Sunday 2nd of February 2025

on the wrong side of the bars, as "the old are beginning to tire"...


I’ve been on to my solicitor to draft a certificate setting out why I should be saved when the Great Triage comes.

I can’t think of a single reason off the top of my head but he’ll come up with something. He’s good. He’s expensive. I want the document on me when I’m wheeled into ICU.

bringing back the tanks...


OK, I’ve got some good news and I’ve got some bad news. The good news is mainly for authoritarians who missed all the fun during the War on Terror. The news is … welcome to the War on Death!

the new world order...

world order    We are sold a pup. Yes the coronavirus is here. But the treatment is far worse than this disease which is not worse than the ordinary flu by any shot. People still die daily from the flu in far greater numbers than those who die from the coronavirus. Isolation, quarantine and destruction of the social fabric in one swoop are not the solutions to fight such an infection and one should ask questions. One needs to be highly suspicious...

the goddess with the many boobies...

nature   Nature Adorning the Three Graces (painted between 1613 and 1615) is also known as Nature and Her Followers.

of an opportunistic nature...

2007   An article in The Guardian is bordering on the ridiculously Anthropomorphic… Gus counters with the concept that nature does not send messages. Some of nature's "elements" react to change in opportunistic manner or in other way such as extinction, with no “message” intended. We interpret what we observe after having dished our rubbish, in order to make sense of our senselessness and carelessness. 

amusing creative side-effects of your panic...


Whether the coronavirus has been designed or is an accidental infection, the political class got together around the world — with various “reactive” increments as not to appear as a choir “conspiracy” — to stem the problem with similar reactions nonetheless. Medicines that seem to work at eliminating the effect of the disease have been sidelined carefully, with “not properly tested yet” (except in China)...

in the sick bay, awaiting the final blow...


It’s always difficult during a crisis for the government to address problems effectively while guarding against potential collateral damage to the freedoms Americans take for granted.

swimming with crocodiles in a swamp after escaping a massive bushfire crisis...


Scott Morrison’s opening statement to Parliament’s coronavirus crisis sitting was as dramatic as it was heartfelt.

an uncomfortable notion: the coronavirus is an escaped/released bioweapon...


The war on terror has gone cold…



The only place terrorism is still significant is in Central Africa (Mali et al)… where the Wahhabi Jihadists are still active. 



Russia and China have managed to escape the clutches of the Empire — and not only this, China is also influencing many third world countries to be more independent economically.



roger did not know that soon his freedom to fart was going to be curbed by the authority...


So this is how Liberty dies…with thunderous applause.

A few days ago James Corbett posted a video titled “Is this THE big event?” the answer to that increasingly looks to be “yes”.

Not the virus itself, you understand, which official statistics still show to be minor compared to annual flu outbreaks. But rather, what it’s being used for. The West’s vestigial democratic forms, and slowly atrophying civil liberties are facing a final assault from draconian authoritarians sensing (or creating) their big moment.

Spain is enjoying “martial law in all but name”, while Italy is likewise bringing in the army.

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