments to strengthen the democratic process. The two major political parties would weaken the people's access to participate if they could, and listening to some of my fellow Australians most would opt out of the process , and do something "really more important" instead like watching the cricket or the football. All I can say is thank god for web sites like this one, it keeps some of us sane and gives us hope for the future, and the opportunity to express our views without going via the mainstream media. Living in Queensland and finding that the democratic process is not as open or transparent as it could be, is disturbing, the unchecked power of the executive Government and it's ability for it to run rampant as it has shown in recent years should be concerning to all who think. Remember Queensland does not have a house of review or any other mechanism to to watch over the power of the executive government, and without an effective opposition they can run rampant through the process of Government, doing anything they want. The particular issue that disturbs me is the forced amalgamation of local Government areas it was done without any discussion with local communities the bill was passed and acted into law. In recent polls that were done as a political stunt by the recently defeated Howard Government have shown this was a very unpopular piece of legislation and the Queensland Labor Government should suffer at the next poll as a result. But the sad thing for Queensland and democracy is Queensland does not have a viable opposition so the Government can do what ever it likes, whenever it likes and usually does, knowing full well that there is no threat to it and Labor will still be elected as there is no choice of an alternative. The two party system and with no chance of independents or minor parties being elected in this State I see a bleak future for democracy. The only time that this has changed much was when one nation was elected with all of its racist policies, if that what I have to look forward to, I think I will join the rest of them and go and watch the football. The main issue with the local Government amalgamation was the way it was done, just slammed through the parliament without discussion or any consultation with anyone. The community was sold a lemon, one hundred years of history gone with a vote of faceless men and women not considering the feeling or the thoughts of the people. Recently the Queensland Government in its ultimate power, but no wisdom ripped from the ground a railway line that ran between Rockhampton( the major regional city of central Queensland) and Yeppoon, the line had been there for one hundred years had a recent injection of taxpayer funds to re sleeper sections of the line. But even this could not save it from the ruthless money hungry politicians, who could only see that the station site should be sold, as it is a valuable piece of real estate being near the beach front at Yeppoon. Yeppoon is one of the fastest growing areas of Queensland. It would have made sense environmentally, and for the growth of the region to keep the line and use it. The local MP Paul Hoolihan ignored a petition of 7000 signatures and went ahead with the destruction of the line. another great reason for participatory democracy in the form of citizens initiated referenda. The Community are out rightly outraged at the blatant use of power but have no come back and are impotent in their response as Mr Hoolihan MP does not care what they think. The recent stomping on accountability by the Queensland State Government or can I say just simply the lack of good manners shown on behalf of a Government was to force the introduction of fluoride into the drinking water of Queenslanders. Whether it is a good idea or a bad idea I don't know but to be consulted would have been polite and good manners on the Governments behalf but again because of the ultimate power of the Government normal protocols and manners we would hope even small children would operate by were ignored. My proposal for CIR's would be to start them with the monstrosity called the super Council that this Government has given birth too, it is probably too late to put Frankenstein back in his coffin, even though the State opposition at a last ditch attempt to seem relevant, has said that if a elected it would try. I would propose that part of the new super Councils platform be to introduce a new listening mechanism called Citizens Initiated referenda. The new Rockhampton super Council comprising of four former shires should be the first one out of the gates as a test for the rest of the State and then the country. This Government has effectively taken "local" out of local Government, with huge salaries being offered to Councillors and Mayors, the jobs will only be open to party hacks with huge financial and or political backing, or offered to others as reward to services to the Party machine. Parties will also use it as parking bays for future Federal MP,s being paid good salaries while waiting for a seat to become vacant. Council have traditionally been the "peoples Government" led and run by ordinary people Mr Beatie former Premier of Queensland and Anna Bligh Premier of Queensland have certainly put an end to localised democracy and should be ashamed of what they have destroyed. CIR's would at least would offer guidance to the Councillors and mayors and they would have to be sure that the decision making process was well thought through open, transparent and accountable as they could make it if not they would be held accountable at a plebiscite by the people during the term of their office. What do others think? do I have any chance? I would like to think so, but I need your help, if you wish to assist please write via email [email protected]
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