Monday 31st of March 2025

Dont let terrorists dictate our foriegn policy

The worst living terrorist is George Bush, he dictates Australia's foreign policy using John Howard as his puppet. But horrible thought, would any other likely prime minister be any different?

Some people study monkeys for clues to human behavior. Maybe they should study politicians behaviour to understand monkeys.


Hey Bob, no doubt about it. He is. It's such a disgrace we have a PM who just follows the leader. Suggests he has no thoughts of his own except resurrecting the 50's era when all upstarts were in their places. But we all knew that didn't we.

As to the monkeys. As we know that's what we have, let's pay them peanuts which is all they deserve. I also have doubts about comparing pollies to monkeys as monkeys are up front with what they do, right up front.


Terrorism empowers Bush. WIth every atrocity he grows stronger, as do his most beloved " constituents", the megalithic cartels and corporations trading in defence and energy management.

In modern times perhaps "warfear" would be an accurate anti-spin descripton of the set of tactics being enacted upon humanity in order to transfer yet more money into the hands of already exceedingly wealthy people.