Thursday 16th of January 2025

from the swineherd .....

from the swineherd .....

The World Health Organization (WHO) on Thursday officially declared it would stop calling the new strain of flu "swine flu," because no Pigs in any country have been determined to have the illness and the origination of the strain has not been determined.

This exciting, new report exonerates all swine everywhere, blowing the stink off of this senseless attempt to smear the world's smartest four-legged species.

Only before you read the rest, go and shout from the rooftops: "Pigs Don't Kill People. PEOPLE KILL PIGS!"

Don't think about it. JUST DO IT...


Meanwhile, as the pork producers of Australia battle the Australian media for spruiking the ill-effects of "swine flu", in the US the media has been talking of influenza H1N1 strain without making reference to Babe and his family.

human porkies...

A sharp increase in swine flu cases in Australia may mean the infection has become a pandemic, the World Health Organization says.

For that to happen, officials would have to verify that the disease had become established outside North America, where the crisis began.

"Once I get indisputable evidence, I will make the announcement," said WHO director general, Margaret Chan.

More than 1,200 people have contracted the virus in Australia - none fatally.


The pigs have not infected humans with swine flu... so it's still H1N1 flu and no one has died, compared to the ordinary flue that may have killed some 1,000 oldies of "natural causes"....

no mention of "swine"...

Arab health officials have agreed to restrict certain groups from performing the annual Muslim pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia this year amid growing concerns about the H1N1 flu pandemic.

Those considered high-risk such as the elderly, young children and the chronically ill have been advised to avoid making the hajj or the lesser umrah pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca.


Gus: In Australia 41 persons have died from H1N1 at july 23...