Sunday 23rd of February 2025

Admin's blog

Unscheduled downtime 17/11 - 19/11

As many of you would have noticed YourDemocracy was unavailable for a couple of days. This was due to our domain name expiring. The name was under the control of a member of the IT team who is no longer active in the project, and no-one noticed that the domain was about to expire.

This has now been rectified, with the domain once again the under control of the core IT team. We also took this opportunity to move servers to deal with space and bandwidth issues. Every month we have grown in disk space and numbers of visitors. The new hosting basically has unlimited of each of these.

Please attach any issues as comments to this post.


Short outage tonight

The cabinet that houses the Uluru server (our server) will be undergoing emergency maintenance tonight (16th January 2006) at 12:00am AEST to facilitate a power upgrade.The server will be offline for a period of around 5 to 10 minutes maximum.

Apologies for any inconvenience this causes.



Greetings all,

Apologies for the unscheduled downtime of Your Democracy on December 27th. It was due to our web host moving the server we are on to a new, faster machine. Hopefully it should be smooth sailing from here on in.


Software upgrade

Hi all, as you may have noticed if you were online between 2:30 and 3:30 Sunday, I've upgraded the sites software. Although it didn't happen as quickly as rehearsed, it did seem to work OK. Improvements include:

  • A better message editor
  • Improved spell checker (with highlighting)
  • Security fixes
  • Improved search support

There may still be some minor problems, so please let me know if you run across any issues.

 Nigel Sim

Recent site news and updates

As of 5.25 pm 15/05/05 we have 300 registered members! The site is building momentum both in terms of members and the number of visits. We hope to be adding some features which will promote direct participation in our democratic process very soon. I am certain this will further boost our membership.

The spell-checker in the rich text editor should now be working, though it is not available in all browsers. Internet Explorer and Firefox should be fine, Safari users are still missing out on this!

We have tweaked the caching so hopefully some of the problems with people still finding themselves logged on when they've logged of and then return should disappear. We also hope that some of the problems with the forum reporting false numbers of new comments to be read will have disappeared. There are still further minor problems with the caching however, so we will do further work on these in due course.

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