Friday 17th of January 2025

100 days ....

100 days ....

For more than two years, Rod Cameron's pessimism about Labor's prospects has been a strictly private affair. Although he dubbed Tony Abbott unelectable, the former ALP pollster remained circumspect on the challenge facing the party he served in more than 50, mostly winning, state and federal campaigns.

interview terminated .....

interview terminated .....

Once a state gets used to abusing the rights of foreigners in distant lands, it's almost inevitable it will import the habit

happy little vegemites...

happy little...

On Tuesday, a poll published by News Ltd showed that Labor's primary vote has fallen one point to 30 per cent and the Coalition is up three points to 49 per cent. On a two party-preferred basis, this puts the Coalition in a definitive election-winning position, 58 per cent to Labor's 42 per cent.

vanstone vapours...

wall street amanda...

Wall Street is back!

a profound and dangerous problem with blair...

blair hypo

Tony Blair has sparked anger by claiming the murder of Lee Rigby shows there is a "problem within Islam".

god-bothering ....

god-bothering ....

First up from the God Machine this week is a look at the unfortunate ways in which social-conservative activists are responding to American women's economic empowerment.

the road to perdition ....

the road to perdition ....

Israel’s Fraying Image and Its Implications

Remarks to a Seminar convened by The National Interest to Discuss an Article by Jacob Heilbrunn

we have no choice...


Before Sir David Attenborough recently warned us about the lunacy of endless growth, I was writing a long article about this very subject and how to accept and prepare for the values of restraint... Unfortunately my computer is reaching the end of its useful life and as I was saving the pages it froze and killed off what was a rather angry rant...

tonocchio ....

tonocchio ....

It would be troubling enough if Tony Abbott's shilly-shallying on electoral reform had merely killed off hopes of making overdue changes to the nation's electoral laws.

keeping us safe ....

keeping us safe ....

the demise of the american left ....

the demise of the american left ....

Is there a Left in America today?

There is, of course, a Left ideology, a Left of the mind, a Left of theory and critique.

But is there a Left movement?

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