Friday 7th of March 2025

getting lucky ....

getting lucky .....

from Crikey ….

Australian sovereignty is at risk under the Trans-Pacific Partnership, with evidence showing a toxic combination of corporations, ambulance chaser law firms and biased arbitrators will be able to overrule our laws.

the cat lady comes to australia...

sex kitten

Cat owners who live near areas containing threatened species could be banned from allowing their pets outdoors as the federal government sets its sights on the potential killing machines.

Australia's first threatened species commissioner, Gregory Andrews, said all cat owners should keep their pets contained 24 hours a day, saying it makes them happier and healthier, and saves native mammals.

But a veterinarian said the measure, already in place in some jurisdictions, could cause health and behavioural problems and should be implemented with caution.

cash being given out for "no purpose at all"...


Gambling lobby group Clubs New South Wales must explain why it donated money to the Victorian MP and federal minister Kevin Andrews, Independent senator Nick Xenophon says.

the new prophets are more accurate than the old ones


This piece of parchment is a fake... It was found in Leonisko da Vinci archives —between a Telstra bill and a hamburger wrapper... Though the parchment is fake, the words are true Leonardo, mirror like. 


bizarro world .....

bizarro world ....

from Crikey …..

turdy redesigns the aussie flag with an enthusiasm not seen since the ballarat miners revolution...

turdy's flag

Every kid in Australian schools know our flag. They know the seven pointed star beneath the union jack symbolic of a colonial past. But not our valiant Turdy. Apparently he never studied the flag. He never looked at it beyond seeing the union jack from his country of origin. He is a pom, flaunting the laws of Australia. 

on lifting ....

on leaning .....

Last year, Treasurer Joe Hockey famously declared that Australia needed to be a nation of “lifters, not leaners”.

The Coalition wants us to believe workers and the poor have it easy—and that the funds for their coveted budget surplus should be taken from our pockets. Labor leaders, for their part, largely agree.

nothing to see here .....

nothing to see here .....

your ABC ....

your ABC ....

recognition .....

recognition .....

Gary Foley has written the following on Facebook about the recognition campaign:

democracy for sale .....

deomcracy for sale .....

The problem of vested interests and their corruption of public debate must be addressed. It is urgent if we are to have democratic renewal, restore some faith in our public institutions and develop sound public policies. John Menadue reports.

ABC shops to take the chop...


ABC Shops around the country will be phased out and closed as the national broadcaster moves to an online retail model.

Up to 300 staff employed by the ABC's commercial division through ABC Retail were briefed on the decision in a national video hook-up last night.

leadership ....

leadership .....

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