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joyce had a bucket...Nationals Senate leader Barnaby Joyce says the Coalition would repeal any proposed income tax cuts linked with a carbon tax if elected. The Government plans to introduce a carbon tax on the 1,000 biggest polluters in 2012, and offer compensation for low- to middle-income households. Prime Minister Julia Gillard has argued it would be hard for the Coalition to put taxes back up as part of scrapping a carbon price. But Senator Joyce has told ABC TV's Lateline the tax cuts would be abolished along with the carbon tax if the Coalition was in power.
doing doughnuts...Sarah Palin made a grand entrance at the Rolling Thunder biker rally on Sunday, wearing a black Harley-Davidson helmet and visibly enjoying herself as a crush of reporters and bikers swarmed her motorcycle. Ms. Palin, the former governor of Alaska, was joined by her husband, Todd, who was wearing a matching helmet, and her daughters, Bristol and Piper. Their arrival at the Pentagon North parking lot turned the lazy Sunday morning into a celebrity affair.
good on you Kate...Nationals Senate Leader Barnaby Joyce has criticised the appearance of actress Cate Blanchett in an advertising campaign urging Australians to "Say Yes" to a tax on carbon. The advertisement, which also features actor Michael Caton and begins on television tonight, is funded by a coalition of unions and green groups. Senator Joyce says highly paid actors like Blanchett need to understand many people will be hit hard by the carbon tax.
solar record...The Turanor PlanetSolar, the world's largest solar boat, will berth at Brisbane's Riverside Centre pontoon near Eagle Street tomorrow. The 31-metre Turanor PlanetSolar. It will be the first Australian stop on its quest to become the first entirely solar-powered vessel to circumnavigate the world. The $16.7 million yacht, which has been compared to Star Trek's Starship Enterprise, relies on the force of the sun and its extremely powerful batteries. The multi-hull catamaran, which measures 31 metres by 15 metres, is fitted with 38,000 high-efficiency solar cells.
landmark historical rhetoric...
the end of the absurd war...
trust murdoch rags? sure don't...Page 21 of the Daily Telegraph, Sydney — a Murdoch paper... 21 may 2011
the trees of life...picture by Gus
Johann Hari: A turning-point we miss at our peril We have the choice of burning all the oil left and hacking down all the remaining rainforests - or saving humanity
flies with that .....from Crikey ..... Pollies grumble at writers' fest: 'good govt and ALP are strangers' Margot Saville writes:
a two-up culture .....from Crikey ..... A fascinating, and depressing, graph popped up in The Economist this week ... It got us thinking. If every Australian over 17 loses an average of $1300 a year on gambling - that's about $22 billion for the whole country each year - how does this compare with the money we actually spend on tangible things? And how does it compare to the money that we could spend on important or valuable things?
friendships .....OK, so here's what President Barack Obama should say today about the Middle East. We will leave Afghanistan tomorrow. We will leave Iraq tomorrow. We will stop giving unconditional, craven support to Israel. Americans will force the Israelis - and the European Union - to end their siege of Gaza. We will withhold all future funding for Israel unless it ends, totally and unconditionally, its building of colonies on Arab land that does not belong to it.
awstraylans all let us rejoice .....
Out of all the various groups of asylum seekers in Australia, why are asylum seekers arriving by boat being persecuted by the Australian Government? Why is Prime Minister Julia Gillard being so vindictive to desperate people arriving by boat on our shores? Why does she allow the erratic Tony Abbott and his attack dog, Scott Morrison, to set the boat arrival agenda? They don't make an issue of refugees arriving by aircraft, however those arriving by boat receive their racist bile in bucket loads.
on struggle street .....First it was the grocery giants, then the petrol retailers, then the banks and the mining companies. Now it's the turn of Big Tobacco to unleash a campaign of mass confusion on the Australian public in an attempt to undermine government reform of an industry. Leading this latest blitzkrieg of bluster, the boss of British American Tobacco Australia, David Crow, held a press conference to spell out the various ills that will beset this world if the government is successful in having all cigarettes sold in plain packaging.
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