Tuesday 7th of January 2025

budging deck chairs...


Former Federal Treasurer Peter Costello has declared the Coalition is back in the political game under Tony Abbott's leadership.

The Opposition Leader has dumped Nationals Senator Barnaby Joyce from the finance portfolio, replacing him with Victorian Liberal Andrew Robb.

Labor has attacked the move, saying Mr Abbott lacks economic credibility for not dumping Senator Joyce sooner, while the Coalition says the Government should feel threatened.

Mr Costello praised the new economic team at a business gathering in Melbourne last night, saying Mr Robb is an "extremely good" choice.

"It's a good reshuffle because he's brought back Andrew Robb, who I have very high opinion of," he said.

"I've known him for a long time. I think he'd be extremely good.

"Tony Abbott has put the Coalition back in the game... this is going to be a real contest."


Sure, voters can be fooled... May be we should send the worm-team...

one foot in a plaster cast

from Michelle Grattan

Tony Abbott had the equivalent of one foot in a plaster cast in yesterday's health debate, which he lost. It is all very well to poke holes in the Rudd hospital reform plan. But if you cannot say - at least in broad terms - how it should be different, your argument falls in a heap.


Gus: as we all well-know here, Tony will say anything to get attention and catch the unsuspecting voters... and as proven in the past, he will then do the opposite of what he has promised. He even does it when he does not promise anything. Getting praise from Mr Maybemaybenot (see toon at top) is "praise" indeed...