Sunday 23rd of February 2025

Crack-Pot Peace Activist Struggles with Reality

There’s been a confusing and carping debate on Webdiary recently about the Iraq War, and Australia’s participation in it. This has included comments about the “peace movement

How far does interoperability with US services go?

I'm interested to know how far interoperability goes.

Do the ADF have or have access to depleted uranium (DU) munitions? I've recently asked my MHR (Federal Member) to find out, but no response thus far.

Have the ADF used DU munitions at any point? Again, I've recently asked my MHR.

It's one thing to be sending ADF personnel into the path of DU contaminated dust, but quite another if we are directly involved in spreading more of this vile substance in the environment.

Department of Attack

The pre-emptive strike policy now makes it necessary to rename Department of Defence to Department of Attack.

What is the purpose of this Department? Why does it continue to grow? What are the threats if any?

Why not scrap the Department and channel the funds towards peaceful projects. Why do the boys need the toys?

The existence of an armed force just makes it tempting for fascists like Howard to use it. Why participate in an arms race? Even a superpower can not afford to invade a single country like Iraq.

My current interest is to get Australia out of the phoney Missile Defence System. It has no relevance to Australia, it is fatally flawed and we should follow Canada's leadership and just say NO. They can not even hit a missile with an inbuilt tracking device.

It is costing about $10 billion per year to develop. And (luckily) it has no forseeable targets.

Make peace not war.