Thursday 19th of September 2024

Gus Leonisky's blog

pre-emption rules .....

pre-emption rules .....

Gates said he sympathised with the Turks’ concern about cross-border raids by Kurdish rebels ….. 

Gates warns Turkey not to invade Iraq - 

land of the free .....

land of the free .....

For the first time in the nation’s history, more than one in 100 American adults is behind bars, according to a new report. 

Nationwide, the prison population grew by 25,000 last year, bringing it to almost 1.6 million. Another 723,000 people are in local jails.

mutual misunderstanding .....

mutual misunderstanding .....

To cancel one high-level Franco-German meeting is unfortunate.

To cancel two in less than a week implies a bank of freezing fog is descending over the Rhine. 

from downside to dark side .....

from downside to dark side .....

Ben S. Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, signaled his readiness on Wednesday to bolster the economy with cheaper money even though inflation is picking up speed....

doing a loop d' loop .....

doing a loop d' loop .....

Opposition defence spokesman Nick Minchin has launched a stinging attack on Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon, over a review into the Defence Department's Super Hornet contract. 

glimpses of dreamland .....

glimpses of dreamland .....

More than a quarter of adult Americans have left the faith of their childhood to join another religion or no religion, according to a survey of religious affiliation by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. 

back at central casting .....

back at central casting .....

Some leading businesswomen have expressed disappointment at the lack of female representation on the steering committee for the Federal Government's 2020 summit. 

Actress Cate Blanchett is the only woman named as part of the Government-appointed 10-member panel that will choose people to attend the summit in April. 

the value of "special" relationships .....

the value of "special" relationships .....

The Rudd Government has commissioned a defence white paper which could see a dramatic change in strategic priorities or at least in the way defence dollars are spent.

Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon is also reviewing whether to proceed with a $6 billion plus contract for a fleet of new Super Hornet fighter jet aircraft from the United States.  

mauled by a gaul .....

mauled by a gaul .....

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has been caught on camera swearing at a member of the crowd at the annual farming fair in Paris. 

the value of ego .....

the value of ego .....

Ralph Nader says he will run again as an independent for the US presidency. The anti-establishment consumer advocate made the announcement in a televised interview on Sunday. 

Mr Nader was accused by many Democrats of handing the presidency to George W Bush in the November 2000 elections. He ran again unsuccessfully in 2004. 

the importance of appearances .....

the importance of appearances .....

The Federal Opposition says Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is putting the bipartisan approach to Indigenous affairs at risk by making his first visit to an Aboriginal community today without Brendan Nelson. 

Mr Rudd and Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin are looking at Aboriginal housing in Walgett in western New South Wales. 

different peas, same pod .....

different peas, same pod .....

China has defended its sale of weapons to Sudan, amid growing criticism of its alleged failure to help resolve the humanitarian crisis in Darfur. 

China's special envoy on Darfur told the BBC that Beijing accounted for just 8% of Sudan's total arms imports. 

more from the theatre of the absurd .....

more from the theatre of the absurd .....

The first Friday sitting of Federal Parliament has led to such chaos that the speaker suspended the proceedings for a 15 minute cooling off period. 

The row erupted when Liberal MP Steve Ciobo moved that there should be a Question Time every Friday, despite the Government's rule that there will be no Question Times and no divisions taken on Fridays. 

the spoils of oil .....

the spoils of oil .....

US Stock prices closed substantially higher overnight despite sizeable swings on Wall Street. 

The oil price has been to fresh record highs above $US100 a barrel, raising concern about an impact on corporate earnings. New inflation figures also put share prices under pressure early on.

unplugged .....

unplugged .....

An estimated half a million Optus Mobile customers were affected by a network outage last night, with only one in three calls reaching intended recipients.

A spokesman for Optus customer service said the outage was due to a problem with Optus' "HLR" (Home Locator Register) system, which routes the calls being made.

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