Monday 13th of January 2025

Israeli Apartheid Week 2012

Israeli Apartheid Week 2012 .....


The Snowy Man

There were movements at the stations as the emails passed around

Rudd's bolt of Old Regret had got away

Rumours ran like independants, Murdoch made a thousand Pounds,

and Julia Gillard's cracks began to fray


A Hawker of the Faceless Men came down to lend a hand

on the media cycle he so loved to ride

cracking Whips and Albanese as he Galluped through the pack

It was grand, the way that old spin-doctor lied.


But the hardy little Brisbane bloke could hardly raise a vote

and it looked like he would fail in his attack,

and he strained there, single-handed, till his sides were white with foam

as he begged the squatters (please) to bring him back


And those squatters, who had gathered from their homesteads near and far

stood and shook their heads at Kev in disbelief

When possession still is thought of as nine-tenths of modern law

judgements of convenience .....

judgements of convenience .....

Proposed laws that would empower the Australian Crime Commission to share information with the private sector could lead to people being unfairly sacked from their jobs, according to civil liberties groups.

Under legislation due to be voted on in the Federal Parliament this year, the crime commission would be allowed to pass on information about serious and organised crime to businesses such as banks and superannuation funds. This would include telling them when an employee was suspected of criminal links.

Civil libertarians say the proposals toss away the presumption of innocence and may lead to lives being unfairly destroyed.

too close to the sun .....

too close to the sun .....

Dramatic new evidence to the Leveson inquiry this week is expected to unleash a "bloodbath" of bitter recriminations between police and prosecution officials arguing over failings in a series of investigations into allegations of phone hacking, computer hacking and bribery by journalists.

and the winner is .....

and the winner is .....

Julia Gillard has staved off a challenge from Kevin Rudd, winning the leadership ballot 71-31 to retain the prime ministership.

Returning officer and the member for Fowler, Chris Hayes, said there was no recount and that the mood in the party room meeting was "reasonably tense".

Mr Rudd has said that after ballot he will be working for a unified Labor team, according to Mr Hayes.

He also said that there was relief on the faces of some senators and MPs after the result and some clapping.

Mr Rudd is reported to have reacted well to the result.

"He seemed fine," Mr Hayes said.

preaching to the converted...


The religion and politics of division

parliamentary privilege .....

parliamentary privilege .....

A prominent state Liberal MP has been accused of misusing his position while campaigning against a wind farm that is to be built next to his property in western Victoria.

ringside .....

ringside .....

Kevin Rudd’s advisers were all smiles as they arrived at the Rudd family home this morning.

It was a marked difference from yesterday when there was still uncertainty as to whether Mr Rudd would be challenging Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s leadership

back in 2010...



The decision to depose Rudd without destroying him showed decent restraint in the bloody context of those days.

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