Sunday 8th of September 2024

murder Inc .....

murder inc .....


"The president believes that there is a right for people to bear arms, but that all laws must be followed."

mad america .....

mad america .....

Virginia state gun laws - frequently asked questions:

Is a permit required to purchase rifles, handguns and shotguns? No.

so many jabbas .....

so many jabbas .....

‘How strange that the architects of the War on Terror seem more closely aligned to the bad guys than to the people whose security they bill as their top priority.

the ultimate terrorist .....

the ultimate terrorist .....

George W. Bush is undoubtedly the most genuine representative of a system of terror forced on the world by the technological, economic and political superiority of the most powerful country known to this planet.

feral phoney .....


feral phoney .....

from the ABC …..

Howard stakes claim for underdog tag

hockey pucks .....


hockey pucks .....

from the ABC …..

Labor rejects claims of $100m anti-WorkChoices campaign

An independent EPA

In the contemporary world the largest pressures on our societies relate to our relationship with the natural world. Be it water resources, our own pollution from industry and urban expanses, or climate change. And our societies relies on organisations such as the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) to keep check on these pressures, to draw attention to them, and to mitigate their effects.

However, in recent times the effectiveness of the EPA has been somewhat questionable. The most notable case of this conduct recently was the when Tim Powe, senior manager in the EPA reviled "...political considerations have stopped the introduction of air-quality monitoring and mandatory community health checks at Mt Isa's two smelters - the largest source of lead emissions in Australia. "[1] Since this expose testing has found "one to four years, have tested higher than the recommended dosages deemed safe by the State Government "[2]

The list also includes lead and zinc dust blowing off the Townsville port onto the houses of surrounding suburbs [3], the Alcoa Aluminium refinery in Wagerup [4], Port Pirie's lead contamination [5], and the Narangba Industrial Estate fire [6]. And on and on.

wolfie .....

wolfie .....

‘Pressure for World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz to resign grew yesterday as the bank's board wrangled behind the scenes over whether his approval of a high-paying promotion for his girlfriend bent rules.

surged .....


surged .....

from the NYT …..

Longer Duty Leaves Forces Disappointed but Stoic

the grand prince of bogans .....

the grand prince of bogans .....

from Crikey …..

Does Alan Jones deserve a place in our licensed radio community?

all strung out .....

all strung out .....

from the Guardian …..

disappearing diebold .....

disappearing diebold .....

In 5-Year Effort, Scant Evidence of Voter Fraud


Published: April 12, 2007

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