Saturday 14th of September 2024

Gus Leonisky's blog

John Winston Howard

I believe this site should be an essential forum, not so much to expose the present deceit from the man, but to dig deep into his past to show how ingrained his rotten views are.


PART ONE BUYING THE WAR Many complex factors are at play in trying to understand why is it that many, oh so many people simply regard what's going on in Iraq as a 'done deal'?... Or have no idea about what went on.. Say, people do not care much about the rest of the world when the sun shines in their backyard... One could write a whole thesis if it had not been done already (has it?). One thing for sure, we’re not the only ones in the same boat asking why people “do not want to understand or see the lies about it


Oil peak as soon as next year?...

holes in FTA

holes in FTA

road to glory

road to glory

Promoting silence

Promoting silence

the porkologist.

the porkologist

Devious Games

Facts are like a string of pearls, one come after the other but ninety per cent of the time someone-somewhere chooses the colours and the patterns... the chain can break... some pearls can "go" missing...

Used to be Medibank...

Used to be Medibank...



Voting in Roma-Florida!

Voting in Roma-Florida!


From the sorry David Kelly affair to small media outlet being given scoops on defectors by “commercial branches
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