Saturday 11th of January 2025

spotting the enemy .....

spotting the enemy .....

How much faith do we have in intelligence gathering in Afghanistan? Scores to be settled by locals? Frankly, somebody designated as an "enemy" by Western forces may not be anything of the sort, simply a legitimate resistance to foreign occupation.

Besides, the West is in bed with a Kabul government backed and run by drug lords. Once again, Australia has been co-opted into the dirty business of propping up an illegitimate regime:

al-kibar .....

al-kibar .....

In a just world, the illegal bombing of another country's facilities would be a declaration of war, the sign of a rogue state. Instead, the Zionist state is feted in Canberra, London and Washington. Thankfully, many people globally regard Israel as it really is; irresponsible and criminal:

always lurking .....

always lurking .....

Washington DC metro police are about to launch random bag checks on the DC metro system. A prominent DC blogger, who serves on the Riders' Advisory Council, calls it "security theatre" that wastes money without stopping terrorists.

in the land of political pygmies .....

in the land of political pygmies .....

Australian politicians seem to go weak at the knees over US power.

The WikiLeaks cables and Julia Gillard's initial supine response - agreeing with American politicians who claimed without evidence that Julian Assange had acted illegally, and by implication that the Australian government would not stand in the way of his rendition to the US for punishment - was, to say the least, cringe-making.

end times .....

end times .....

After his appointment as chairman of the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs, California's representative Howard Berman told The Forward: "Even before I was a Democrat, I was a Zionist." This is the man, one of the Zionist lobby's most influential stooges in Congress, who introduced House Resolution 1734 which gives President Obama his new orders.

Israel's instructions to Obama

Thoroughly disingenuous, the resolution, which was drafted by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and in my view is an indication of panic on its part, was approved unanimously by the House of Representatives on 15 December. It

moral turpitude .....

moral turpitude .....

The NSW Parliament will not discipline or even identify staff members or MPs who used the parliamentary computer system to access websites that contained ''sexually explicit images of young people''.

The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Richard Torbay, and the President of the Legislative Council, Amanda Fazio, have declared the matter closed despite confirmation that nine inappropriate websites were accessed.

In a statement yesterday, they confirmed that advice from the Crown Solicitor was that there was ''no legal obligation to refer the information in the report to the NSW Police Force''.

where's julia .....

where's julia .....

In all the excitement about Julian Assange, Oprah and Hugh Jackman our foreign minister has been flying under the radar more than somewhat. He has gone rogue and is daily presenting PM Gillard with a problem.

First he became a champion of Julian Assange saying he alone had the right to suspend passports, then dipping into the schools' laptop allocation to send one to Julian in prison. He also gave the US a kicking saying it was its fault all the stuff leaked out and maybe it should be more careful.

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