Friday 10th of January 2025

dash to the finish...

dash to the finish...

like a fly in a jar...

Tony Abbott is setting a frenetic pace as he sprints to election day —  even pledging to speak on graveyard radio shifts after midnight.

The Opposition Leader woke up in the dark to jog around Brisbane at 4.30am before rushing to his first event at a fruit and produce market before 6am as the sun rose.

Mr Abbott has defended his whirlwind tour of Queensland, saying it is "sensible" for a politician to meet as many swinging voters as possible in the final days of the race. He is expected to visit more marginal seats in western Sydney before polling day.

By 8am, Mr Abbott had finished his exercise, met a dozen produce wholesalers, held a live TV interview and started a radio chat.

By 5pm, he will have added at least three more events and a plane trip to that schedule.


budgies in the winds...

hopefully psychic...

An enormous saltwater crocodile named Harry has picked Julia Gillard as the winner of the federal election in a snap poll in Darwin this afternoon.

The 4.9 metre croc was given the choice of munching on one of two chicken carcasses - one tied to an image of the Prime Minister and the other attached to a picture of Opposition Leader Tony Abbott.

In front of a large crowd, the 720 kilogram beast, which last month correctly tipped Spain as the winner of the soccer World Cup, seemed at first disinterested in both options.

But after about five minutes, the croc opened its jaws and crunched down on the meat attached to Ms Gillard.

"He saw the future and I think he might have something going with Paul the octopus," the reptile's handler, Nigel Palmer, said, referring to the octopus that had eight correct tips during the World Cup.


Gus: if the beast is wrong we'll make handbags out of its skin...

a serious offence amongst many...


Here is a picture of Tony, dressed as a policeman, from the Herald... Of course Tony should be charged for illegally wearing a uniform and having weaponry such as a clearly indentifiable Taser on him. It is a serious offence, Mr Abbott, to impersonate or even wear a police uniform without being one. This is too serious. A liar, a masquerador and a cheat — he did not declare the full extend of his borrowing to parliament as he should have.

The Libs costing of their election promises are not credible. Their contract of stopping the boats is not credible: even rattus could not do it... And as a self-proclaimed christian, Tony shows he is the most selffish, hard-hearted person ever. 

As Gillard says: If you want someone to run a marathon, pick Tony... If you want someone to run the country, pick me.

Tony should go to prison for this policeman stunt.

Tony can't trust himself...

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has set a Coalition government the target of limiting unauthorised boat arrivals to three a year, saying he deserves to be "very harshly judged" if it fails.

Mr Abbott said on average three boats a year had arrived under previous Coalition governments between 2002 and 2007, and he was aiming for the same result.

"If I can achieve three boats a year ... I think the Australian public would have every reason to be grateful to the new government," he told reporters in Sydney today.


Gus: from a firm rock-solid NO-BOAT POLICY now to a three boat-ish policy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The cad! The shifty!!! The Libshitty! His "contract" now not worth the air-time on TV... And he would deserve to be "very harshly judged" if he failed???? What a lot of codswallop!!! Is he loosing his marbles at the same time as loosing his budgies???? What does "very harshly judged" means? a wrap over the finger? That we demand he should resign immediately should a fourth boat come in? What about if ten boats come? Should we hang him? Would he say it's not his fault but the Labor party's?

The idiot can't even trust himself!


We're the positive alternative, says PM

Ms Gillard said the alternative to the Coalition was Labor's positive economic plan, which included building the national broadband network. The Coalition would scrap it, she said..

She also reminded voters about the government's claim to have saved the country from recession during the global financial crisis and to have supported jobs.

A Galaxy poll predicts a narrow Labor win with a 52 to 48 per cent two-party preferred result.

It has Labor's primary vote at 38 per cent.

Ms Gillard said she did not believe Mr Abbott's assurances that Work Choices was dead.

"If Mr Abbott had said the day after the 2007 election, if he'd said then, 'I get it now, the Australian people have voted against Work Choices, I'll never do that again,' then I'd accept Mr Abbott's assurances now,'' she told Fairfax Radio.