Monday 3rd of February 2025

predicting the future...





















Predicting the future has been a pass-time for offals of birds readers, Christians, Nostradamuses, “intelligence agencies” and super-computers. Every time a new prediction is made with more “precision”, someone goes on the barricade and shouts that the sea level rise predicted for 2100 won’t be as bad, because new calculations show the previous estimate to be 25 per cent over the new recalibrated predictions. Hurrah!, claims an article in RT, “F*ck Climate Crisis” is the picture used to demonstrate how wrong “we’ve been so far”…
















There’s something smug about the reaction of the federal government and its health advisers who believe the disaster they are presiding over could be worse and there’s nowhere else on earth you would rather be.


It’s a message the Prime Minister repeated at three news conferences this week – despite the unraveling of a vaccine rollout they all had a year to plan for.

Sure Australia is nowhere near the plight of Brazil, India, Papua New Guinea – or for that matter France and Italy – all facing repeat waves of a pandemic claiming thousands of lives and pushing their health systems to the verge of collapse.





















The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and an assortment of high-profile figures and policymakers are pushing for unregulated gene-editing technologies, the rollout of bio-synthetic food created in laboratories, the expanded use of patented seeds and the rollback of subsidies and support for farmers in places like India.

clowns have empathy...

school for clowningschool for clowning
















 Andrew Laming wrote to schools in his electorate using his Liberal MP letterhead to request early Naplan data for private research for his doctoral thesis, prompting a complaint from the teachers’ union.

The Queensland Teachers Union advised schools they were under “no obligation” to provide the test data, labelling the request “inappropriate”.

scomo blames the pigs...


















Rape allegations, gross misogyny, stalking and abuse, cover-ups, hiring prostitutes in Parliament House. What other reaction could you have but absolute disgust for the federal government? For six weeks, endless stories about the abuse of women by Liberal and National party staffers and politicians have featured in the news. Whether it’s carrying out the abuse, the attempted denials and cover-ups, the excuses made for the abusers or the dirt jobs on those who report or expose the abuse, the list of the Coalition’s crimes goes on and on.

turning wine into piss...


















The Australian Electoral Commission has asked Facebook to provide information about dozens of pages operated by Andrew Laming, as Labor calls for the government to cut ties with the besieged MP.

on the way to democracy...

german unificationgerman unification



















In her book “Discovering the World of the Ancient Greeks, (first published 1991) Dr Zofia Archibald MPhil, DPhil, gives us an insight into the beginnings of “democracy”. 


  "Democracy is the best-known of Greek political institutions, but in practice it was rare and short-lived. Most Greek states, for most of their history, were ruled by hereditary elites, with from the 5th century (BC) onwards, brief interruption of democratic government.”  


The subheading to this chapter, ARISTOCRATIC SOCIETY, states:  


mr pickwick lives in the white house...



























in the year of grace, the christian stoker fights back...



















 Liberal senator Amanda Stoker has taken another swipe at Australian of the Year Grace Tame, who blasted the Queensland senator’s cabinet promotion.


Ms Tame has accused the new Assistant Minister for Women of supporting a “fake rape crisis” tour on university campuses.

She said last week the campaign was aimed at falsifying all counts of sexual abuse on campuses across the country.

finché c’è guerra, c’è speranza...

Liberty ShipLiberty Ship

















The origins of the Liberty Ship can be traced to a design proposed by the British in 1940. Seeking to replace wartime losses, the British placed contracts with US shipyards for 60 steamers of the Ocean class. These steamers were of simple design and featured a single coal-fired 2,500 horsepower reciprocating steam engine. While the coal-fired reciprocating steam engine was obsolete, it was reliable and Britain possessed a large supply of coal. While the British ships were being constructed, the US Maritime Commission examined the design and made alterations to lessen coast and speed construction.



global Mayhem

 water dragonwater dragon 





dangerous games...


US President Joe Biden has used a first official phone call with President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to offer staunch support in Ukraine’s standoff over Russian troops near its border.


at least they didn't get bombed by barack in another country....


Michelle Obama tells schoolgirls to view pandemic as a ‘great blessing’


the universe is surprising...

veil nebulaveil nebula

Understanding the universe is an adventure in exploration and observations, not in mythical assumptions. 


Using new techniques, scientists have released a breathtaking updated image of the Veil Nebula, the beautiful remains of a supernova which took place 10,000 years ago.


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