Sunday 9th of March 2025

from the back office .....

from the back office .....

It's painful to be a cartoonist. It's feast or famine. And I do not mean moneybux as most of us would be on the bread-line every Thursday...  

We do it for the glory and the squishy tomatoes thrown at us... No, really... I mean feast of material to lampoon. Sometimes we could be scouring the web or the papers for inspiration, but blah... Nothing. Dubya is laying low...  

Now, from the Pirates of Somalia to the Pirates in the White House, the "news" gives us not only a smorgasbord of lobsters but a feast that would feed Henry the VIII for a week.

The economy imploding is cartoonist fodder. I feel bloated. Like the media feeding on cadavers, we cartoonist (and bloggers) are also carrion birds with ruffling feathers... 

No, we do not wish ill winds to anyone and sometimes (often) we know where the solution lies but no-one listens...  

For the last few days, not only have I just finished a cartoon and about to do some serious work (like resting in the banana-chair on the veranda - I wish) that the "news" spices up - again. Not worse again?... Ah chux... I should turn the computer off. I should say tada, but I'm addicted to the bad joke that, decanted with time, turns to be smelling of old mature hilarious friends carved in foresight electronic wood.


the great reflater (

good germans (

a house of cards (

desperate and dateless (

making sacrifices... (

But no. I carry on obsessed by the illusions of doing something useful. Like exposing the naked truth... Or do I... Whom Am I kidding... My brains get this incessant stream of screwy images as if I was watching Roadrunner cartoons non-stop. Thanks Mr Chuck Jones...  

I look at clouds and I see whipped cream. I must say the Pommy language provides the idiosyncrasies suitable for the bottling despite my making spelling mistakes (I'm mildly dyslexic, so is my spellcheck). And the way our leaders behave or pontificate makes me spit in the bushes or create too complicated layered convoluted images when trying to be economical with paper... My apologies.

On last night's 7:30 report ( ) I was watching Malcolm explain his position and I felt the whole force of the irony.  

A former banker turned politician telling the banks to jump.  

In my mind, I remembered Carr, a former politician turned adviser to a bank, possibly on how the political system can be "understood"... Carr himself used to be a scribe for newspapers... Incestuous musical chairs?  

Nothing corrupt here but I feel Kenny ( ), the plumber of the clogged-up loos to the stars could do a better job on the US economy... Who knows.  

There is so many loo jokes one can get away with in a sitting, but here is another one... I can't stop myself... You don't have to watch.

vacuous importance. [repeat]

malcolm's gall & ego plus.... (repeat)

Malcolm! How could you?

On the news today, Malcolm "claims" full credit for the banks passing on 80 per cent of the 1 per cent reduction of interest rates  given to the system by the RBA... Everyone knew — including my dog full of flees — that the banks would pass on at least 75 per cent, and up to 85 per cent of the cut to the general public, while keeping a tidy small percentage to shore up against the next tidal wave of economic crap coming our way.

So Malcolm, please, oh please, stop grandstanding like a fly on the butt of a horse. This attitude is ugly and demonstrate vacuous vanity without substance... See toon at top.

still grandstanding, cheaply...

Opposition wants bipartisan credit crisis talks

The Federal Opposition says it wants to be included in the decision-making talks when the Government makes future plans for stabilising the economy.

Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull was briefed before the Government announced its plan to guarantee banks' deposits and offshore borrowings at the weekend.

Opposition finance spokesman Joe Hockey says the Government is taking up Mr Turnbull's suggestions on economic management, so a bipartisan approach is the next step.

"The Government should include him at the very beginning of the decision making," he said.

Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner says the Opposition is trying to score cheap political points and grab headlines.


see toon at top...