Saturday 11th of May 2024

Gus Leonisky's blog

fly bye byes...

fly bye byes...
Sydney Airport has paid no tax in the 10 years since it was privatised by the government.

die Debatte

die Debatte

abbott tells his troops to stop smoking should rudd stops healthy things....

hogan's heroes

Tony Abbott has instructed the Liberal party to accept no further donations from tobacco companies on the grounds that Labor was using the issue as a “distraction” in the election campaign with its promise to ban all tobacco donations to political parties.

silencing the whistles...

silencing whistles

From Dana Milbank


english sheep...


Most in Britain seem unconcerned about the mass surveillance carried out by its intelligence agency GCHQ.

as the wind blows...

picture by Gus, 2013.

hiding the hiding to nothing...

cool sun cycle

In a way we're lucky. In another way, we're unlucky...

not the marx brothers....

the B team

talking shit, hastening slowly...

talking shit

Every time Tonicchio tries to salvage the furniture he gets in deeper into crap... :


He went on to explain why he did not believe marriage equality was inevitable, likening the push to the failed bid for Australia to become a republic.

"There were many a few years ago who kept telling us a republic is inevitable," he said.

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