Sunday 9th of March 2025

forever the lickspittle .....

forever the lickspittle .....

Australia approved new sanctions against Iran in a bid to halt its nuclear program.

The new sanctions, announced Thursday by Foreign Minister Stephen Smith, follow similar restrictions issued by the United States, the European Union and Canada.

For the first time the sanctions include restricting business dealings with Iran's oil and gas sector.

"In adopting this package, Australia stands at the forefront of international community efforts to have Iran meet its international obligations in relation to its nuclear program, one of the most serious security challenges facing the international community," Smith said in a statement.

Labor legislator Michael Danby, who is Jewish, said that "History teaches us that going soft on hard-line dictators is a recipe for catastrophe. The Labor government under Prime Minister Julia Gillard will not shirk its historic responsibility to stand with Israel at its hour of maximum danger."

The new sanctions also include travel and financial bans against more than 100 businesses and individuals in Iran's financial and transport sectors, as well as a trade ban on all arms materials.

Australia approves new Iran sanctions

John:  Notice that Smith has nothing to say about what law Iran has actually broken - apart from refusing to submit to US & Israeli thuggery. The IAEA has consistently stated that there is no evidence of Iran having breached its obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, including its activities in enriching uranium.

The world is expected to be aghast at the prospect of Iran, a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, developing nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, whilst ignoring Israel's illegal nuclear arsenal & its illegal proliferation of such weapons to the old South African apartheid state.

And let's not forget the US's own illegal proliferation activities, including supplying fissionable materials to Israel, whilst encouraging proliferation by countries such as Pakistan & India. Even pronouncements by the likes of Saudi Arabia, the home of the 911 bombers, that it intends developing a nuclear capability are ignored by the Zionist warmongers from the west, but not Iran: no-sirreee ..... anyone not prepared to put the heal of the US & Israel on their own heads is automatically treated as an international outlaw.

As for our lot, just take a look at those of our politicians who readily put the interests of both Israel & the US before our own national interest ....

And how about this stunt from the ultra right wingnut sycophantic prime idiot of Canada ....

When Michelle Kofman found a Rosh Hashanah greeting card from Prime Minister Stephen Harper in her mailbox last month, she was left with one puzzling question: How does he know I'm Jewish?

Ms. Kofman was one of several Jewish people who have expressed discomfort with the colourful greeting card sent out by the Prime Minister's Office to celebrate the religious new year holiday.

A marketing manager from the Toronto suburb of Thornhill, Ms. Kofman is suspicious about how she got on the prime minister's mailing list and found it unsettling that the address line of the card included her middle name.

"The only time I use my full name is for government stuff -- social insurance number, driver's licence, passport," she said.

Many Jews unsettled over Harper holiday greetings

This is a bit slanted...

This is a bit slanted... In placing Julia in this lot and not placing Abbott in it I can smell a very smart double-cross to damage Julia and promote Abbott — who is in the same boat but does not toot is as much. Abbott is like a John Howard in short pants. As Costello isn't in the picture anymore, Tony has replaced him...  Tony needs to be INCLUDED IN this lot too, although he may not have "visited" Israel. He is too cunning for that:



the main culprit .....

Hi Gus,

You might be right .... nothing would surprise me however, the main point is that our politicians are just as susceptible to the zionist lobby as the americans & british.

The main culprit is Danby, who accepts a parliamentary salary whilst devoting every waking moment to promoting the interests of israel & its zionist agenda.

As Ernest has pointed out many times before, the scale of israel's influence on the west defies belief when the size of the jewish populace is considered.

The Evil that men do lives after them?

The current uncivilized behavior of the Zionists in occupied Palestine is more like the NAZI doctrine than it is to South African APARTHEID attempt to copy.

I have not read Mein Kampf but I have been told that it was a radical attempt at creating the “perfect race” by mainly uncivilized and cruel methods.  Although Hitler appeared to raise the dignity and life styles of the German people in his early years of power, he moved towards HIS ultimate goal by removing certain races who HE decided were “untermenshen”.  This was (according to the net) primarily Slavs and Jews.

By doing this, any good that he did for the German people was killed off by the terrible bombings of Germany and her people, suffering once again, due to a stupid preemptive war with Zionist type excuses.

The defeated Germany went through another period of a Howard/Abbott style of “going without” for the benefit of foreign purchasers of our assets. Nevertheless it was a long long time before the rest of the world began to allow Germany to restore its self esteem and economic stability.

Conversely, the Zionists have been guilty of copying Hitler’s methods – even plus in some cases – but the world-wide sympathy for the Jewish Holocaust, was very available to the Jewish people and should be equally available to the much aggrieved Palestinians.

IMHO, this has forever been tarnished by the equally uncivilized and preemptive invasions of sovereign nations in the Middle East - both by land and air - by the Zionist’s illegal State of “Israel”.  "So ye sow so shall ye reap?"

The pitiful irony here is that the Palestinians were never a part of the Nazi European campaigns and yet they are the main sufferers of the Zionist led occupation and exploitation of their land plus their religious and ancient civilization, even with Hitler’s method of “burning the books” to eliminate any future claims of their very existence.

Also add the fact that the timeless distrust of the Jewish people, right or wrong, has now been shown as an exploitation of the world’s sympathy for their cruel and illegal behavior.  But, who will be the eventual targets of this human tragedy?  All of the people in the world who are, or are perceived to be, related in race or religion to the Jewish people.  And that is inexcusable.

We have learned by research that the Zionists had a deal with Hitler to mistreat the European Jews and make every effort to force them to move to the land of the Palestinians.  If true, that is possibly the Zionist’s objective once again – act in a disgusting manner to denigrate ALL Jewish people and – they will probably go to Palestine?  A reverse Diaspora?

Having a “State” where only one race/religion has ALL rights is, by definition, just as unacceptable as a “State” where only one race/religion has NO rights.

God Bless Australia and, while politicians are sometimes forced to work with DOGS they don’t have to lie down with them.




Servility or freedom - that is the choice.

The Bushit administration and their servile puppets like Rattus, have long ago lost their credibility for political consistency or true democratic foreign policies. 

As if to laugh at our attempt to reveal this obvious abuse of privilege, the media (Murdochracy el primo) set out to demonstate their absolute power by deciding that P.M. Rudd was too popular and had to go.

Think reason and be logical – what did he do to the Australian people to justify the Corporation’s execution – nothing, quite the contrary.

In the fashion of both major parties in Australia, the Labor Caucus was forced by the Murdochracy to decide on what was the best course to take and, with the complaints primarily from those Labor reps in marginal seats, chose to ask Rudd to step down. Which he did, unlike Malcolm Turnbull.

The 1975 OAKES conspiracy resurfaced and he suddenly had some “leaks” to assist his favored political party.  This in itself, should have been difficult for the Australian people to accept but for the MSM (especially Murdoch) suddenly deciding that their campaign against Rudd and their “love in” with Julia Gillard, had conned the Labor Caucus into asking Kevin to step down in the best interests of the Federal Labor Party, and in favor of the Murdoch “support” for Julia Gillard.  Divide and conquer.

So that the shambles of the Corporation’s Liberal Party and their ONE VOTE assassination of their Leader, and the stark fascism of Tony Abbott was being made over by the sheer political bias of the powerful media.

But, the OAKES factor was paused in the wings and waited until the polls had started to rise for the Gillard Labor Government and guess what, as Kevin was apt to say, OAKES hit the headlines with another of his notorious and anti-Labor politically alleged leaks! No one, not even one person of public notoriety, has asked this disgusting and gutless representative of the Journalist non-profession to "come clean" with his accusations.  Fair dinkum.

Julia has generally kept her cool and maintains her stand on honesty but, the media wants her blood because she became an answer to their assassination of Kevin Rudd. "Above all else be true to thine self?"

So, in the manner necessary for the media to elect our representatives, our citizens have followed and been duped by, the absolute power of the media to demonstrate that the attitude of the Rudd/Gillard government was too much egalitarian and should be altered to the Howard “WorkChoices” and pay off the debt of the Labor Government.  Are we really “sheeple”?

The debt to which Abbott and his cronies refer is – in our case – 6% of our GDP while the world-wide sovereign debt is at an average of 92% of GDP. The use of this by the Corporation’s media is intended to force the Labor Party to TRY to get that truth across to the voters, without the media’s permission. In this case, the worst offender is the ABC in breach of their own charter.

As far as Polls are concerned, it all depends on the area in which the questions are asked and how they are asked.  Is the Murdochracy really saying “We will decide what information is given and the way in which it will be given”?

In the meantime, Julia may choose NOT to demand that OAKES puts his money where his mouth is by disclosing the exact words that were spoken in his claims both prior and after the election was declared.  Surely the exact words should be known if they are in documents?  Or, if not, then his testimony in a Court of Law would be declared as just Hearsay?  But of course, Labor is not entitled to the rights of legal protection?

That is a fact and what we have here is a complete avoidance of the laws of our nation which demands (at the moment), that any person is NOT guilty of an alleged accusation (by any OAKES STYLE person) and is not entitled to the rights of all individuals to defend themselves, in law, not at the whim of a Corporation’s source of information and innuendo. Howard’s sedition laws?

Come clean OAKES and at least give us the exact text of your leak.  Scared you bloody gutless abuser of privilege? In doing another DISSMISSAL you have yet again diminished the dignity of your own profession.

Does any of our fair dinkum voters understand that our laws provide a medium of justice in our courts and that surely, the damning OAKES’ allegations against the elected Federal Government are certainly unproven because a known neo-con dislikes the Labor party?  That is US democracy.

What worries me about Julia’s inherent honesty is that she feels compelled to defend the skewed utterances that she may make.  The media on the other hand has commenced a campaign where the “foot in mouth” Abbott does not answer questions – he just lines up with some of his neo-cons like Brandis and - makes a statement!!! A method that should not be tolerated by an informative media – or certainly not by a responsible one.

If the “going forward” of the Labor “people orientated” government is to survive, I imagine that, by her absolute dedication to being “up front with the Australian people” she certainly has the moral high ground but, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”.

God Bless Australia and let’s hope that, all Australians understand that the true and tried policies of the Federal Labor Government would support and improve the future of all members of our various communities. NE OUBLIE.

Abbott's IOU's to the Corporations must be enormous.  Beware of GEEKS bearing gifts!






Abbott the Zionist...

TONY Abbott yesterday accused Labor of weakening the bipartisanship on Israel.

July 20 2010

The Opposition Leader vowed a government led by him would never "overreact" to international incidents and said the Coalition's support for Israel was "unshakeable".

"Of course, the Israeli government from time to time makes mistakes -- what government doesn't from time to time make mistakes? -- but Australians should appreciate that a diminished Israel diminishes the West; it diminishes us," Mr Abbott said.

"I have to say it's a little disappointing, given the deep affinity between the Australian people and the Israeli people, that the current Australian government has somewhat weakened our long-standing bipartisanship on Israel."

Mr Abbott appeared to be referring to Labor's expulsion of the Mossad station chief in retaliation for the Israeli intelligence agency's use of counterfeit Australian passports in the Dubai assassination of Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in January.

He said a Coalition government would never support a one-sided UN resolution against Israel.


Hi John

This is why I added Abbott in that lot, while Labor saw the sins of zion were not always kosher and started to smell a bit of porkies... And of course in a true catholic hypocritical way, Abbott uses the absolution blessing with no penalty because if it hurts them it hurts us mantra: "Zion is a good parasite".

Take a deep breath Australia and be logical.

We Australians have a history of being tied to the British Empire and all it stood for.  But, wasn't that because the UK had a majority of convicts and immigrants to occupy this land?

Have we, as a civilized nation, really dealt with that injustice?  Of course not.

Have we honored our Constitution? Of course not.

Have we laid down with dogs - yes we have.

I accept that my simple and natural feeling of right or wrong has no place in the deception of modern and filthy politics but, there must be a neutral ground found where all attitudes are canvassed and honored.

IMHO, the “media assassinated” Kevin Rudd was virtually a human sacrifice to the God of “f – you Jack, I’m inboard”.  The only other time that I “wished” for the Australian backbone; the workers; the soldiers that die and the people who are sacked when a government is devoid of policies and are considered as “controllable” costs - was when Gough Whitlam tried to make Australia financially independent of UK/US control in 1975.

That era has been so disgustingly abused in truth that the frail and hospitalized Gough held up the “finding of his innocence” under the secrecy laws for the media to consider.  No effect – only pity for a wonderfully independent and proud Australian.

The Howard “New Order” however, paid homage to a dedicated and admitted tax avoider in Kerry Packer, at TAXPAYER’S EXPENSE!  Fair dinkum.

Perhaps the foreign policy of the US is controlled by the Jewish Lobby but, who controls the foreign policy in Australia IF we are stupid enough to elect any Liberal or National candidate?

The wisdom of the Rudd government’s stimulus package saved Australia from massive sackings (except the Mining companies sacking of 15% of their employees).  Time has become a factor here and I believe that the Labor Government of Australia was the first to apply a Stimulus Package to cushion us against recession and massive loss of jobs.  This was totally opposed by the Abbott opposition – as was everything else.

And yet, the Obama Democratic Government in the US took our Labor government’s policy and copied it?  And millions were relieved.

May God Bless Australia and as the aged Senator Byrd warned Americans “I weap for my country”.  And I certainly do for Australia - under the fascist boots. NE OUBLIE.





connecting the zionist dots .....

from Crikey .....

Departing ALP member tells of deep Zionist influence in party

Antony Loewenstein writes:


The departing Labor member for Fowler, Julia Irwin, has revealed the deep influence of the Zionist lobby on the ALP and the inner workings of her party towards the Middle East in an exclusive interview with Crikey.

Irwin says Israel must engage with Hamas, argues that the two-state solution may be a lost cause, remains open to backing a cultural and academic boycott of Israel and provides unprecedented details about the Zionist lobby's capture of newly minted Labor MPs.

Irwin claims that her statements on the Israel/Palestine conflict over the years "have been broadly in line" with party policy and urges "an active role for the United Nations in the peace process". Such a view "upset Israel supporters in Caucus" from 2002 onwards. Irwin comments that the UN is generally backed by the ALP - note the party's opposition to the Iraq war due to a lack of UN support - but the Middle East crisis is seemingly different.

"When I put the question of UN involvement to [current Israeli Defence Minister] Ehud Barak when he visited Australia, he almost exploded," she says.

Irwin stands firm on her belief that the UN is central to solving the conflict.

When asked to explain why virtually every Labor MP backs Israel uncritically, Irwin responds that Zionist lobby free trips to Israel are central to cementing views. "Many members and senators from right-wing unions have had close links with the Israeli union movement over the years and have maintained entrenched views."

AWU boss and Labor aspirant Paul Howes is constantly backing Israeli unions in the public sphere, despite the call by Palestinian civil society to boycott such groups due to their connection to maintenance of the West Bank occupation.

Irwin tells me that her critical stance - best revealed in two recent speeches in parliament, one calling for a full investigation of the massacre on the Mavi Marmara and the other condemning increased Israeli colonisation in Palestine -- has cost her some friends in the ALP. "I should add that many of my colleagues these days begin a conversation with the remark, 'I know we don't see eye to eye on the Middle East but' ..."

She repeated her claim in a recent Sydney Morning Herald article that Labor power-broker Mark Arbib [alongside ALP officials and NSW Jewish treasurer Eric Roozendaal] have demanded her speeches be vetted before presentation. But she reveals to Crikey that it went further:

"[I was told I should] visit the Holocaust Museum, visit Israel and meet with members of various Jewish organisations [but] these requests have not been followed up. After one speech on Palestine, the ALP chief whip tore up my application for leave from the House when I was to attend an Inter Parliamentary Union meeting in Geneva. This was later approved but not before some emotional displays on both sides."

Significantly, Irwin says that she "enjoyed strong support from many rank-and-file members of the ALP" after a speech or statement on Israel/Palestine and would receive mountains of positive letters and emails. "There is obviously a strong groundswell of support within the ALP for a more independent position when it comes to the Israel/Palestine conflict."

There is no evidence that Prime Minister Julia Gillard is even willing to entertain this issue, placing blind backing for Israel as one of her key foreign policy objectives. Opposition leader Tony Abbott is no different.

Irwin says that former leader Simon Crean called her many years ago to briefly discuss the Middle East but until recently neither Kevin Rudd nor Julia Gillard had approached her:

"Then, strangely, at the Caucus meeting on the Tuesday before he was deposed as Prime Minister, I had gone up to Kevin to ask him to sign a hardback edition of The True Believers which had been signed by all Party leaders from Gough Whitlam. Kevin was surprisingly friendly and inquired about the reaction of supporters of the Palestinian cause to the government's handling of the expulsion of an Israeli diplomat over the theft of Australian passports and his statement calling for an inquiry into the Mavi Marmara incident. His remarks led me to believe that there had been some change in the government's position with regard to Israel even if it was only a small step from being totally uncritical."

Irwin laments the lack of MPs speaking out on Palestine (except Victorian MP Maria Vamvakinou and West Australian MP Melissa Parke) and blames enormous pressure from ALP officials. Furthermore, "most members regard Foreign Affairs as a specialist policy area and rarely make public statements on these matters. Tibet, Burma and Zimbabwe would be exceptions". But Irwin continually spoke out over Palestine.

Irwin's departure from parliament will leave virtually nobody from the major parties to speak critically about the Middle East.

She tells Crikey, without revealing the name, that "at least one ALP member receives big donations from Palestinian interests but is silent on the issue." Irwin says she has never received donations from groups with "direct links to Palestinian interests".

more zionist enablers ......

The largest ever Australian parliamentary delegation to visit Israel will travel to Jerusalem in December.

They will be part of a dialogue hosted by the privately funded Australia Israel Leadership Forum.

Julia Gillard has given approval for six ministers and parliamentary secretaries to be part of the trip led by Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd.

They will be part of a record 17 members of the House of Representatives and Senate who will take part in the visit.

The other Labor MPs are Communications Minister Stephen Conroy, Industry Minister Kim Carr, Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture Mike Kelly, Parliamentary Secretary for Pacific Island Affairs Richard Marles and MPs Michael Danby and Anthony Byrne. Bill Shorten, the Assistant Treasurer, is expected to join.

The Liberal Party plans to send nine members and senators - deputy leader Julie Bishop, Christopher Pyne, Andrew Robb, George Brandis, Kevin Andrews, Brett Mason, Mitch Fifield, Steven Ciobo and Guy Barnett.

And the ABC will break with long-held tradition and allow a journalist to attend, political editor Chris Uhlmann. AILF is the project of Melbourne property developer Albert Dadon and is modelled on the Australian American Leadership Dialogue begun by businessman Phil Scanlon.

Mr Dadon said the record number of participants "is testimony of the goodwill that exists between Australia and Israel".

Asked who was paying for the 17 members of parliament, Mr Dadon said: "The general rule for parliamentarians taking part in the leadership forum is that they pay their own way to Israel and we take care of all expenses on the ground except for ministers, who are also paying for their expenses."

Record number of pollies for Israel

and how many will visit Palestine?

meanwhile .....

The synods for the Middle East which lasted two weeks in the Vatican, have issued an important document which supports the Palestinian right to live free in Palestine. The document signed by more than 180 bishops from the catholic churches and other churches invalidated the Jewish argument that they are exclusively chosen by God. The argument of the so called chosen people has been invested by the Jewish Zionist invaders to legalize the occupation of Palestine and the uprooting of most of its native inhabitants.

Pope Benedict XVI addressed the synod by stressing that decent life is a right for all citizens to call for the consolidation of tolerance, and coexistence.

The document has cast out the zionist argument which uses the bible to authenticate its occupation. It makes it crystal clear that the bible cannot be used to inflict pain, occupation, or injustice on Palestinians.

The synod called for the immediate establishment of the Palestinian state as a condition to end the cycle of violence, and for the return of Palestinian refugees expelled from their homes by Zionist troops in 1948.

Bible Does Not Legitimize The Occupation Of Palestine

standing silent .....

Israel is not a democracy for all its citizens but an insecure nation demanding obedience to an ideology that deliberately excludes the legitimate rights of its Arab population.

The occupation in the West Bank is deepening daily, after more than 43 years, with colonies expanding at the fastest rate in two years. The illegal siege on Gaza contributes to Palestinian children suffering debilitating malnutrition.

This is the Israel that Western politicians prefer to ignore. When I recently confronted Opposition Leader Tony Abbott over his blind backing for Israeli "democracy", he muttered something about the Middle East not being "perfect." But, I countered, what about Jewish-only settler roads in the West Bank? That was "bad", he acknowledged, before looking away nervously.

Julia Gillard's Labor Party shares these delusions. It is one of the reasons that the Independent Australian Jewish Voices group published newspaper advertisements nationally this month demanding the Australian government "exert pressure on Israel to conform to international law and humanitarian standards".

The growing global concern over Israeli values has been crystallised by the Netanyahu cabinet voting to force non-Jews seeking citizenship to swear allegiance to Israel as a "Jewish and democratic state".

The decision was met with furious indignation from a vocal minority in Israel, not least Palestinians who were being asked to negate their historical rights. Leftist Jewish Israelis marched through Tel Aviv chanting, "Fascism and ethnic cleansing are standing proud".

In the Diaspora there was virtual silence. Blind loyalty came before defending democratic values. The Achilles heel is its deference to Israeli government decisions, a Maoist-like devotion to a country increasingly delegitimised by its own occupying policies.

Israel's New Oath Is Racist