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tell scummo to fuck himself instead of the ABC...It started under the little Turd, Abbott-the-Idiot, when he promised not to cut the ABC budget, but once elected he started to slash eveything...
Is this the world that we want to live in?...
frack-turing the environment...Increasingly, U.S. shale firms appear unable to pay back investors for the money borrowed to fuel the last decade of the fracking boom. In a similar vein, those companies also seem poised to stiff the public on cleanup costs for abandoned oil and gas wells once the producers have moved on.
news of the day: donald is going insane...In several previous articles I’ve written for Pravda.Report, I have analogized the rise of George W. Bush and Donald Trump to the highest office in United States government to the rise of Adolph Hitler in Germany. While I did this with the realization and understanding that, to many people, Hitler represents a unique form of evil, I felt the world would be remiss if they forgot the political tactics and circumstances that allowed Hitler to obtain power, and that many of these tactics and circumstances have contributed to the rise of both Bush Jr. and Trump.
helping the community beyond beliefs...
sold a french pup?...
inanities, embellishments and outright lies being peddled by the scummo government...
even the drought relief is drying up...Morrison, giving the first indication that the federal drought funding had dried up, explained that of the $100 million in funding he announced that day, only $40 million would be rolled out this financial year.
overwhelmed with so much brilliance...You would think in the era of Donald Trump, Boris Johnson and Brexit that comedians would be overwhelmed with material to draw on for their routines.
a caricature debunked...Time for Gus to drink the Red Ned served at Communion or sing “god is my way” with Brian Houston’s deluded multitudes?
Performing hallucinations…
playing a dangerous game...
leaking like a bucket flat-pack to assemble with a lying key...The Prime Minister's office has accidentally leaked its own internal talking points for MPs to journalists across Australia, revealing the key issues the Coalition will focus on this week.
helping reduce carbon emissions by doing less...Infrastructure is the latest area of Morrison Government incompetence exposed by fresh data from the Bureau of Statistics. Alan Austin reports.
the world's crap is explained by a sadistic nurse in a mental hospital, three rats and a dozen idiots...stooges The (future) Prime Minister gave Hillary a poisonous critique in 2007, which did not prevent the two from meeting at the Clinton Foundation in Manhattan in 2015.
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