Wednesday 1st of January 2025

ghosts of entombed carbon past...


The open rebellion within the Liberal Party continues this morning, with many starting to consider who will replace Malcolm Turnbull as Opposition Leader.

Even some of Mr Turnbull's supporters now say his position is so damaged that he will not be able to keep his job. One source close to him predicts he could resign as early as today.

The Opposition Leader was defiant last night despite mass resignations from his front bench yesterday evening.

Senators Nick Minchin and Eric Abetz and high-profile MP Tony Abbott were the most senior among the 12 Liberals to quit.

They claimed the deal with the Government on emissions trading has sparked a huge backlash among the party's rank and file.

But at this stage Mr Turnbull is staring down the anger and resistance over his support for the Government's emissions trading scheme.

"Nothing has changed as far as the leadership is concerned," Mr Turnbull said last night. "My leadership was confirmed only yesterday [Wednesday].


Hold out Mal... These dinosaurs are about to... Shit! dinosaurs took about a million years to become extinct after the big "event"! Bugger... Yes, little Tony About has again shown how he can turn a coat in a jiffy... Hopefull this is the last gasps of an annoying small character.

no value whatsoever...

'Party's heartbroken'

Despite Mr Turnbull's defiance, the mass resignations have caused massive damage to his leadership and several backbenchers who spoke out yesterday afternoon against him.

Former Liberal whip Michael Johnson says Mr Turnbull's has no choice but to resign and has called on deputy leader Julie Bishop to tap him on the shoulder.

"As the current Deputy Leader she needs to go and see Malcolm, if she hasn't done so already, and say, 'your senior shadow ministers are against you, your position is untenable'," he said.

Bronwyn Bishop said Mr Turnbull had to accept that the party did not want to vote for an ETS.

"They are so angry that their heart is broken. This is a new tax. It's against all the things we believe in," she said.

And Peter Slipper called on him to stand down.

"Malcolm Turnbull is paying a very heavy price for wrongly calling the result in the party room. I really think it's in the interests of the party room that he resigns as quickly and as decently as possible," he said.

In a statement released last night, Senator Minchin said he had no choice but to resign.

"Mr Turnbull declined this proposition so I advised that I would have no alternative but to resign from the Shadow Cabinet as I was not able to support the CPRS legislation," he said.

Speaking on Sky news, Senator Abetz said his conscience was clear.


Yes... Clear as a room full of carbon dioxide... But after the episode with Grech, Abetz's conscience has no value whatsoever... See toon at top...

hot chillies...

I am proud to be a climate change "alarmist" and dementor.

Unfortunately some people like Marc Hendrickx think that it's all a game...

They turn the problem into a console amusement park where one wins points for blasting things out of the pixelled screen.

There is no catastrophe pending. Nothing is getting blasted, Marc.

Just a warming of the atmosphere by a creeping value that is likely to accelerate fast from 2070 onwards. Presently the creep is about 0.05 degree C increase of global temperature per year. After record temperatures in Sydney (the "creep" for the month was a massive record, about 9 degrees C above average on max temperatures) there will be increase in world temperature of about 0.1 degree C per year. Over a 100 period, this small figure compounds to a full 10 degree increase.

Sure, the deniers would have us believe that the present "creep" is within the normal climatic fluctuations. But proper calculations shows the fluctuations are still indicating a trend towards warming. The average of increase temperature has crept up by about 1 degree C for the last 100 years and — after accounting for natural fluctuation — the present plotted "trend" is that world temperatures will increase by 2 degree C in the next 100 years.

My personal estimates are far less optimistic. Some scientists are already plotting an increase of 6 degree C by 2100 should we do nothing to limit and reduce our CO2 emissions. My estimate is that from 2015 we're going to gain an increase of about 0.25 degree C per annum. 4 years later, we've gained a full degree C above average (2019). With fluctuations, extremes and weather patterns, one can expect that by 2030, the average global temperature would be a full 2 degrees C above present conditions.

The deniers might even accept this but may claim that 2 degree above present average is chicken feed. Imagine you live in London and the average temperature for say a particular day is presently 15 degrees C, being 17 in 2030 wont make much difference to the price of fish... It might or it might not. That is not the question.

The damage done by an increase of 2 degrees of average temperature worldwide will be hard to quantify and qualify, as we accept "natural" damage already. A bit more, a bit less, we wont notice except for some obvious stresses placed on some habitats and for the price of air conditioning machines.

For example, the present surface sea temperatures in the Timor Sea are between 30 and 32 degrees C. Add another 2 degrees C on this by 2030 and there might not be much damage to this region.

The present temperature on the Great Barrier reef is around 27.5 degree C. Add another 2 degree on this by 2030 and the surface temperature approaches 30 degrees C. Before that point, we know that coral will massively bleach out and die.

Presently, the Australian eastern current brings warm water 350 kilometres further south than "normal". There are eddies of near 21 degrees C, very warm water for the region, east of Bass Straight.


This is part of what marc has to say:

As the Copenhagen Climate conference approaches Climate Alarmists are in a frenzy to try and convince world leaders to implement radical action to drastically reduce the CO2 emissions they believe solely responsible for our Modern Warm Period.

This frenzied response has spawned a new type of Climate Alarmist: the
Climate Dementor.

Dreamed up by UK Author J.K. Rowling for her Harry Potter series, the Dementors are soul sucking phantoms who dement anyone who comes into contact with them. They feed on positive emotions, joy, happiness and good memories, forcing victims to relive their worst nightmares.

In the Harry Potter series the presence of a Dementor makes the surrounding atmosphere grow cold and dark. Their 'Kiss' sucks out the soul of their victim, leaving an empty shell, incapable of thought and with no possibility of recovery. Rowling's Dementors grow like fungi in the darkest, dankest places, creating a dense, chilly fog.

Similarly Climate Dementors are not only determined to scare us witless about an imagined impending climate catastrophe, they also want to suck all the joy and happiness out of our lives in the process.


Stupidity-plus wrapped up in eloquent ramblings, from a fairy-tale-reader-cum-arcade-gamer-obsessed. It seams he never understood the mechanics of physics and chemistry. See toon at top and more climate change. And apparently the Libship's got a new captain: Abbott... He will get the crew to play "god save the libs" as the iceberg melts and the ship sinks in a sea of misunderstandings...