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Blogstoo many bosses .....Costello launches ad attacking Labor's union links Federal Treasurer Peter Costello has launched a new advertising campaign attacking the number of Labor party frontbenchers with union links. It signals that the Coalition will attack Labor's union links throughout the election campaign. Mr Costello released a television advertisement that shows a long line of senior Labor figures and lists their union backgrounds.
inconvenient truths .....At a Stanford University discussion, Gen. John Abizaid (Ret.), the former CENTCOM Commander, said what we all know: "Of course it's about oil, we can't really deny that," Abizaid said of the Iraq campaign.
pork pirates .....
from Crikey
Kerr's campaign talking points Christian Kerr writes: The Government’s tax policy is out – but why didn’t the tax cuts come sooner? The economy has been ticking along nicely for ages now.
mini miracles .....
Ears to the pulpit, when it suits …..
darker & dirtier .....The latest revelations in the Bush Administration's long unfolding, ever growing illegal wiretapping scandal carry with them a multiple sting.
mouldy promises .....US 'wants Palestinian state now' …..
The US secretary of state has said it is time for a Palestinian state to be founded, and that the US will put its full weight behind such efforts. Condoleezza Rice said reaching a two-state solution was a priority for her and US President George Bush.
thanks mister magic .....
Planners' Hopes- Dirty Bomb Insider Trading?Did you hear the one about the AFP counterterrorism strategy founder who became the manager of a homeland security company that made a killing in the Australian share market? Sorry, it's not a joke. It happened years ago. Let's set the scene... "Planners hope that, the more they do it, the more the agencies and personnel will learn to work together, forming some semblance of organization before any occurrence of the real thing." Don't you find this to be bizarre language to hear on a nightly TV bulletin? Esoecially in a city about to host a fake terror attack? The way KOIN TV (love the name) would have it, it's gonna happen sometime or another.
good germans .....Our moral trajectory over the Bush years could not be better dramatized than it was by a reunion of an elite group of two dozen World War II veterans in Washington this month. They were participants in a top-secret operation to interrogate some 4,000 Nazi prisoners of war. Until now, they have kept silent, but America’s recent record prompted them to talk to The Washington Post.
pots & kettles .....
pangea .....
fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice .....from Crikey ….. first fibs from Dear Leader Mungo MacCallum writes: Always start the way you intend to continue; so our Dear Leader began his official election campaign with a great big fib.
nobel war prize .....
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