Saturday 1st of February 2025

is he electable? not really... even if he lived in the electorate...

tony listens

In the Saturday Paper, we are reminded by the Gadfly that Tony Abbott does not live in the electorate that he wishes to represent once more: Warringah. He lives "next door" in Mackellar. This should actually disqualify him forthwith. But we shall see what the AEC makes of this..


On the question of global warming, which is not a question by the way, Tony Abbott is a "compleat" (old fashioned way to spell complete) ignoramus because he does not want to know anything contrary to his beliefs... See:

uncle rupe is going to become religious like pontius pilatus...


This is going to become ugly. Already the guns are out in the Murdoch camp... One of their front page articles on the website is about a Green candidate doing some rubbish posting about the police. He should be chastised sure, but the headline on the merde-och media is cleverly disguised with a photograph designed to associate Tanya Plibersek (Labor), as if she had been doing the shit.


Watch it. It's classic DT clever manipulation of your brains.


the commerce of religion...


Neo-charismatic Pentecostalism is the perfect creation for – or the culmination of – an age defined by digitisation and globalisation. Adherents are signing up to a lifestyle brand that is designed to appeal to a new generation of consumers who know what we want: experiences, flexibility, and the ability to connect with people just like us.

cycling through the detrituses...


Today, lazy as ever, Gus steals someone else editorial from a few years ago to remind readers why Ms Devine is an idiot. The cartoon at top is from the Melbourne Punch, published in 1896, when Aussie cyclists were doing so well in bicycle races, overseas. This was the new Australian Coat of Arms.


Here goes Loon Pond:


Miranda Devine, lycra-clad louts redux, and an epic bicycle journey through the dangerous streets of Sydney ...

miranda pisses over the ledge...

In her opinionated editorial of 28/4/19, Miranda Devine hits the craps at full shit speed:


First Miranda is an ignorant twat. Second Miranda is a dangerous ignorant twat. Third Miranda Devine is a useless bitch. Sorry I should have used another word, but this one is the only one coming to mind.

the end of exceptionalism ...

the end of exceptionalism ...

At the conclusion of the Second World War the United States was the overwhelmingly dominant military and economic power. The other major colonial powers, in particular France and the United Kingdom, had been financially exhausted by the war. Germany was shattered, its industry in ruins. The United States has a monopoly on nuclear weapons and there were serious plans to use those weapons on the Soviet Union (Operation Unthinkable) (1).

jones saves his hubris from facts...


Commercial wireless bloviator Alan Jones doesn’t like the ALP’s policies on electric cars, cancer treatment, negative gearing, superannuation, energy or climate change. And that’s just the start.

stop the stopper who stopped the stop adani coal mine...


Environment Minister Melissa Price has granted federal approval to the controversial Adani coal mine following intense pressure from her Queensland colleagues to sign off on the plan before the federal election.

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