Sunday 8th of September 2024

diplomatic bushit .....

diplomatic dipshit .....

Putin Cautions US Over Missile Defense Plans

By Michael A. Fletcher

Washington Post Staff Writer

Monday, June 4, 2007; 4:24 PM

PRAGUE, June 4 - President Bush arrived here Monday to begin an eight-day visit to Europe, at a time when Russian President Vladimir Putin is threatening to retaliate against U.S. plans for a European missile defense system by aiming some of Russia's weapons at new targets on the continent.

rattus emissions .....

rattus emissions .....

Labor's green 'fanatics' in denial, says Turnbull

The Federal Government is stepping up its attack on the Opposition's climate change policies.

The Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull is defending the Government's decision to wait until next year before setting pollution reduction targets.


pox amerikanus .....

pox amerikanus .....

Let’s face it ….

Bushit’s Amerika is a proud nation of firsts.

Among them:

First in oil consumption:

Amerika burns up 20.7 million barrels per day, the equivalent of the combined oil consumption of China, Japan, Germany, Russia & India.

First in carbon dioxide emissions:

the bleedin' obvious .....


amerikan nightmare .....

America is ruled by a president who absolutely refuses to bend to the will of the people & a congress that unashamedly ignores the citizenry's demands.

In the instances of Executive & Congressional &, too, as it relates to both parties; all discard the needs & wishes of the people in order to serve only corporate interests.

his master's voice .....

his master's voice .....

‘This is an essay born of despair, an angry cry from the heart about the impoverishment of mainstream public debate in this country, delivered with passion and eloquence.

The frustration is palpable as David Marr writes, "What's done most to gag democracy in this country is a sense that debating John Howard is futile".

emissions accomplished .....

emissions accomplished .....

The lout in the outhouse faced an international backlash today over his attempts to kill off global plans to tackle climate change.

His bushit majesty was accused of effectively tearing up international agreements to try to reduce carbon emissions.

He threw global efforts to control global warming into confusion by proposing an alternative to the United Nations process.

mad food disease .....

mad food disease .....

‘The Bush administration has said that it will fight to keep meatpackers from testing all their animals for mad cow disease.

The Agriculture Department tests fewer than 1 percent of slaughtered cows for the disease, which can be fatal to humans who eat tainted beef. A beef producer in the western state of Kansas, Creekstone Farms Premium Beef, wants to test all of its cows.

some system .....

some system .....

‘But it was impossible to save the Great Republic.

She was rotten to the heart.

Lust of conquest had long ago done its work; trampling upon the helpless abroad had taught her, by a natural process, to endure with apathy the like at home; multitudes who had applauded the crushing of other people's liberties, lived to suffer for their mistake in their own persons.

spot the phoney .....

spot the phoney .....

‘…. though Iranians sound bellicose, Iran has not started a single war since the revolution of 1979. Indeed, Iran was the victim of a war launched by Saddam Hussein, whom we secretly supported. Not within living memory has Iran invaded or attacked another country.

But in the last 110 years, peace-loving Americans have fought Spain, Germany twice, Austria-Hungary, Japan, Italy, North Korea, North Vietnam, Iraq twice and Serbia. We have intervened militarily in the Philippines, Cuba, Mexico, Panama, Nicaragua, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Lebanon and Grenada. We bombed Libya. Now, a case can be made for most of these wars, whose fallen we honor on Memorial Day.

bushit follies .....

bushit follies .....

‘Of the seven wonders of the ancient Mediterranean world, including the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the Colossus of Rhodes, four were destroyed by earthquakes, two by fire. Only the Great Pyramid of Giza today remains.

Anti Global Warming Propaganda


The Great Global Warming Swindle was something I discovered on pp.1 & 2 of The Age of Thursday May 24th. This is presented as a documentary questioning the science behind climate change. The program caused a storm when it was aired on UK Ch.4 in March. Howls of protest were heard from scientists including some featured in the film, that it's makers used fabricated data, half truths and misleading statements.

It is postulated that the ABC Board has been pressuring the broadcaster to show this so called documentary to its Australian audience. Despite recommendation from the ABC Science Journalist, Robyn Williams, who advised the TV division not to buy the program, he has further labelled the broadcaster of "verging on the irresponsible" over its decision to air something that was "demonstrably wrong".

puff the magic rattus .....


puff the magic rattus .....

from the ABC …..

PM tight-lipped on climate change ads

The Prime Minister has dodged questions about whether a new government advertising campaign on climate change is planned.

Labor insists the Government intends sending all eight million households in Australia a taxpayer-funded, full-colour brochure on climate change with a personal cover note from John Howard.

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