Monday 24th of February 2025

Life is a compromise

Thanks very much all, for the contributions on site layout and forums.

As I've said before, the site is in it's early stages and I am sure it will develop over the next three months or so. One thing to bear in mind is that the prime content of the site is the blog section - where the regular contributors (on the subject of Australian democracy) can post their pieces, and other visitors to the site can contribute by way of commentary.

I don't anticipate the site ever developing primarily into a forum site and therefore it is unlikely that the yourdemocracy forums will ever be as sophisticated as those sites or content management systems which are built foremost around the forum concept. Nevertheless I am sure we can improve the usability of our forums.

Apart from blogs and forums, there are a number of of other features which will be introduced as and when we can. Hopefully one of the next features will be a news portal, which will allow contributors to post links to interesting sites, together with a brief description/introduction.