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Currently in the MediaTime for the government to open up competition in the banking sector!The recent decision by CBA to withold 0.17% of the 0.75% interest rate drop by the RBA has underpinned the requirement for the banking sector in Australia to be opened up and made more competitive. I have read numerous statements by treasurer Wayne Swan that the government will ensure that the banking sector is made more competitive by allowing borrowers to switch banks easily to encourage competition between banks. Well guess what - it's time to deliver on that promise!!
Pork Barrel DogfightIf we had any doubts before about the destructive influence of party politics on our democracy, the desperate deluge of handouts to win or keep power for the next three years is all the evidence we need. Some may think that democracy is party politics and vice versa. But there cannot be a real respect for government when it does not belong to the people and does not build the steadfast unity of the nation which we are going to need to face the future with the kind of costs and sacrifices which it will call for. With party politics, division is the norm rather than unity in society. Party government misguided us to war in Iraq, not for the first time. Party government never submits its plans to the people - not even to parliament.
Australia's new copyright laws risk making criminals out of all of usA media release from the Internet Industry Association: New Copyright Laws Risk Criminalising Everyday Australians The Internet Industry Association today warned that changes to Australia’s copyright laws being rushed through Parliament risked making criminals out of everyday Australians. The IIA which represents a broad range of internet businesses in Australia, in conjunction with the QUT Law Faculty Intellectual Property Research Program, has identified a number of scenarios which could trip up Australians in their everyday use of copyrighted materials. Said IIA chief executive, Peter Coroneos: “We can’t be sure if this is the government's intent, or whether there has been a terrible oversight in the drafting of this Bill. Either way, the consequences for the average Australian family could be devastating.”
“As an example,” said Mr Coroneos, “a family who holds a birthday picnic in a place of public entertainment (for example, the grounds of a zoo) and sings ‘Happy Birthday’ in a manner that can be heard by others, risks an infringement notice carrying a fine of up to $1320. If they make a video recording of the event, they risk a further fine for the possession of a device for the purpose of making an infringing copy of a song. And if they go home and upload the clip to the internet where it can be accessed by others, they risk a further fine of up to $1320 for illegal distribution. All in all, possible fines of up to $3960 for this series of acts – and the new offences do not require knowledge or improper intent. Just the doing of the acts is enough to ground a legal liability under the new ‘strict liability’ offences.”
Water or dieI can't help but be troubled by the weekend's no result to using recycled water in the drinking water of Toowoomba. I'm still waiting to figure out what the fall out of this will be, and why exactly it happened. The yuck factor has been widely blamed for the outcome. But from my understanding, there wasn't really any other options available to a city this far down the drought track. It really was recycled water, or die, at least as far as the city is concerned. There is plenty of cliche rhetoric which could go here, to point out how crazy it is to be so wasteful with water, but that isn't going to help the "where to now" question. Perhaps all water will be delivered in bottles, and the waterpipes will fall unused due to lack of supply. Considering there isn't any real watersaving infrastructure in place I wouldn't be surprised to see this happen, if only for a short time.
Kovco's funeralI am cynical about why Kovco was given the full military works for his funeral. He was not killed on the battlefield. Pardon my being non PC, but was it all about spin to calm the grieving family who had been stuffed around, or is it to deflect from the real cause of his death OR to distract us from the Cole royal commission?
Our US reflectionIn a report released today, the US State Department outlined a human rights abuses around the world, including concerns in Australia. They are as follows:
What is Christmas?All this time I've been thinking that Christmas was just mid-financial year orgy of consumerism, required to prop-up the retail market. But now Prime Minister Howard is saying it's all about Christianity! I wonder if he would be back in the papers taking it all back if we all took him up on his request, and went to church, or spent time with the family unit instead of going to the shopping centres! But seriously, we have quite a good separation of church and state here, and it is a shame to see it interfered with. If people wanted shopping centres to show the nativity, then I'm sure they would oblige. But the PM calling for the reenforcement of Christian ritual unnecessarily marginalises non-Christians, and potentially adds fuel to the fiery bellies of some misguided Anglo-Saxon Christians.
The pros and cons of boycottsI have been thinking about the possible avenues of action an individual, or collection of individuals can take against the policies of a foreign nation. I know groups like Amnisty do this kind of thing all the time, to the best of my knowledge via letter writing and awareness raising. The current topical example of this is the case of Nguyen Tuong Van, and the threats of boycotts of Singapore owned companies such as Optus and Singapore Airlines. For a boycott to work, what has to happen? Obviously the concerned few will not be sending these companies broke, but could they be put under pressure? And how does one make sure that they know why they are under pressure? Letter writing to the board? Public demonstrations?
The Power of NightmaresSome of you may recall that at the time of the London Underground bombings earlier this year, SBS TV were about to broadcast the award-winning UK documentary series, "The Power of Nightmares". Their explanation for cancelling this broadcast at the time was, more or less, that certain aspects were considered "inappropriate in the light of recent events". Even more disturbing was a comment made on their Feedback program that they were "negotiating with the series producers regarding the possibility of updating some of the areas covered".
Libs/Nats tripping over themselvesI might be wrong and indeed since 1996 I have been bowled over by the stupidity of the Australian public, however it appears that the absence of a strong opposition is leading the Libs/Nats to do most of the opposition's leg work for them. A case in point is the call by Sophie Panopolous to have the muslim women's scarf known as the hjab banned in schools. Having seen "A Current Affair", I saw Bronwyn Bishop giving her support to Panopolous on the grounds of a clash of cultures must lead to the dominant culture prevailing (when did we last hear that! seig heil!) I have also heard that Malcolm Turnbull is calling for a cut in the tax rate for high income earners - witht he rate comming down toe 30%. There was no mention of the tax rates for low to middle income earners.
7.30 Report: New Progressive website upsets Howard Government
Commonwealth rights or daddy knows best (NT Uranium Mining)I think it is particularly important to keep an eye the Commonwealth government's recent over-ruling of the Northern Territory's ban on further uranium mining, saying the NT is open for business on uranium mining. I guess this is typical of an authoritarian government, but what actually protects the rights of the citizens of a state or territory to resist the will of an imposing power? I realise there is many dimensions here, the difference between State rights and Territory rights, as well as the times you would hope the commonwealth would intervene in the case of bad State government.
IR reforms analysedOn Saturday Radio National had an interview with David Peetz, Professor in Industrial Relations at Griffith University. This was the topic "As the IR debate gathers momentum the government is continuing to argue that people who take up Australian Workplace Agreements are better off than those who don’t. Kevin Andrews, the Federal Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, is saying his number one goal is to create more jobs and higher wages for more Australians. However, AWAs are in fact being characterised as a path to lower wages, in research conducted by David Peetz"
Side effects of terrorism
Much has been written and said about the terrorism world wide but my interest lies in Australia and the effects in this country. Obviously the acts elswhere have effects on us and this is my concern.
Yes we need to guard and defend our country against the possibilities but I am very concerned about the general trend of response from what is known as our Government(s). In the name of fighting terrorism we are losing our freedoms, what is left of it at any rate. Try boarding a plane for example without having to get partially undressed. There are now provisions for people to be held for extended periods without legal representation, laws to punish people who even discuss such interrogations, the ability to descend upon any individuals home if suspected and more.
WalMart down underWhat's making Maleny so angry?
Because we're being bullied by powers that appear to have the law of the land and the fine print on their side and seem determined to continue with a development that defies morality. Oh - and there's the platypus, of course. Maleny's a small town with a small main street, a decidedly quirky mix of people and a growth problem. We've put up with slash and burn development and some pretty thoughtless planning and even a traffic problem that would put Sydney to shame.
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