Tuesday 21st of January 2025

"captain chaos" strikes again .....

"captain chaos" strikes again ....

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has been accused of making a "calamitous captain's call" for deciding to throw his support behind a plan to set up another Australian medical school.

lest we forget ....

lest we forget ....

There is much speculation about US Secretary of State John Kerry’s rush visit to Russia in the wake of Russia’s successful Victory Day celebration on May 9. On May 11, Kerry, who was snubbing Russia on the 9th, was on his way to Russia, and Putin consented to see him on May 12.

takin' care of business ....

takin' care of business ....

Five major international banks are expected to plead guilty as soon as next week to criminal charges in the US related to their deliberate manipulation of global foreign exchange markets, which allowed them to rake in billions of dollars at the expense of retirees, university endowments and municipalities.

turdy lies with a straight face...

straight face...


Just as Labor refuses to accept any responsibility for the fiscal handicap the country now faces, the [Abbott] Government resolutely refuses to concede that its performance on debt and deficit is no better.

broken faith in politics .....

broken faith in politics .....

from The Monthly by Robert Manne

god help the minister who meddles with art...

artful Brandis...

With a tiger's pounce that blindsided everyone, George Brandis has moved ruthlessly to carve out his own arts fiefdom. But in doing so, he has taken on an industry with a loud voice, writes Ben Eltham.

crying wolf .....

crying wolf ....

Counter-terrorism advisers and Muslim community leaders have raised serious concerns about Prime Minister Tony Abbott's obsessive use of the phrase "death cult" to describe Islamic State, saying it is counter-productive, ineffective and does some of the terror group's marketing for them.

Of all the existential threats to the Australian way of life, none seem to have captured the Prime Minister's attention like the "death cult", otherwise known as Islamic State, ISIL or ISIS.

dangerous metaphors and pissing in the wind analogy on the football field...


budget 2015

Politicians love a sporting analogy. Only war (the one waged on drugs, for example) gives sport a run for its money in the political metaphor stakes.

Peppering your speech with sporting references is seen as a way of avoiding that most unforgivable of political sins: appearing out of touch with the "average punter". Just think of Tony Abbott's "captain's calls" or Julie Bishop praising the PM for his talents in the "change rooms".


"It's not unlike, you know, the way that a prop forward takes the ball up," said the Cronulla Sharks diehard.

cancelled, due to lack of interest...


bleak budget...

Treasury officials will not be interrogated about the Abbott government's much-anticipated second budget this year by Australia's chief economists.

about the freedom of the press and freedom of expression in a country where people get sacked for saying what they think...

the press

When Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg invented the movable type in 1439, he and his fellow printers discovered that the great advantage of simplifying the printing process was to make serious money by selling printed books for nearly the same price as hand-written manuscripts. By 1500, the price of books had dropped by 4/5ths.

a rogue advisor who should resign for his stupid erroneous flawed specious views...

maurice's chickens...

We've publicly called for Mr Newman to resign as business advisor to the Australian Government over his misleading comments.

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