Sunday 12th of January 2025

from outside the tent .....

from outside the tent .....

Senator Joyce says Mr Rudd should already have plans for the country and a summit will achieve little. 

Queensland Nationals Senator Barnaby Joyce says the '2020 Summit' planned by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd shows he has no ideas of his own. 

Mr Rudd will invite around 1,000 people to the two-day summit in April to discuss plans for Australia's future. It will address 10 of the biggest issues the country faces - including the economy, Indigenous issues and education. 

Federal Opposition Leader Brendan Nelson, who will be invited to the summit, has welcomed the move. 'I think the idea of the summit proposed from Mr Rudd is an excellent one,' he said. 

But Senator Joyce says Mr Rudd should already have plans for the country and a summit will achieve little. 'I'm very dubious that 1,000 people, if they're truly given the chance to have their say, are going to come with a conclusive coordinated position,' he said. 'I do perceive that what we will end up with is some sort of mutli-faceted hothouse gab session with an outcome very similar to Jerry Springer.' 

Joyce Slams PM's 'Jerry Springer' Summit

immigration capers...

Govt grants permanent residency to deported Jovicic

from the ABC

Robert Jovicic was allowed to return to Australia on compassionate grounds in 2006 on a special purpose visa, but has only now been granted permanent residency. (File photo) (AAP Image: Alan Porritt)

The Federal Government has granted permanent residency to a man who was removed from Australia on character grounds, despite having lived in the country since he was two.

Robert Jovicic was deported to Serbia in 2004 after serving a jail sentence for burglary and theft.

He had never lived in Serbia and was unable to speak the language, and was reduced to sleeping on the steps of the Australian embassy in Belgrade.

In 2006, following revelations of his situation on ABC-TV's Lateline, Mr Jovicic was allowed to return to Australia - but only on a temporary visa.

In giving him permanent status, Immigration Minister Chris Evans said Mr Jovicic's case was one of a number of regrettable immigration matters the new Government is rectifying.


Gus: see an Amanda yourdemocracy toon back in the dark ages... in the days of "where the bloody hell are you" advert campaign for luring foreign tourists to this then forsaken country...