Saturday 27th of July 2024

zionist justice .....

zionist justice .....


‘It was a cold Sunday morning in Teaneck, N.J. Some two-hundred-odd Jewish-Americans were entering the Orthodox synagogue Congregation B'nai Yeshurun where they were to hear a sales pitch by the Amana Settlement Movement aimed at convincing them to buy homes in illegal Israeli settlements.

amerikan lawfare .....

amerikan lawfare .....


The case of David Hicks has introduced argument over the language of the law & of military justice into our daily news bulletins & public discussion.

better late than never .....

better late than never .....

from the Centre for American Progress …..

just a little self-defence .....

self-defence .....


If God wills, even a broomstick will shoot. That is an old Yiddish adage.

One could add now: If God wills, even Olmert can sometimes tell the truth.

making multi-coloured porkies .....

minister for multi-coloured porkies .....

from the ABC …..

Latrobe power station funding a waste, Greens say

usama bin birthday .....

usama bin birthday .....


from Alternet …..

treason inc .....

treason inc .....


‘Oil services giant Halliburton Co. will soon shift its corporate headquarters from Houston to the Mideast financial powerhouse of Dubai, chief executive Dave Lesar announced Sunday.

The Last Word On Kovco- The First Word On Kovco

"He died in a US Army combat surgical hospital where he was surrounded by his mates, who draped his body in an Australian flag and with a paratrooper's beret on his chest as they said The Lord's Prayer." These words of Jake Kovco's death appeared on the Melbourne Herald Sun's website on the weekend following his death.

Who wrote this crap? Surely to any reader that's been following the Kovco Inquiry the wag-the-dog-style imagery written here is WRONG.

mediaeval men .....

mediaeval men .....


‘Afghan parliamentarian Malalai Joya, who will be 28 in April, is a slight woman who maybe reaches 5ft but against whom four assassination attempts have already been made.

what chance hicks .....

what chance hicks .....


‘Once upon a time, our offshore prison at Guantanamo was the sort of place where even an American National Guardsman, only pretending to be a recalcitrant prisoner "extracted" from a cell for training purposes, could be beaten almost senseless.

the beginning of the end .....


the beginning of the end .....
from the Centre for American Progress …..

Get rid of elections.

Hi guys,

I'm doing some thinking and writing about the level of representation in various political models, and there are a few things I'm looking for definitions, or terms for so I can look them up... Any suggestions of where to look for more information on these topics more than welcome! Thanks!

1) Rezoning in the westminster political system

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