Saturday 1st of February 2025

heavenly sex before and after noah's ark....


Considering that in the 1980s, Pope John Paul II decreed there is no sexlife in the afterlife, one needs to ponder about the implications.

black/brown electoral disaster...


Today’s (9 3 19) the Daily Telegraphicrappish is spewing chips at newcomers invading its turf — Google, Facebook and others with digitation of news — to the news market. Robert Thomson, News Corp’s CEO, has slammed the smugness of the digital giants, the apathy of politicians and the somnambulism of regulators — warning lawmakers to deal with the “potency of dominant algorithms and the anti-social potential of social media”. 

international women's day came from the russian revolution...

Nadya KrupskayaNadya Krupskaya

How International Women's Day went from starting a revolution to corporate breakfasts

By Annika Blau

On a winter's morning in Petrograd, women begin streaming onto the streets. 

directing staff to segregate aboriginal people into inferior rooms while charging them the same price as other guests...


This cartoon (2009) by Rolf Heimann for Overland was in tandem with Richard Moore, the Melbourne film festival director, being grilled by the Chinese why a movie about Rebiya Kadeer should be in the Festival... (see also: and don't mention huavei...)


Yet, Overland had some issues with Richard Moore:


ten years ago... same stuff (shit) as today...


2009 was a good year... for the "reshaping of our global economic system" — no change except it's getting worse.



Make no mistake, Donald Trump kicked off his campaign for 2020 on Tuesday night when he delivered the State of the Union address.

Expect "socialism" to become a very dirty word (if it isn't already).

who the fuck came up with that idea? she did...

the witch of the stadiums...

Stricter festival regulations in New South Wales have received some colourful, high-profile criticism from Californian rock band the Red Hot Chili Peppers, who described the rules as "outlandish" and "stupid".

oh what a tangled web they weave, when first they practise to deceive...

on a warm day

Last week, environment minister Melissa Price and energy minister Angus Taylor once again hit the airwaves, lying to the public on Australia’s carbon emissions, claiming that emissions are falling.

quartering the quadrant...

pell vanila

The Catholics are in a tizzy. Some of their writers are rattled but won’t admit to it, thus they have become bitter. Take for example Michael Warren Davis who writes for various conservative outlets including Quadrant.


weakening synapses to cull memories...


Bird memorized phone number 

plain vanilla crimes...


Top barrister, Robert Richter QC, will no longer represent Cardinal George Pell in court for his sentence and appeal, saying he is too emotional and angry about the guilty verdict handed down by the jury.

scummo goes on the front foot in high heels...

high heels

Every year around the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (25 November), politicians with white ribbons pinned to their suits deliver passionate speeches about protecting women from domestic violence. But when it comes to implementing life saving measures, their lack of action speaks louder than words.

bolton hates diplomatic agreements that succeed...


John Bolton was spinning the failure of the Hanoi summit as a success in an interview earlier today:

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