Monday 10th of February 2025

the FBI investigate epstein suicide...

conspiracy theory

The report of Jeffrey Epstein's suicide comes a few weeks after speculation that the US financier was found injured and unresponsive on the floor of his prison cell in Manhattan. At the time, multiple media outlets suggested that he might have attempted to kill himself.

American billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, who was arrested last month on sex trafficking charges, committed suicide by hanging in his jail cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Centre in Lower Manhattan on Friday night, ABC News reported, citing law enforcement officials. The FBI is investigating his death.


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Death raises serious questions

Death 'raises serious questions'

The FBI and the Department of Justice's Inspector General were opening investigations, US Attorney-General William Barr said, adding that he was "appalled" to learn of his death in federal custody.

"Mr Epstein's death raises serious questions that must be answered," Mr Barr said in a statement.

At the MCC, two jail guards are required to make separate checks on all prisoners every 30 minutes, but that procedure was not followed overnight, according to the source, who was not authorised to speak on the record.


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By apparently taking his own life, Jeffrey Epstein has ensured he'll never endure the national humiliation of a trial.

The wealthy financier won't have to spend the rest of his days in prison or face his accusers.

Nor will he have to reveal who helped him carry out his allegedly depraved acts on young girls.

For those who say they are victims, his departure from this world will come as only as a small comfort.

If you or anyone you know needs help:

They — and probably a significant number of Americans — believe it's an example of how the United States' justice system is slanted against them and in favour of the rich, well-connected elite.

Epstein's impressive social circle

Mr Epstein's former social circle has been spoken about a lot.

He once knew US President Donald Trump, Prince Andrew, former president Bill Clinton and retail billionaire Leslie Wexner.


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his victims wanted him to live... his "clients" did not...

The FBI has opened a formal investigation into how US financier Jeffrey Epstein was able to apparently kill himself in prison while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges.

His body was discovered early on Saturday at a facility in New York.

Last month Epstein was found semi-conscious in his cell after an apparent suicide attempt. 

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said it "way too convenient" that Epstein could no longer incriminate others.

"What a lot of us want to know is, what did he know?" Mr de Blasio, who is also running for the Democratic presidential nomination, told reporters in Iowa. 

"How many other millionaires and billionaires were part of the illegal activities that he was engaged in?

"Well, that information didn't die with Jeffrey Epstein. That needs to be investigated, too." 

Conspiracy theories started to emerge immediately following his death.

Epstein, 66, pleaded not guilty to sex trafficking and conspiracy charges last month and was being held without bail.

His death came a day after hundreds of pages of court documents were released that revealed new allegations against him and some of his high-profile associates.

What were the circumstances of Epstein's death?

Epstein died shortly after being found unconscious early on Saturday at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York City, considered one of the most secure in the country.

Last month, shortly after he was denied bail, Epstein was found in his cell with injuries to his neck and taken to hospital, in what prison officials had been investigating as a possible suicide attempt.

There are conflicting reports as to whether Epstein was placed on suicide watch following that incident. The New York Times reported that he had been under observation, but was taken off the watch more than a week before his death.

"How on earth is he not under special protection? What's really going on here? I think that's a question that we must get a full answer to," said Mr de Blasio.


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US financier and socialite Jeffrey Epstein apparently took his own life at a New York prison, where he had been held since last month on child sex trafficking and conspiracy charges. The news came just hours after a bulk of documents, raising suspicions against Epstein’s powerful friends, including Prince Andrew, were released.

Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, may come under new scrutiny following suspected sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide, the Daily Mail claims, citing an unnamed legal source. According to the outlet, following the death of the prime suspect, an FBI probe could now focus their “full attention” on his suspected associate, British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, said to have also been friends with the British royal.

“Ghislaine is the key to all this now that Epstein will no longer face justice himself. The victims deserve answers and she was the person closest to Epstein. Far from being the end to Prince Andrew's problems, Epstein's suicide could put him under renewed scrutiny because of his close friendship with Ghislaine”, the legal source, said to be close to the investigation noted.

These claims echoed the statements by lawyer Jack Scarola, representing the alleged victims, who expressed hope that Epstein’s “possible co-conspirators” would be investigated.

“I would certainly think, based upon all the information that is currently available, that Miss Maxwell is the focus of criminal investigation right now, she is a significant focus of the investigation”, he said.

The 57-year-old British media heiress and Epstein’s former girlfriend featured in the recently unsealed court documents from Epstein’s trial, suggest that she procured underage girls for his sex trafficking circuit.

In 2015, one of the alleged victims Virginia Roberts Giuffre sued Maxwell for defamation, accusing the Brit and Epstein of using her as a “sex slave” and claiming she was directed to perform sex acts with numerous famous men, one of them being Prince Andrew, eighth in line to the British throne.

Although the case was settled out of court in 2017, its documents state “an undisputed fact that multiple witnesses deposed in this case” have said that Maxwell “operated as convicted paedophile Epstein’s procurer of underage girls”. The plaintiff alleged that the British socialite “had sex with under-age girls virtually every day”, insisting that her and the billionaire’s “whole lives revolved around sex”.

The tranche of documents also includes a photo which, according to Guiffre’s attorneys, shows the royal “with his hand around Ms Giuffre’s bare waist while she was a minor child, while posing with [Maxwell], inside [Maxwell’s] house in London”, The Guardian reported.


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Now did Epstein kill himself because he felt he had no future in prison? Did Epstein kill himself or was he "suicided"? Was he coaxed into killing himself?

Most of his victims wanted their time in court, most of his "clients" wanted him dead.

Would he rat on his clients to get a lighter sentence? Can a court case about Epstein doing some "pimping" of underaged girls carry on without him? Can his "associates" be brought in front of a court? Can Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and a host of "rich and famous guys" be brought in front of a court, now that Epstein is dead? Is there a full "client" list somewhere... Did Epstein make his cash by blackmailing people?


Conspiracies have to be explored...



conspiracies will be ignored...

The death by apparent suicide of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein shocked few pundits. Given his previous attempt on his own life and powerful connections, how could Epstein have been left alone to kill himself?

Epstein was found dead in his Manhattan jail cell on Saturday morning, with law enforcement sources telling multiple media outlets his death was a suicide. The 66-year-old millionaire had been held in custody since his arrest last month on charges of child sex trafficking and conspiracy.

Puzzlingly, Epstein had supposedly been placed on suicide watch since he was found “injured and in a fetal position” in the cell two weeks ago, after a suspected hanging attempt. “Logistically speaking how does a person hang himself in solitary confinement under suicide watch?”asked conservative commentator Matt Walsh.


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he was a very nice guy...

The media, politicians and the courts are to be blamed for Jeffrey Epstein’s apparent suicide, one of his attorneys said Saturday.

Marc Fernich, an attorney for the late multimillionaire found unresponsive in his jail cell Saturday, said he was outraged and called out a “hysterical” press, “overzealous” lawyers and “pandering politicians” in a statement to Fox News.

“I speak as an outraged citizen and defense lawyer, not as a representative of Jeffrey Epstein’s defense team,” Fernich said. “There seems plenty of blame to go around for this unthinkable tragedy.”


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epstein, the musical...

another best in the world cartoon from Cathy:




In the hours before accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein's apparent suicide early Saturday morning, the two corrections officers assigned to watch over the disgraced financier in a special unit of New York City's federal lockup were reportedly in the midst of working overtime shifts -- and one of the individuals wasn't a regular guard, according to a union head.

Epstein, 66, was found unconscious in his cell Saturday at the Metropolitan Correctional Center and later pronounced dead — immediately prompting questions about how such a high-profile inmate could have killed himself inside an ultra-secure facility just over two weeks after officials believed Epstein may have previously attempted suicide.

Serene Gregg, the president of the American Federation of Government Employees Local 3148, told the Washington Post the facility is functioning with less than 70 percent of the needed staffing, causing many employees to shoulder a 60- or 70-hour workweek.


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conspiracy theorists often get it right...


Douthat has a good piece this morning about how there are times when conspiracy theorists are actually closer to the truth than their critics. Here’s part of it:

And not only true of Epstein and his pals. As I’ve written before, when I was starting my career as a journalist I sometimes brushed up against people peddling a story about a network of predators in the Catholic hierarchy — not just pedophile priests, but a self-protecting cabal above them — that seemed like a classic case of the paranoid style, a wild overstatement of the scandal’s scope. I dismissed them then as conspiracy theorists, and indeed they had many of conspiracism’s vices — above all, a desire to believe that the scandal they were describing could be laid entirely at the door of their theological enemies, liberal or traditional.

But on many important points and important names, they were simply right.

Indeed they were. My own experience with that world, and that story, has made me far less likely to believe official stories. Let me add some context. Some of this is going to be familiar to many readers, but bears repeating in light of the Epstein drama.

In early 2002, shortly after the Boston trial of Father Geoghan blew open the Catholic sex scandal nationwide, I received a tip from a priest that Cardinal Ted McCarrick of DC had a history of sexually abusing seminarians. The priest said a group of prominent lay Catholics who knew this about him flew to Rome at their own expense, trying to prevent McCarrick from being named as Washington archbishop, which would have made him a cardinal. They met with an unnamed Vatican official to tell them what they knew about McCarrick, but it made no difference. McCarrick got his red hat.

The priest gave me the names of two men who had been on that trip, both of them well-known in their professions. I called the first one, who said yes, he had been on that trip, but didn’t want to talk about it. The second one told me that “if that were true, I wouldn’t tell you about it for the same reason Noah’s sons covered their father in his drunkenness.” Translation: yes, it’s true, but I’m not going to talk about it to protect the Church.


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and before "he hung himself" under supervision...


Back in 2008


Jeffrey Epstein reportedly used $128,000 from his nonprofit science foundation to pay the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office for off-duty deputies who guarded him during his work release

Jeffrey Epstein reportedly used money from his nonprofit to pay the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office $128,000 bill for off-duty deputies to guard him during his 2008 13-month sentence and work-release program.

At the time, Epstein, who pleaded not guilty to sex-trafficking charges on July 8, was given work-release as part of a once-secret plea deal when facing allegations of sexually abusing more than 30 underage girls. 

The six-day-a-week, 12-hour work-release days were taken at his office, where he had to pay off-duty deputies to keep detailed daily reports of his visitors and activities.


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A suicide ruling for Epstein's death could lead to a legal win for his estate
  • The coroner who examined Jeffrey Epstein's body hasn't declared he died by suicide, even though she's reportedly confident it's how he died.
  • If Epstein's manner of death is ruled a suicide, his estate could file a claim of wrongful death while he was in the custody of the state.
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true conspiracy versus incompetent conspiracy...


By Kit Knightly

In two different opinion pieces The Guardian has made its position on the alleged death of Jeffrey Epstein clear – he “probably” committed suicide.

The first, titled Epstein conspiracy theories are farfetched – but can you blame people?, takes the position that although “conspiracy theories” about Epstein’s apparent suicide are “understandable”, there’s no evidence to support them.

Rather, the author endorses the slowly coalescing official narrative. Namely that of complete, systemic incompetence:

The official explanation for Epstein’s death comes down to rank incompetence. And it’s probably true.

A short-sighted attitude to take, which totally ignores a cardinal rule when dealing with state agencies: They will only admit to incompetence if the truth is worse.

The author also attempts to undermine the “conspiracy theories” by pointing out that Epstein was a potential threat to important figures on both sides of the political divide:

Online, conspiracy theories now abound. Observers suggest Epstein was killed by one of the men who may have been implicated in his crimes – maybe Bill Clinton, according to the fringe right, or maybe Donald Trump, according to the fringe left.

An argument rather akin to saying “he can’t possibly have been murdered, because there were too many people who wanted him dead. There are SO MANY plausible suspects, that the only reasonable explanation is that…none of them did it.”

(Also, note the word “fringe”, a manipulative use of language designed to discredit an idea without engaging with it rationally)

However, this article – although laced through with traditional mainstream rhetoric about “conspiracy theories” – at least leaves them room to exist. The Guardian’s other Epstein piece is rather less understanding:

Epstein’s death is a victory for misogyny: it denies accusers the justice they deserve 

Blares the headline (further evidence that very few people at the Guardian seem to know what “misogyny” really means), before continuing by taking aim at conspiracy theories several times in the text.

Firstly, in an almost word-for-word quote from the previous column

Commentators on the right speculated that he had been murdered by powerful liberals; those on the left speculated that he had been murdered by powerful conservatives. These theories were not responses to evidence, of which there is little

And then later claiming conspiracy theories not only “factually wrong” (something no one can know at this stage)

The speculations may well be factually wrong – criminal justice experts have pointed out that inmate suicides are common, and that those detained in federal jails often face startling neglect

but also attempting to Mrs Lovejoy the public by claiming “conspiracy theories” are actually harmful:

the positing of these conspiracy theories is unhelpful, distracting from the important injustice that has been done to Epstein’s victims.

Declaring seeking the truth to be somehow unfair to the victims is a classic trope, deployed most famously against 9/11 Truthers, but common after many such incidents.

There’s also this sentence

The conspiracy theorists also risk undermining efforts to bring Epstein’s co-conspirators to account: their suggestions that the financier was killed to cover up the rapes and assaults of powerful men who would rather he be shut up could lend suspicion to anyone pointing out the breadth of his alleged pedophilia ring, giving those who want continued investigations of men such as Dershowitz, Pritzker and Dubin the aura of a maniac in a tinfoil hat.

Which, I’ll be honest, I simply don’t understand.

I think she’s arguing that “conspiracy theorists” talking about “conspiracy theories” might discredit the very real possibility there was an actual conspiracy. 

If that’s what she means – because I honestly do not understand the words – well, that’s obviously just crazy. You can’t argue we shouldn’t talk about conspiracy theories, just in case there’s a conspiracy fact. 

That’s the attitude of a person so brainwashed by the idea that “conspiracy theorist = crazy person” that they can no longer think in a straight line. Total cognitive dissonance.


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hilariously hillary...

Seriously, What? Bizarre Painting Of Bill Clinton in ‘Hillary’s’ Dress Found In Epstein’s House


A witness said the eyebrow-raising painting was there when she visited the now-deceased pedophile in 2012. It is unclear why exactly the man displayed the strange picture in his Manhattan mansion.

As the notorious Jeffrey Epstein case unfolds, more and more eyebrow-raising discoveries regarding the convicted sex offender who was alos accused of sex trafficking are being made. As if Epstein’s list of powerful acquaintances (which includes US Presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump and, according to a recent report, Bill Gates) was not enough, a very strange painting of Clinton was found hanging the dead man’s Manhattan residence, The Daily Mirror reported Wednesday.

In the painting, the 42nd president is seen reclining in a chair in the Oval Office wearing a blue women’s dress and red high-heels, pointing his finger at the viewer.

An observer can tell it’s the Oval Office, because a fragment of the presidential seal and the trademark blue carpet is seen. 

While some media speculated that the blue dress was a reference to Monica Lewinsky, the dress closely resembles one Hillary Clinton wore at the 2009 Kennedy Center Honors, The Sun reported.



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take care...

MARC STEINER: Welcome to The Real News Network. I’m Marc Steiner. Great to have you all with us.

Jeffrey Epstein was found dead, as you all know, of an apparent suicide. Apparent means that there are a lot of unanswered questions. But so much of the media and public discourse seems to be bouncing between #trumpbodycount and #clintonbodycount. All these conspiracy theories abound, but what do they do for us? Where do they really take us? There are questions to be answered, for sure, like why was he left alone? What was the shrieking before he was found in his cell? Why didn’t Acosta prosecute him in the first place? What do we make of the alleged murky ties to law enforcement and intelligence communities? How do his ties with the rich and powerful play into all of this, and I mean all of it?

Well, on our quest to find out that, we will talk to our guest. Jeet Heer is the National Affairs Correspondent for The Nation and the article he wrote was “Epstein’s Death Demands Investigation, Not Conspiracy Theories.” And Jeet, welcome back. Good to have you with us.

JEET HEER: Good to be here.

MARC STEINER: So, you know, whenever these things happen, it seems the first thing that we resort to in this world are all these massive conspiracy theories. Clinton did it and they figured out how to kill them. Or Trump made sure he was dead so he couldn’t expose him and his cronies or—I mean, that’s where we always go and it seems to kind of dominate the conversation. So, how do we, for want of a better term, un-dominate that situation?

JEET HEER: Well, I think it’s natural for there to be conspiracy theories particularly in this case because it’s always “Jeffrey Epstein’s entire life was a conspiracy.”


JEET HEER: And I think got away. He was both a child molester and it seems a pimp, who kept an army of slave children that he would service out to very rich, and powerful friends and he got a sweetheart deal from federal prosecutors and, as far as we can tell, he had some sort of relationship with intelligence and federal law enforcement. So this is all very murky and troubling stuff. I think one thing to keep in mind is this most recent time, why did he end up in jail? It was because of diligent investigation by Julie Brown of The Miami Herald, who did this terrific reporting that really revived the case and made clear that the original 2008 deal was just unconscionable. There was something very fishy going on there.

A man was found guilty of multiple counts of child molestation and got this deal where he’s basically under house arrest. He has to spend the nights at the local jail, but during the daytime, he can go into his office. So, she revived the case through investigation and I think that’s what we need. We need investigation. It’s too important of a case to be left to conspiracy theorists. It should actually be handled by people who know how to investigate, which includes journalists, which includes law enforcement, and which includes Congress.

MARC STEINER: No, I agree. I think that’s why it’s important to do the kind of work that you do and other are doing because we get into this realm of madness. But let me start with some contradictions here early. So we have Attorney General Barr speaking about this and let’s take a look at him for just a moment.

ATTORNEY GENERAL WILLIAM BARR: This sex trafficking case was very important to the Department of Justice and to me, personally. I was appalled and, indeed, the whole Department was and, frankly, angry to learn of the MCCs failure to adequately secure this prisoner. But let me assure you that this case will continue on against anyone who was complicit with Epstein. Any co-conspirators should not rest easy. The victims deserve justice and they will get it.

MARC STEINER: But, before he said that, this came from his boss in a tweet. So, here we have the President himself talking about the – saying no to the Trump body count, but let’s look at the Clinton body count and the Clinton crime family and adding his own conspiracy theory twist to all of this. So, what do we make of this? How do you reconcile these two ends of the spectrum in this administration— one with Barr and one with the man he works for?

JEET HEER: Sure, sure. I mean, in some ways this is very common in the Trump administration that you have this Jekyll and Hyde routine, where Trump represents the raw id of Republican politics, which is inclined to—I mean, Trump did not invent Clinton conspiracy theories. In the 1990s, members of the Republican Congress were going around saying that the Clintons were responsible for murdering Vince Foster, what was in fact a suicide. Trump is unleashing this reservoir of Clinton conspiracy theories and Barr has to be the more respectable face. Trump is the id and Barr is the superego, if you want use – in terms of psychology. But in some ways, Barr himself is – his statement I find very bizarre. He’s angry at this failure, but the failure was his failure. He’s actually like—The Administration is in charge of federal jails, right?


JEET HEER: Epstein was under the control of the Trump administration and they failed. He’s castigated blame. So in both parties, there’s an attempt to pass the blame on this outside group, whether it’s the Clintons or whether it’s the jail particularly, without acknowledging their unique, personal complicity.

MARC STEINER: I could do a satirical routine on this, thinking about the Barr-Epstein syndrome, but I won’t do that at the moment.

JEET HEER: No, no. But what feeds the conspiracy theory is that this is a very small, interlocked world and Barr’s own father was the one who hired Epstein, then a high school dropout, to work at Dalton, a very elite boy’s school and got his start in life. So this is like—

MARC STEINER: Without a degree, without a degree.

JEET HEER: Yeah, yeah. He had no degree. He had no college degree and he was hired to teach at one of the prime prep schools in New York City.

MARC STEINER: So this is a good segue here to talk about what we need to know and why we need to know it. And let’s just take, first of all, the alleged suicide. Maybe it was a suicide. Maybe it wasn’t. We don’t know, but there are a lot of things we have to understand about this to really get to the bottom of it. I mean, The Washington Postreported that there was a shriek going on, that some insider told them in an article that they wrote. What was that shriek? What really happened? Some people we talked to who were inside, who had been inmates, who had been incarcerated, said it’s almost impossible to hang yourself in a jail cell like that. How did he do that? Why weren’t there [crosstalk] suicide? There are a lot of questions about this—

JEET HEER: Suicide in jail is very common, but not that particular jail. This is a very – jail where high-value prisoners, mafiosos are kept. I believe El Chapo was kept there, right?


JEET HEER: So, this is not like an ordinary jail. Even if they’re over-staffed, as they seem to be, they have some skill and ability to keep prisoners alive. So there was a failure. There was clearly a series of failures and it’s that series of failures that’s feeding conspiracy theories. You could say, well, there should be one thing. He was taken off suicide watch and it happened that the guards weren’t fully trained guards. They  were working overtime and weren’t inspecting him that night. Then you start adding it up and you think like, well how many of these failures do there have to be? So there’s a lot of possibilities. I think the most likely is that he did kill himself, but that there might have been some sort of pressure put to allow that to happen from Epstein’s own side.

MARC STEINER: Well, you see, that’s the thing. So, unless there’s an investigation, conspiracy theories take control and we don’t know what really happened there.

JEET HEER: That’s right, yeah, yeah. And the thing is, we can’t have Barr investigating himself. That’s like the classic case of the fox guarding the hen house. Barr is totally – he’d be investigating himself, basically. So we need Congress and I think Congress—Yeah. I think the good news is that Congress is going to step up. Earlier, there was a reluctance on Nancy Pelosi’s part to sort of investigate the Acosta deal, but it really does seem like things are so bad that even the Democrats in Congress will do something.

MARC STEINER: Well, let’s talk about what you think they might do because you mentioned this in your article, about Pelosi’s reluctance to do an investigation of Acosta to find out why he did what he did in letting Epstein go free basically in Florida, and what that was all about. And so, there’s a lot we do not know. So what does Congress have to do here besides that?

JEET HEER: Well, so Congress can, yeah—They could investigate the whole Acosta deal and bring that forward and have hearings on that. They can take charge of the investigation into the prison. They can take charge into the sort of larger—I mean, it almost feels like, it’s not 9/11, but it does seem to call for a kind of independent counselor investigation of that scale with somebody – people who are outside the normal bounds. I mean, the troubling thing about all of this is that Epstein had all these ties with very elite figures. This is a guy who was friends with two presidents, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. And just within 12 hours before he was found dead, there was a release of information about people he might have blackmailed, which included the governor of a state, a prominent diplomat, and a prince in England. So that’s very—So how do you investigate something that big? How do you investigate something that implicates so many people of both parties?

MARC STEINER: And then, on top of that, you talk about the kind of wealth and power, and all the wealth and power of people that we talked about who are a part of Wall Street, and part of that entire world that he was tied to. And the socialites who procured young girls, these children, to come and be his sexual toys. I mean, who knows how many other men were involved in that, or women, right?

JEET HEER: Yeah, we don’t know. Apparently, there is evidence from Epstein’s own testimony that he kept blackmail information of other people and the police have found tapes and other records. And that all has to be investigated. I think that we can’t let the police drop this matter just because Epstein is dead, right? The other aspect that could become a part of this is a civil case against Epstein and perhaps against some of these accomplices. So the lawyers who—And I think the women who were young girls at the time that they were molested, but the ones who have come forward who are now women, the ones that have come forward are incredibly brave. And there really has to be support given to them.

MARC STEINER: And I think, before we conclude, I want to get into one other subject with you before we stop. I think when you mention that about the women, I think it would be important to hear their voices. Let me just for a moment play some of the voices now for all of you just to not forget. The heart of this for me, besides the political power that may be involved in all this and what that really means, what may be unfolding all this, are the women who were children when they were victims of this man and his friends.

VIRGINIA ROBERTS GIUFFRE, SEXUALLY ABUSED BY JEFFREY EPSTEIN: You’re just thrown into a world that you don’t understand and you don’t know how to—You’re screaming on the inside and you don’t know how to let it come out and you just become this numb figure who refuses to feel and refuses to speak and refuses. All you do is obey. That’s it. And eventually, it led to, “Well, now we’re going to experiment and we’re going to try you with another guy and see how you go.” And it started with one, and then it trickled into two, and then so on and so forth. And before you know it, I’m being lent out to politicians and to academics and to people that – royalty. Still to this day, it is my biggest shame that I carry around that I will never get rid of. And I’m really, really sad that I brought other girls my age and even younger, into a world that they should have never been introduced to.

MARC STEINER: You know, and that’s that heart of it, Jeet, to me – is what power does to some people and how that’s transferred sexually and their proclivities for young girls. I mean, it’s just—That obscenity has to be unfolded and all the people involved have to be found out and have to be—That’s what good investigative journalists and Congress and others in law enforcement really have to unveil.

JEET HEER: That’s right. That’s absolutely right. Yeah, we can’t really let this drop. Something really horrible happened and their justice has not yet been done.

MARC STEINER: And so, as you look at this, I’m curious what are the other— as we conclude— the other things you’ve written about and thinking about in terms of what has to be unfolded and who has to do this?

JEET HEER: Well, I think that there is like—Everything really does come back down to politics and to organization. People are really—Nothing happens unless there’s pressure that’s put on people. As I mentioned before, the great reporting of Julie Brown at The Miami Herald—


JEET HEER:  … really reignited this. And I think that, combined with public pressure on Congress has to go forward because I do think that there’s a reluctance of people in power to go too far because this implicates too many people and implicates people who are friends. Someone who’s prominent in the Democratic Party tweeted when this first broke out that “this might implicate some of our faves.” Well, I think that we really have to give up our faves and we really need the public to step up to the bar and to put pressure on politicians and Congress, especially. I really think Congress is the key here and they have the power of the subpoena and they have the power to put pressure on the Department of Justice to pursue this wherever it leads.

MARC STEINER: And that’s the important point, what you just said, which is this cannot be a partisan issue. I don’t care if they’re Republicans or they’re Democrats, the people in power and the powerful have to be exposed and held accountable for what they’ve done and maybe not making this to be something that is common practice or allowed by certain parties of the rich and powerful. We just have to stop it.

JEET HEER: That’s right. That’s exactly right.

MARC STEINER: Well, we’ll stay on this and I hope the nation stays on this. I’m sure they will. And, Jeet, thank you so much for your work. I appreciate you always being willing to talk with us.

JEET HEER: Oh, sure. It’s always great to be here.

MARC STEINER: Jeet Heer is a National Correspondent for The Nation and I’m Marc Steiner here for The Real News Network. Thank you all for watching. Please let us know what you think. Give us your ideas. Take care.


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definitely suicide...


Jeffrey's Epstein's death in a Manhattan jail cell has officially been ruled a suicide by hanging, according to the New York medical examiner.

The well-connected financier, 66, was found dead on Saturday while awaiting federal trial for sex trafficking.

The US Bureau of Prisons had already called his death an "apparent suicide" but that did not stop conspiracy theories from swirling.

President Donald Trump had suggested there may have been foul play.

The Department of Justice has launched an investigation into how Epstein was able to die in New York's highly secure Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC).

Attorney General William Barr said officials have uncovered "serious irregularities" at the jail, which has housed other high-profile detainees such as Mexican drug baron El Chapo and fraudster Bernie Madoff.

He has also promised that Epstein will continue to be investigated in order to bring to justice any other possible conspirators.


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extravagant bizarre portrait...

The author of the extravagant painting reportedly specialises in “realism with a focus on satire”, with politicians and celebrities often the subjects of her attention.

The identity of the artist who created the bizarre painting featuring former US president Bill Clinton wearing a blue dress and red heels, which was found by police during the search of the New York mansion belonging to the late Jeffrey Epstein, has been confirmed, The Epoch Times reports.

According to the newspaper, the painting in question is the work of Petrina Ryan-Kleid, a Manhattan-based artist whose “specialty is realism with a focus on satire,” and whose subjects are “often politicians and celebrities.”

A native of Australia, she received her MFA in 2012 from the New York Academy of Art, and many of her works have been exhibited in both the United States and her home country, while her LinkedIn profile suggests that she currently works as marketing communications director for Tarifica, a Manhattan-based software company.

As Monsters and Critics notes, Ryan-Kleid also did a painting of former US President George W. Bush titled “War Games”, featuring him sitting on the floor of the Oval Office and playing with toy airplanes.

The painting, dubbed “Parsing Billy”, depicts Bill Clinton reclining in a chair in the Oval Office wearing a blue women’s dress and red high-heels, pointing his finger at the viewer.

The Epoch Times also points out that the first person to follow Ryan-Kleid on Twitter was none other than former ex-President of the United States Barack Obama.


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I am glad that the portrait of Bill Clinton was done by an Aussie. Here, in this land downunderturnover of Prime Ministers (because we can afford it, though the quality of personnel  is getting very thin), we have the Archibald Prize (serious portraits) with the Reject Prize (Refusés of serious portraits), the Bald Archie Prize (satirical crap portraits) and the Moran Prize for portraiture (serious portraits) on the national scene, with many local and state prizes for portraiture — and we also have countless great unemployed cartoonists and many serious crap satirists. All good. Good work. Some of the opulent portraits of the Queen of England are done by Aussies, such as Ralph Heimans as well. Well done Petrina.



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Using sex as blackmail is nothing new...

MARC STEINER: Welcome to The Real News Network. I’m Marc Steiner. Great to have you all with us.

Jeffrey Epstein is at the top of every news cycle, and dominates our digital social media world. His trafficking of young girls, children to satisfy his and the sexual preferences of so many of the rich and powerful, are at the center of all this, as are his connections to that dark world of the unseemly side of the interaction between government, business, and the intelligence world allegedly.

Using sex as blackmail is nothing new. It goes back to the early mob, the CIA, and seems to connect the dots to Epstein. That was the story we’re going tell today written by our guest, who wrote this for Mint Press in the three-part series called “The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal: Too Big to Fail.” The three parts were “Hidden in Plain Sight;” “Government by Blackmail: Jeffrey Epstein, Trump’s Mentor and the Dark Secrets of the Reagan Era;” and “Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal.” Whitney Webb is a Mint Press News journalist based in Chile who has written and contributed to many, many outlets and joins us now from her home there. Welcome. Good to have you with us, Whitney.

WHITNEY WEBB: Hi. Thanks so much for the opportunity.

MARC STEINER: So let’s begin with how this sojourn began for you because it seems that the heart of what you’re doing here is saying what Epstein was accused of doing, what he did is nothing new in our annuls with this history. That this using sexual blackmail, it goes way back to the mob, to Meyer Lansky, to the founding of the CIA. So talk a little about that, the genesis of this.

WHITNEY WEBB: Okay. So what I hope to show in my reporting is that this is not a type of operation or a scandal really that began or ends with Jeffrey Epstein now that he has died. As you mentioned, my report tries to go as far back as possible to really see where these sexual blackmail operations began in the context of this network to which Jeffrey Epstein was later connected. And from my research, it was first pioneered by Meyer Lansky and the national crime syndicate in the late thirties. He was sending Virginia Hill, who’s often been called the mistress of the mob, he was sending her to Mexico to try and lure foreign diplomats and to bug departments and use that for blackmail purposes. Not long after that, Lansky became an associate. Well, he was a covert associate at the time with the OSS, the Office of Strategic Services.

During World War II when they formed – the OSS formed this alliance, which they said was out of wartime necessity, right, with figures in the criminal underworld, including Lansky and some others, in what was known as Operation Underworld, which was a government operation during the war that was denied for, I think, 40 years. Afterwards, that alliance, even though it was supposed to be just for the war, it continued on. It continued to grow and really proliferated, especially after the 1960s when the CIA hired several Lansky associates for assassination teams, especially in relation to their efforts to assassinate Fidel Castro in Cuba and some other activities.

And during the same time, we also see sexual blackmail operations with a lot of associates of Lansky and powerful people in government take office, and that really began during the anti-communist crusade of the 1950s and the McCarthy era and involved a prominent businessman who was the owner of Schenley Liquors, Lewis Rosenstiel, who was a long-time associate of Meyer Lansky. It involved Roy Cohn, who was General Counsel to McCarthy during this time and also J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI at the time and very famous for his interest in acquiring large amounts of blackmail, was also involved in this ring that involved children, specifically boys, and it continued for decades and eventually Roy Cohn took it over from Lewis Rosenstiel.

The relationship between Rosenstiel and Cohn was often described as father and son or that Rosenstiel was his mentor. Cohn eventually took this over what had originally been run out of Lewis Rosenstiel’s personal home and began to run it out of what became a rather infamous suite in the Plaza Hotel in Manhattan, Suite 233, that was sometimes called the Blue Suite. And he would host these sorts of events there with recording equipment and all of that, that were used to blackmail powerful people, first in the McCarthy era, and later on.

And as I show in part two of my report, these sorts of networks, they—Roy Cohn was not the only one. There were some other ones that the CIA was running in the late ’70s that were connected to disgraced CIA agent Edwin Wilson. And then after that, in the 1980s with Iran-Contra and Bill Casey and all of that, there were several other sexual blackmail operations or child trafficking rings that were connected to prominent players in the Iran-Contra scandal.

MARC STEINER: So some of what you’re talking about here, I think, let me just be clear about a couple of things before I ask this next question. What you’ve just described, especially about the blue room and what went on in those places, this is not alleged. There’s these facts. These are things that are corroborated, correct?

WHITNEY WEBB: Right. With the Plaza Hotel, this was actually admitted. Roy Cohn actually admitted this to the face of an NYPD detective that was in charge of the human trafficking division at the time because Roy Cohn knew he was untouchable because of his extreme connections to the politically powerful, the media and also the criminal underworld. He basically felt like he was immune enough to be able to say that point so blankly to this person’s face. It was also private investigators in New York that looked into Roy Cohn for various reasons, also confirm the existence of this blue suite as it was called. And it was also referenced by Louis Rosenstiel’s ex-wife in divorce filings. And it also came to light during the early 1970s, a committee on crime in New York.

MARC STEINER: So let me, I want you in a broad sense—We don’t have like an hour here to do this, but I wish we did because there’s three parts. This is huge. There’s so much to pull out of there, but make for us this moment— before I have other questions— connecting the dots. You talk about Meyer Lansky and Rosenstiel, who owns Schenley Liquors and the connections to Roy Cohn and Maxwell, the man who owned Fox News and more, and his daughter.

WHITNEY WEBB: Oh, Rupert Murdoch?

MARC STEINER: I meant Maxwell, actually, not Murdoch. I meant Maxwell.

WHITNEY WEBB: Oh, I’m sorry.

MARC STEINER: It was my fault. I misspoke. And then, and so you make these connections between these people that lead you in some senses to Epstein. So what is that arc? Can you paint that arc briefly for us?

WHITNEY WEBB: Okay. Well there’s actually a whole bunch of different connections to Jeffrey Epstein here. So basically, I talked about the OSS. It’s believed that Donald Barr originally hired Jeffrey Epstein to work in the Dalton School and Donald Barr had previously worked at the OSS. After that, he was hired to work at Bear Stearns. Alan Greenberg was a close friend of Roy Cohn and actually was the honorary chairman of a dinner for him that was honoring Roy Cohn I believe in 1983. And the other honorary chairmen were other close friends of Roy Cohn, including Rupert Murdoch and Donald Trump.

After he left Bear Stearns in 1981, he— according to journalist, Vicky Ward— was a financial bounty hunter of sorts, looking to chase down money for governments and powerful people. The Evening Standardof England later reported that during that time Epstein claimed that he was working for the CIA, Vicky Ward later said that one of his clients during that time was a man, Khashoggi.  He was known to be working for the Mossad. He was also working for the CIA and he was a major player in this Iran-Contra scandal. Then in 1987, he meets up with Leslie Wexner who has connections to this Meyer Lansky crime syndicate, as I point out in part three. He also meets up with Steve Hoffenberg who he allegedly met through John Mitchell, who was the former Attorney General to Richard Nixon, and Mitchell was actually cited as a friend by Craig Spence, a disgraced Washington lobbyist who was also running a sexual blackmail operation with children. That was discovered in the late 80s and Craig Spence, in some similarity to Jeffrey Epstein, was found dead under somewhat mysterious circumstances and his death was ruled a suicide.

MARC STEINER: So far as we know.

WHITNEY WEBB: Right. And that takes us up to 1991, which right after that, that’s the same year that Robert Maxwell died, as well as several other people that were connected to the Promis software scandal, not just Maxwell. That includes Senator Towers also died that year, as did journalist Danny Casolaro, who was investigating that scandal. And soon after Robert Maxwell died, his daughter Ghislaine Maxwell, moved to New York and began her relationship with Jeffrey Epstein. And as I point out in part three of my series, Robert Maxwell was known to be an operative for the Mossad and did several favors for Israel over the course of his career and was also using the Daily Mirror Group, some of the funding for that to fund Mossad operations in Europe. So the intelligence links, I think, are very clear and that’s just the early history. We’re not even getting into the 90s yet. I’m going to be delving more into those connections in part four of my series, which I hope to be out in a few days.

MARC STEINER: I’m looking forward to reading that, but let me just talk about how this all fits together and what it really means, so these last two pieces. I mean, so when you write in the piece, you say Epstein appears to have had ties to Israeli intelligence and has well-documented ties to an influential Israeli politicians and the Mega Group. We’ll talk about that. And it was revealed that Epstein had evaded stricter sentencing in 2008 due to his links to “intelligence.” It was the Mossad ties to Maxwell’s daughter that led many to speculate that Epstein’s sexual blackmail operation was sharing incriminating information with Mossad. But one of the things in the pieces that you write, you use words like appear instead of we know, so what do we know? Talk about how you make these connections and what we really know and what we really don’t know. You know, what’s alleged and what’s real.

WHITNEY WEBB: Okay. Well, I mean there’s a lot of claims I make in the story. So to go over all of them and say, you know, what appears to be and definitely what is—What we do know, right, is that – are claims that Epstein made in the past, for example, that he worked for the CIA, we know from journalists that are considered reputable sources when covering Epstein, like Vicky Ward for example, that he had been working for people like Adnan Khashoggi who are now known to have been linked to the Mossad. We know that his biggest patron, financial patron, was Leslie Wexner who has been tied to organized crime syndicates according to a 1985 Columbus, Ohio murder investigation.

We know that he was recording sexual black– that Jeffrey Epstein was recording sexual blackmail. We know that Alex Acosta claimed the reason he approved that sweetheart deal was because he had been told that Epstein was linked to intelligence, though he did not specify which intelligence agency. And given the network and the associations that I’ve already laid out, which are documented, right, it certainly is an overwhelming amount of evidence, of circumstantial evidence nonetheless, or circumstantial evidence I guess you could say. But the amount of it really makes a convincing case that this is a much larger network that has documented ties to operations involving sexual blackmail that preceded Epstein and that Epstein is more—Because of what we know he was doing and we know he had ties to a lot of the people that had been tied to those previous sexual blackmail operations, to me, it really shows that Epstein was carrying on an operation that he did not invent, right?

This is something that did not begin and did not end with him, and he was just perpetuating this. I think that’s why it’s really important to challenge some of the narratives that have come out around this case that Epstein was solely responsible for all of this activity and that he had deceived the billionaires who funded him and that this is all to be blamed on a single man. I think if we do that, we’re really doing his victims an injustice because this is something much larger than Epstein. If the other people and other parties responsible or not pursued or held to account, this is likely to continue well into the future. And because of the, what I would say the disgusting nature of Epstein’s activities, I think most Americans have a vested interest in preventing these type of operations from continuing and especially if intelligence agencies are involved, that suggests that American taxpayer money is being used in some capacity to fund these operations.

MARC STEINER: So, and finally here, I mean there’s two things. There’s so much we could talk about here, but these two things—The conversation I had yesterday is that – was around conspiracy theories are great, but what we need is real reporting and intelligence work, police work and congressional investigations to see where’s the there there? And how do you put these dots together so they become fact and not possibilities? And so, I think that’s the important piece here. I think you made a strong point when you said you can’t just blame this all on one man, Epstein. There are too many other connections out there.

So where do you take this then? For you, what does this say in the final analysis about what might be going on here? And I know that this is in some ways conjecture and speculation because even though you find these connections, that sometimes there’s nothing really to tie them together in terms of fact yet. So where do you take this?

WHITNEY WEBB: Well, I think there definitely needs to be an independent investigation. I think a lot of the people that are involved in the current investigation, including Bill Barr, I don’t think many Americans should be confident in what he will turn up.

MARC STEINER: Yeah. You make the Barr-Epstein connection in your last – in the third part of your series.

WHITNEY WEBB: Right, yeah. But beyond that, Bill Barr also was known for stonewalling the Church Committee in the late 70s, and he was particularly trying to prevent the CIA’s use of sexual blackmail operations from coming to light to the Church Committee. I think that is at least like significant, as is the fact that he justified the legal pardons of numerous Iran-Contra figures and including—And given the role of many Iran-Contra figures in this network that I describe in my reporting, I don’t really see him as being an impartial investigator here. And also, the fact that he worked for the law firm that defended Epstein later on in the 2000s, I think is just—

MARC STEINER: And his father hired Epstein.

WHITNEY WEBB: Right, exactly. And that he’s going to get to the – that Bill Barr will get to the bottom of this. I don’t. I don’t really buy that, so I think there needs to be a more independent investigation. Concerns have also been raised about the fact that Epstein was trying to blackmail people. Now that blackmail has fallen, whoever raided Epstein’s properties, depending on who’s using that, it could even be Bill Barr that now has control over this blackmail material. It’s hard to know if he will be using it, if that will just go away or Bill Barr will use it for his own political agendas now given his history. So I think that’s something to be concerned about. And also, the fact that there may be several members of Congress, if there’s a congressional investigation that may have been tied up in this, we don’t know all the names.

A lot of the documents haven’t come out. Now that Epstein is dead, that criminal case will go away. And so a lot of the evidence uncovered during discovery will not be made public. So I think it is necessary for the public to pressure for transparent campaigns and for other conspirators in this, or co-conspirators in what Epstein was doing, especially Ghislaine Maxwell and Leslie Wexner, that they’d be pursued and questioned by law enforcement.

MARC STEINER: Well, I look forward to talking a great deal more with you. You’ve taken on a lot of very powerful names and people in your piece. I hope you feel safe in what you’re doing.

WHITNEY WEBB: Yeah, I’m not worried.

MARC STEINER: Yeah, but I do. I look forward to this fourth piece. Then maybe when we get the fourth piece, we can have a more lengthy conversation and kind of try to tie these pieces together. I want to thank you for joining us today and good luck.

WHITNEY WEBB: Absolutely. Thanks again.

MARC STEINER: And I’m Marc Steiner here for The Real News Network. Please let us know what you think. Take care.


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too small underpants and epstein dirt...

Although the US financier and convicted paedophile allegedly killed himself in a New York jail awaiting trial over accusations of sex trafficking of young girls, new details about him and his life are continuing to emerge. A recent report brings to light questionable details about his time in Palm Beach County Jail.

The late Jeffrey Epstein purchased two pairs of size five women’s panties at a store in Palm Beach County Jail, where he was serving a sentence for sex crimes more than a decade ago, The Miami Herald reports, citing records from the local Sheriff’s Office.

The outlet, which published a ground-breaking investigation into Epstein’s case in late 2018, points out that this particular purchase raises questions that the childless man, who had pleaded guilty to soliciting prostitution from an underage girl, was allowed to buy undergarments that an average-sized adult woman could not wear. The Miami Herald thus asks why this and other details about his time in the jail have not raised any eyebrows.

The Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office is said to have released records of Epstein’s stay amid criticism against Sheriff Ric Bradshaw over the alleged soft treatment that the highly-connected sex offender received. His department is now being investigated by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement over allegations that Epstein was allowed to leave his cell whenever he wanted. A separate probe by the Justice Department is trying to find out why then-US Attorney in Miami Alexander Acosta, who served as Donald Trump’s labour secretary and resigned in the wake of the scandal, signed a controversial plea deal with Epstein back in 2008.

The deal enabled Epstein to avoid federal charges, immunised all co-conspirators from prosecution, and allowed him to settle lawsuits from his close to three dozen alleged victims. Before the deal was reached, the FBI reportedly compiled a 53-page indictment on Epstein's sex crimes that would have been enough to send him to prison for life.

After pleading guilty to soliciting prostitution from an underage girl, Epstein was sentenced to 18 months in prison following a long FBI investigation. However, he went on to serve only 13 months of the sentence, was allowed to leave jail six days a week for work, and was held in a private wing of the Florida prison. After his release, he was subject to a year of house arrest, but allowed to fly back and forth from his properties along the Eastern Seaboard.

The Department of Justice announced an investigation into the Epstein case in early 2019, ruling his non-prosecution agreement unconstitutional. In July, Epstein was arrested in New York and accused of the trafficking and abuse of dozens of girls whom he knew were underage at his homes in New York and Florida between 2002 and 2005.

However, a month later, Epstein was found dead in his prison cell in New York. Although the autopsy concluded that he committed suicide, his death has sparked many conspiracy theories, as Epstein himself had claimed that he had “dirt” on some rich and powerful figures in the US, as reported by The New York Times.


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Please note as mentioned before that this case is not unique. It has happened in Australia, and as far as I know it could still be happening. The concept is simple: compromise enemies (and FRIENDS as well) with unsavoury acts. Provide alcohol, girls and entertainment at a time when men are "vulnerable" — for FAVOURS or allegiance (under the threat of blackmail, once the acts have been "consumated"). Piece of cake.


This from the Newcastle Herald:


Lifestyles of the rich and infamous

THE assassination of such a low-life character as Michael McGurk in such a high-life suburb as Cremorne was always going to focus attention on the city's different tribes, but now Sydney and the state Labor Government have become a free-fire zone mixing unfounded gossip and claims of graft and corruption.


Like a never-ending episode of The Sopranos on the harbour, the murder mystery is leaching down through various layers of society and touching politics, business and even sport.


The Rees Government, already struggling with self-inflicted wounds, has been rocked by the possibility that McGurk had a tape exposing corruption surrounding land deals in Labor's western Sydney heartland.


Echoes of the 1985 ''Love Boat'' scandal - when the prostitute Virginia Perger alleged Graham Richardson and other political figures had sex with her at sea - have been stirred by revelations that McGurk provided prostitutes for sportsmen and businessmen. He also had a penchant for sailing on the harbour aboard luxury cruisers with the same women.


The television series Underbelly has been criticised by some law authorities for airbrushing Sydney and Melbourne colourful racing personalities into attractive men and women of washboard stomachs and expensive hairstyles. The story and cast of characters in this political scandal are quite different and nowhere near so photogenic.


Among the players: Michael McGurk, a Glasgow-born standover man and loan shark with a mysterious past of multiple IDs and birth dates, he arrived in Australia 16 years ago and rose from selling lights to enforcement, a career that gave him a swish address in Cremorne, children at top schools and the Mercedes-Benz in which he was shot.On July 29 McGurk lunched with Herald reporters and ate a $68 Waygu sirloin (medium) and $5 hot chocolate.


He also told them he had a tape recording revealing politicians had been bribed for development approvals.


Graham Richardson, the former Labor Party powerbroker and federal cabinet minister who resigned from Parliament following a visa scam in the Marshall Islands.


His latter-day career as a Mr Fixit for the likes of Kerry Packer, Lang Walker and Ron Medich has seen him battle the Tax Office over secret Swiss bank accounts, mentions in various royal commissions, and the subject of other allegations that businessmen had supplied him with prostitutes.


Ron Medich, a Point Piper property developer who funded McGurk's business as a lender of last resort. He also signed over power of attorney to McGurk when on holidays, but they fell out over the employee tickling the till.


Adam Tilley, socialite financier whose Point Piper house was allegedly firebombed by McGurk. Subsequent charges were dropped. The house was to be redeveloped into apartments with Medich.


Bob Ell, billionaire property developer who hired McGurk to collect debts and scout property deals.


Richie Vereker, a pensioner who did odd jobs for Ell. He donated $75,000 to the ALP and also put McGurk in touch with Richardson, employed by Medich as a lobbyist, to discuss the tape.

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At the time, it is likely that budding (male) politicians on the other side of the fence (liberals) were supplied with underaged girls in order to secure "allegiance" through possibility of blackmail. These "affairs" would have been carefully secretly recorded — and some of these videos might surface one day...


Note from

In 1961, [Robert] Kennedy sent Goldfarb and others to Newport, Kentucky, with instructions to look into a lurid case. When a man named George Ratterman ran for sheriff of Newport’s county of Campbell on a platform of tackling the city’s rampant crime, his opponents drugged him and planted him in bed with a stripper named April Flowers to discredit him. 


Known as “Sin City”, Newport was then a hub for prostitution and the center of a national gambling ring, where a betting syndicate handled “over the wires, extraordinary sums of money bet around the country,” Goldfarb writes in his book. In the end, Ratterman won the sheriff’s seat and crime began to go down.



See also:


The fixer in a fix - Sydney Morning Herald

Dec 13, 2003 - ... as varied as his dealings with the infamous Nugan Hand bank, the Love Boat scandal, and the so-called Marshall Islands affair, for starters).

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the truth, nothing but...


Jeffrey Epstein and the Spectacle of Secrecy

Edward Curtin

When phrases such as “the deep state” and “conspiracy theory” become staples of both the corporate mainstream media and the alternative press, we know the realities behind these phrases have outlasted their usefulness for the ruling elites that control the United States and for their critics, each of whom uses them refutably or corrobatively.“When I make a word do a lot of work like that,” said Humpty Dumpty, “I always pay it extra.”

Only by stepping outside this narrative frame with its vocabulary can we begin to grasp the truth here in our Wonderland of endless illusions. 

Death, sex, power, intrigue, murder, suicide – these are the staples of the penny press of the 19th century, Joseph Pulitzer’s New York World, Hearst’s New York Journal, the tabloids, today’s mass media, and the CIA. 

People hunger for these stories, not for the real truth that impacts their lives, but for the titillation that gives a frisson to their humdrum lives. It is why post-modern detective stories are so popular, as if never solving the crime is the point. 

To say “we will never know” is the mantra of a postmodern culture created to keep people running in circles. (Note the commentaries about the Jeffrey Epstein case.) Elusive and allusive indeterminacy characterizes everything in the culture of postmodernity. 

Robert Pfaller, a professor at the University of Art and Industrial Design in Linz, Austria and a founding member of the Viennese psychoanalytic research group “stuzzicandenti,” put it clearly in a recent interview:

The ruling ideology since the fall of the Berlin Wall, or even earlier, is postmodernism. This is the ideological embellishment that the brutal neoliberal attack on Western societies’ welfare (that was launched in the late 1970s) required in order to attain a “human”, “liberal” and “progressive” face. This coalition between an economic policy that serves the interest of a tiny minority, and an ideology that appears to “include” everybody is what Nancy Fraser has aptly called “progressive neoliberalism”. It consists of neoliberalism, plus postmodernism as its ideological superstructure.

The propagandists know this; they created it. 

They are psychologically astute, having hijacked many intelligent but soul-less people of the right and left to do their handiwork. 

Money buys souls, and the number of those who have sold theirs is numerous, including those leftists who have been bought by the CIA, as Cord Meyer, the CIA official phrased it so sexually in the 1950s: we need to “court the compatible left.” He knew that drawing leftists into the CIA’s orbit was the key to efficient propaganda.

For so many of the compatible left, those making a lot of money posing as opponents of the ruling elites but taking the money of the super-rich, the JFK assassination and the truth of September 11, 2001 are inconsequential, never to be broached, as if they never happened, except as the authorities say they did. 

By ignoring these most in-your-face events with their eyes wide shut, a coterie of influential leftists has done the work of Orwell’s crime-stop and has effectively succeeded in situating current events in an ahistorical and therefore misleading context that abets U.S. propaganda.

The debate over whether Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide or not is a pseudo-debate meant to keep people spinning their wheels over nothing. It attracts attention and will do so for many days to come. There are even some usually astute people suggesting that he may not be dead but might have been secretly whisked off somewhere and replaced with a dead look-alike. 

Now, who would profit from suggesting something as insane as this?

The speculation runs rampant and feeds the spectacle. Whether he was allowed to kill himself or was killed makes little difference. 

It’s akin to asking who pulled the trigger that killed President Kennedy. That’s a debate that was intended to go nowhere, as it has, after it became apparent that Lee Harvey Oswald surely did not kill JFK. John Kennedy’s murder in broad daylight in public view is the paradigmatic event of modern times. It is obvious to anyone that gives minimal study to the issue that it was organized and carried out by elements within the national security state, notably the CIA.

Their message was meant to be unequivocal and clear: We can kill him and we can kill you; we are in full control; beware. Then they went on to kill others, including RFK and MLK. It takes little intelligence to see this obvious fact, unless you wish not to or are totally lost in the neighborhood of make-believe. 

As it was with Jack Ruby killing Lee Harvey Oswald, so it is with Epstein. There will be no trial. Nothing is really hidden except the essential truth. Guess, debate, wonder, watch, read to your sad heart’s content. You will have gotten nowhere unless you step outside the frame of the reigning narrative.

A corollary example of another recent national headline grabber, the Mueller investigation, is apropos here. 

Douglass Valentine, expert on the CIA and author of The CIA as Organized Crime, said in a recent interview that in all the endless mass media discussions of the Mueller investigation, one obvious question was never asked: What is the CIA’s role in it all? It was never asked because the job of the corporate mass media is to work for the CIA, not to expose it as a nest of organized criminals and murderers that it is.

What is important in the Epstein case is the deep back story, a tale that goes back decades and is explored by Whitney Webb in a series of fine articles for the Mint Press.

Read her articles and you will see how Epstein is just the current manifestation of the sordid history of the American marriage between various factions of the American ruling elites, whose business is sexual exploitation as a fringe benefit of being willing members of the economic and military exploitation of the world. A marriage of spies, mafia, intelligence agencies, sexual perverts, foreign governments, and American traitors who will stop at nothing to advance their interests.

It is a hard story to swallow because it destroys the fairy tale that has been constructed about American “democracy” and the decency of our leaders.

Webb’s articles are not based on secret documents but on readily available information open to a diligent researcher. It’s known history that has been buried, as is most history in a country of amnesiacs and educational illiterates. The average person doesn’t have Webb’s skill or time to pull it all together, but they can read her illuminating work. Often, however, it is the will to truth that is lacking.

While Webb places the Epstein matter in an historical context, she does not “solve” the case, since there is nothing to solve. It is another story from a long litany of sex/espionage stories openly available to anyone willing to look. They tell the same story. 

Like many commentators, she draws many linkages to the Israeli Mossad’s long-standing connections to this criminal under and over world in the United States and throughout the world. She writes: 

Ultimately, the picture painted by the evidence is not a direct tie to a single intelligence agency but a web linking key members of the Mega Group [a secretive group of Jewish billionaires, including Epstein’s patron Leslie Wexner], politicians, and officials in both the U.S. and Israel, and an organized-crime network with deep business and intelligence ties in both nations.

If anything is obvious about the Epstein case, it is that he was part of a sexual blackmail operation tied to intelligence agencies. Such blackmail has long been central to the methods of intelligence agencies worldwide and many arrows rightfully point to the Mossad.

However, while throughout Webb’s articles she draws linkages that lead to the Mossad, she only suggests CIA connections. This is similar to but milder than a point made in an article written by Philip Giraldi, a former CIA counter-terrorism specialist, Did Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Work for Mossad? Giraldi writes that the CIA “would have no particular motive to acquire an agent like Epstein.” This makes no sense. 

Of course, they would. The CIA and the FBI have a long record of such activities, and to hold such a club over the heads of presidents, senators, et al to make sure they do their bidding is obviously a strong motivation.

Valentine’s point about not asking the question about the CIA’s involvement in the Mueller investigation pertains. Does Giraldi believe that the Mossad operates independently of the CIA? Or that they don’t work in tandem? His statement is very strange. 

The CIA is organized crime, and if Epstein is Mossad connected, he is CIA also, which is most likely. No one like Epstein could have operated as he did for decades without being sustained and protected. 

Now that he is dead there will be no trial, just as there will be no mainstream media or justice department revelations about the CIA or Mossad. 

There will be a lot of gibberish about conspiracy theories and the open secret that is the spectacle of secrecy will roll on. 

There will, of course, be much sex talk and outrage. We will anxiously await the movie and the TV “exposés.” Most people will know, and pretend they don’t, that the country is ruled by gangsters who would pimp their mothers if it served their interests.

Those of us who oppose these criminals – and there are growing numbers all over the world – must avoid being sucked into the establishment narratives and the counter-narratives they spawn or create. We must refuse to get involved in pseudo-debates that are meant to lead nowhere. We must reject the language created to confuse. 

If revolutionary change is to come, we must learn to tell a new story in language so beautiful, illuminating, and heart-rending that no one will listen to the lying words of child molesters, mass murderers, and those who hate and persecute truth-tellers

As John Berger said, “In storytelling everything depends on what follows what. And the truest order is seldom obvious.”




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brutal details about epstein’s trafficking of teenage girls...

Epstein Suicided

Unsurprisingly Jeffrey Epstein was found dead, presumably by suicide, as that is what 'officials' claim:

Jailed multimillionaire financier and accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein has died by suicide, according to two law enforcement sources.

He was taken from New York's Metropolitan Correctional Center on Saturday morning in cardiac arrest and died at an area hospital, the sources told CNN. 
Just weeks ago, Epstein was placed on a suicide watch after he was found July 23 in his Manhattan jail cell with marks on his neck, a law enforcement source and a source familiar with the incident told CNN at the time.

Just yesterday a court released the first 2,000 pages of a civil case against Epstein's madame, Ghislaine Maxwell:

The documents, the largest cache to be released in the 13 years since Epstein’s case began, offer brutal details about Epstein’s trafficking of teenage girls in Palm Beach, New York and overseas — as well as Maxwell’s obsessive and often abusive quest to provide him with new girls over a span of years in the early to mid 2000s. 
[Epstein victim Virginia Roberts Giuffre], who turned 36 on Friday, names a number of other men in politics, academia and business that she says she was directed to have sex with. In a 2017 interview with the Miami Herald, Giuffre said that Epstein wanted her to please various influential people then so that he could learn about their sexual peccadilloes and use them as leverage if he needed to.

While there’s no direct evidence contained in the court record substantiating her accounts with prominent men, Giuffre did provide testimony and evidence to corroborate her claims of exploitation at the hands of Epstein and Maxwell through photographs, plane logs and even a medical record from Presbyterian Hospital in New York where Giuffre was taken by Epstein after a particularly abusive sex episode. 
Some of the testimony released Friday is difficult to read, as when one 15-year-old Swedish girl, shaking and crying in fear, told a butler who worked for two of Epstein’s closest friends that she had been taken to Epstein’s private island in the Caribbean and ordered to have sex with him and others. The butler, in a sworn statement, said the girl, visibly traumatized, told him that Epstein and Maxwell had physically threatened to harm her and seized her passport to keep her on the island, according to the butler’s statement.

The released court papers can be found via Courthousenews.

Some of those influential people who Epstein, or the organization behind him, blackmailed, will be quite happy that he is gone. They will now try to bury the rest of the case. Giuffre and other witnesses better watch their backs.

Posted by b on August 10, 2019 at 13:50 UTC


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boiling the billy with epstein...


A 2010 video emerged last week featuring a man, who is believed to be UK Prince Andrew, bidding farewell to a mystery brunette leaving the New York mansion of US billionaire and registered sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who killed himself in jail on 10 August 2019.

A woman seen with the Duke of York, Prince Andrew, in a video purportedly shot at the New York house of the now-deceased US financier Jeffrey Epstein in December 2010 is alleged to be Katherine Keating, daughter of former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating, The Sydney Morning Herald reported.

The paper cited her friends as saying that the woman in the footage, which was first released by the Daily Mail last week and showed Prince Andrew waving her goodbye, strikingly resembled Keating, with the similarities going "right down to the beauty spot on her left cheek".

Keating has yet to comment on the speculation.

The video separately showed Epstein, who was just released from prison after serving a 13-month term for soliciting a minor for prostitution, leaving his mansion with a young blonde, who accompanied him to his car.


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How Katherine Keating found her way into Jeffrey Epstein's inner sanctum

Being a former prime minister's daughter was just the sort of social credentials Katherine Keating needed to gain entree to the inner sanctum of one of New York's richest and most controversial men.

by Andrew Hornery SMH


meanwhile at MIT media club...

While the New York Times‘ Robin Pogrebin’s and Kate Kelly’s The Education of Brett Kavanaugh turned out to be a giant dud, it did expose Silicon Valley’s complicity in the false smears against the Supreme Court justice.

Reid Hoffman, co-founder of Microsoft’s LinkedIn, and Zynga founder Mark Pincus lent a private jet to Christine Blasey Ford to testify at Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing last year. “We believed then, as we do now, that it’s important to take seriously accusations of violence against women,” Hoffman said. 

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg helped find a lawyer for Ford and advised her on how to sell her story to the public. Any tech exec who appeared to differ from the accepted opinion was reprimanded. Facebook apologized for one of its execs, Joel Kaplan, after he attended the Kavanaugh hearing because it appeared that he was supporting the judicial nominee. The company hosted an internal town hall to quell employee anger over Kaplan’s attendance.

Big Tech exhibits serious hypocrisy on sexual misconduct, and there’s no better exemplar of this than Hoffman himself. He claims not to tolerate violence against women, yet he helped rehabilitate Jeffrey Epstein’s image.

Hoffman invited Epstein to fundraise for MIT Media Lab in 2015. That kind of elite support allowed Epstein to return to polite society and continue with his heinous crimes. The Microsoft exec also defended then-MIT Media Lab director Joi Ito, who took several donations from Epstein. Hoffman attacked reporters for investigating Ito and his ties to the pedophile. 

Hoffman apologized for his Epstein association earlier this month, but his apology is too little too late. The damage is already done. 

The Microsoft associate’s relationship with Epstein contrasts sharply with the image he has tried to cultivate.

Hoffman promoted the “Decency Pledge” in 2017, which said that investors should “refuse to do business” with accused sexual harassers. He was particularly incensed by the “outrageous and immoral behavior” of execs who’d abused the power relationship between boss and employee. Yet he did not seem incensed by accusations that Epstein had abused his power to exploit the most vulnerable.

Moreover, taking this pledge seriously would blacklist most Big Tech monopolies. Consider the allegations against top Google lawyer David Drummond. Drummond was accused by a former employee in August of abusing his power and having multiple affairs with women he supervised. Drummond still works as Google’s senior legal chief in spite of the allegations. Microsoft, meanwhile, is facing a lawsuit for failing to act on 238 internal complaints of rape, sexual harassment, and sex discrimination.

Big Tech is desperate to attract women to its ranks, but Hoffman’s actions likely hurt that cause. Microsoft CEO Brad Smith writes in his new book that more women need to work in Big Tech and argues that tech companies are partially responsible for the dearth of women in the industry since they haven’t done enough to recruit them.

He writes: “[T]he world of technology remained stubbornly slow in recognizing and creating opportunities for women more broadly. At most tech companies, women still represent 30 percent of the workforce, and an even lower percentage of technical roles.”

What do those women think of a Microsoft associate helping out Jeffrey Epstein? Do they think that’s a culture they want to join?


Bay Buchanan served as U.S. Treasurer for Ronald Reagan, as Pat Buchanan’s campaign manager in 1992, 1996, and 2000, and as a senior advisor to Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign. 



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his lifestyle was very different and kind of intriguing...

The disgraced financier conducted negotiations for years with the Gates Foundation on setting up a charity fund before the software mogul suddenly stopped talking to him. A representative for the Microsoft co-founder said Epstein had lost financial credibility.

Bill Gates, co-founder and a long-time head of Microsoft, first met with Jeffrey Epstein in 2011, despite Epstein’s 2008 prison time for soliciting child prostitution, and kept conducting business talks with him for years, a New York Times report reveals.

“I didn’t have any business relationship or friendship with him,” Gates told The Wall Street Journal in September. The report cites “more than a dozen people familiar with the relationship, as well as documents.”

The remark turns out to be debatable, at least, if the Times report is to be believed. The report says Gates met with Epstein on numerous occasions, with at least three meetings at Epstein’s Manhattan residence. Not only that, but the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation negotiated the creation of a vast charity fund with Epstein and JPMorgan Chase.

In 2011, Gates reportedly emailed colleagues that “[Epstein’s] lifestyle is very different and kind of intriguing although it would not work for me.” According to Gates’s spokeswoman Bridgitt Arnold, the comment “was referring only to the unique décor of the Epstein residence — and Epstein’s habit of spontaneously bringing acquaintances in to meet Mr. Gates.”

“It was in no way meant to convey a sense of interest or approval,” she said. 

The first meeting between the two was orchestrated by Melanie Walker – a ‘science adviser’ to Epstein since 1998 and a senior officer of the Gates foundation since 2006 – and Boris Nikolic, the foundation’s science adviser and a member of Gates’ inner circle. During that initial meeting, which lasted several hours, the two were joined by Dr. Eva Andersson-Dubin, a former Miss Sweden and a former Epstein date alongside her 15-year old daughter.

“Bill’s great,” Epstein emailed to his friends, according to The Times. “A very attractive Swedish woman and her daughter dropped by and I ended up staying there quite late.”

Around that time, the report says, the Gates Foundation conducted negotiations with JPMorgan on the creation of the Global Health Investment Fund. James E. Staley, a senior JPMorgan executive, introduced Epstein, an important customer, into the discussions. Epstein offered a much bigger foundation and vowed to attract donations from wealthy friends “and, hopefully, from JPMorgan’s richest clients,” according to the Times.

There was a caveat, though, as Epstein reportedly sought to get his hands on 0.3 percent of all the money raised by the fund. While not sounding like much, on the scale of billions of dollars it would have meant millions for the convicted pedophile.


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epstein did not die by suicide...

Famed pathologist Dr. Michael Baden, the former chief medical examiner for New York City, was hired by Jeffrey Epstein's family to observe his autopsy. On Wednesday, Baden revealed his expert opinion: Epstein did not die by suicide.

In fact, Baden — who has experience in high-profile cases like the deaths of John F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. — insisted on "Fox & Friends" that Epstein was murdered.


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we all (we all should) know about hot mikes...

ABC News chiefs have discovered a former employee could be behind the leak of the damning footage of Amy Robach slamming the network for shelving her interview with Jeffrey Epstein’s “sex slave” Virginia Roberts Giuffre.

Sources told Page Six that a former staffer had access to the footage of Robach as she aired her frustrations over a hot mike. The employee is now believed to be working at CBS. ABC sources confirmed to us they’ve informed counterparts at rival CBS about the staffer “as a courtesy.”

An ABC source told us the network is considering its options — but added that it’s more difficult because the person no longer works there. If they did, the leak would be a “fireable offense.”

Robach was caught on tape in July in ABC’s Times Square studio, where promos are usually shot. She was talking to someone off-camera whom “she would have every reason in the world to trust,” the source said.


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So were are we? We fiddle with unimportant stories of who said what, when Epstein's people should be answering questions in the dock about his activities in regard to sex slaves, for which "he killed himself" under "suicide watch". More holes in this story than in an old fashioned Swiss Cheese with hole inducing hay particles... Read from top. 

you're fired for?...

CBS News has fired a female staffer believed to have had access to the tape of Amy Robach raging against ABC, Page Six understands.

The staffer previously worked at ABC News and had access to audio of ABC anchor Robach caught on a hot mic complaining her bosses had failed to air her interview with Jeffrey Epstein accuser Virginia Roberts Guiffre.

A TV source said the woman was let go on Wednesday, after ABC execs alerted CBS.

As we reported, it is not known whether the woman leaked the tape, recorded in July, to conservative website Project Veritas – or showed it to others who passed it on.

A CBS spokesperson declined to comment.


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A British aristocrat was overreacting...

NYP cover

A British aristocrat was dumped Wednesday from turning on the Christmas lights in Prince Charles’ home town because of comments she made about Jeffrey Epstein and pedophilia on live TV.

Royal biographer Lady Colin Campbell, 70, sparked outrage on Monday by suggesting it was OK for Prince Andrew to have remained friends with Epstein because people were overreacting about his sex crimes.

“You all seem to have forgotten that Jeffrey Epstein, the offense with which he was charged and for which he was imprisoned, was soliciting prostitution from minors,” she said on “Good Morning Britain,” according to The Sun.

“That is not the same thing as pedophilia,” the one-time reality TV star said, insisting on those claims despite interviewer Piers Morgan pointing out that Epstein was accused of sex with a 14-year-old girl.

“There’s a difference between a minor and a child,” Campbell said, sticking to her guns that Epstein was not a convicted pedophile.

She had been due to switch on the lights next month in Tetbury, the Gloucestershire town that is home to Charles’ Highgrove House estate.

But the Tetbury Town Council on Wednesday referred to the “recent controversy” of her remarks in announcing she had been axed — with the town mayor and kids from a local school replacing her.


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See also: the prince... in the importance of the royal coitus...



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a perfect storm of screw-ups?...

In an interview with The Associated Press (AP), Mr Barr said his concerns were prompted by the numerous irregularities at the Manhattan jail where Epstein was being held.

But he said after the FBI and the US Justice Department's inspector general continued to investigate, he realised there were a "series" of mistakes made that gave Epstein the chance to take his own life.

"I can understand people who immediately, whose minds went to sort of the worst-case scenario because it was a perfect storm of screw-ups," Mr Barr said. 

Mr Barr's comments come days after two correctional officers who were responsible for guarding the wealthy financier when he died were charged with falsifying prison records.

Officers Tova Noel and Michael Thomas are accused of sleeping and browsing the internet — shopping for furniture and motorcycles — instead of watching Epstein, who was supposed to be checked on every 30 minutes while behind bars at one of the most secure jails in America.


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Yep... Now we need the oficial versions from the guards TO KNOW WHY THEY SCREWED UP...


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the "lady" vanishes...


She's quite a unique person and I just don't believe that anyone will find her," she said.

Authorities have never charged Ms Maxwell over Epstein's crimes, though she has been sued in civil lawsuits. She "strongly denies" all allegations.

Who is she and when did she meet Jeffrey Epstein?

The youngest child of media tycoon and fraudster Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell was born into exceptional wealth, but has often been trailed by controversy.

In 1991, her father's body was found floating naked in the sea after he apparently fell overboard from his yacht off the Canary Islands. It later emerged he had plundered hundreds of millions of pounds from his companies' pension funds.

After her father's death, Ms Maxwell moved to the United States and was soon photographed with Epstein.

What are the allegations against her?

Several alleged victims said Ms Maxwell facilitated their initial contact with Epstein, often recruiting them under the guise of legitimate employment.

In court documents, which were made public in August, lawyers for Virginia Giuffre said Ms Maxwell was Epstein's "primary co-conspirator" to "procure under-aged girls for sexual activities". 

They said Ms Maxwell approached Ms Giuffre at Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort, where she worked as a locker room attendant, and offered her a job.


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the lady pimp has been caught...

Ghislaine Maxwell, the former girlfriend and longtime associate of dead accused sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, has been arrested by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in New Hampshire.

Key points:

  • Ghislaine Maxwell is alleged to have assisted in grooming minors for sexual abuse at the hands of Jeffrey Epstein
  • Ms Maxwell is a former girlfriend of Epstein and has in the past denied allegations made against her
  • Her arrest by the FBI comes 10 months after Epstein died in a federal prison in August 2019

The 58-year-old, who lived for years with Epstein, was taken into custody at about 8:30am Thursday (local time), according to FBI spokesman Marty Feely.

The FBI said they had been keeping tabs on her for some time.

William Sweeney, assistant director in charge of the FBI's New York office, told a news conference Ms Maxwell had been living at "a gorgeous property in New Hampshire".

Federal prosecutors allege Ms Maxwell "enticed and caused minor victims to travel to Epstein's residence in different states" and that she would assist in their "grooming for and subjection to sexual abuse".

Prosecutors said Ms Maxwell was well aware of Epstein's preference for minor girls, and that he intended to sexually abuse them.


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Who is going to "protect her" or their reputation by making sure she says nothing against them?

the pimp being helped by the law...

There seems to be an absence of news about Ghislaine Maxwell at present in the MSM... Opinions seem to be subdued or absent, as if the mention of an important "client" would send the defamation lawyers into a frenzy... One would think that the media think the news of her arrest was dog-squashed-by bus stuff... The high calibre of the people who are "on the list" are more or less protected by the law as the judge in the case as demanded "the list be destroyed" "to protect the procedure" as one of the accused wants to prove "he is not on the list"... One can smell a racket of sorts. This racket has been raised by OffGuardian:




US District Court Judge Loretta Preska, who was appointed by George Herbert Walker Bush, and whom his son had considered promoting to the Supreme Court, ruled in a case on July 1st, ordering the attorneys for one of Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged victims, Virginia (Roberts) Guiffre, to “destroy” a list of men who had taken advantage of Epstein’s “girls.”

This action pertains to a case not only against Epstein, who is dead, but against his friend and colleague Ghislaine Maxwell, who happened to become arrested by the FBI in Bedford New Hampshire the very next day, on July 2nd.

Judge Preska said that Giuffre’s attorneys:

Cooper & Kirk shall destroy (a) all materials from Giuffre v. Maxwell, No. 15 Civ. 7433, currently in its possession, save for the transcript of Ms. Giuffre’s deposition in that case and (b) all work product derived from the Maxwell materials. Cooper & Kirk shall submit to the Court an affidavit detailing the steps that it took to destroy the materials.” 

Her order to the attorneys stated that Giuffre:

alleged that Ms. Maxwell was a ringleader in Jeffrey Epstein’s sex-trafficking scheme, a trusted lieutenant of Epstein’s who facilitated his purported trafficking of underage girls to prominent individuals. Ms. Giuffre’s defamation action against Mr. Dershowitz alleges that Mr. Dershowitz was one of the prominent individuals who took advantage of Epstein and Ms. Maxwell’s trafficking scheme and that Ms. Giuffre was forced to have intercourse with Mr. Dershowitz when she was underage. Ms. Giuffre alleges that Mr. Dershowitz’s false denial of such contact defamed her.”

Preska’s order does not say that the names of the men on that list are to be kept confidential and not available to the press, but instead that Giuffre’s attorneys are to “destroy” it.

As Colin Kalmbacher reported, at Law and Crime on July 1st, under the headline “Judge Orders Virginia Giuffre’s Lawyers to ‘Destroy’ Their Jeffrey Epstein Files, Bars Dershowitz from Accessing Them”:

At issue here are two separate legal controversies:

(1) a protective order issued in 2015 by Judge Robert W. Sweet in a since-settled defamation case between Giuffre and Epstein’s alleged groomer and girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell; 

and (2) a more recent series of extant defamation, back-and-forth claims between Giuffre and Dershowitz.

The Giuffre v. Maxwell protective order is the major legal lock-and-key which has long-protected the Epstein files. A process is currently underway for both sides to sift through those documents and eventually make many of them available for public consumption.

Although other copies of that list might exist (which are not likewise being ordered by Preska to be destroyed, but could possibly be brought forth as evidence in other trials), Judge Preska’s order prohibits Dershowitz’s use of Giuffre’s copy of that physical list, as being evidence in this trial, which isn’t between Giuffre and Maxwell, but instead between Giuffre and Dershowitz — who claims to be not on that list and to need that list in order for him to prove his personal defamation case against Giuffre, who says that he is on the list.

The Court’s ruling said:

the Maxwell Protective Order prohibits information designated as CONFIDENTIAL from being “disclosed or used for any purpose except for the preparation and trial of [the Maxwell] case.”

The alleged reason that the ruling provides to “destroy” the list is that 

Critically, the agreed-upon unsealing procedure can only work as intended if non-parties are willing to participate. Handing over to Mr. Dershowitz all of the materials from Maxwell, which would necessarily include all of the sealed filings that are the subject of the unsealing protocol, would threaten that balance. Non-parties [to the Giuffre-v.-Maxwell case] may question the legitimacy of that process if Mr. Dershowitz can obtain, without any regard whatsoever for their interests, the sealed materials for the mere reason that disclosure would make mounting his defense and litigating his counterclaims against Ms. Giuffre more convenient [in other words: to assist Dershowitz’s case against Giuffre].The Court will not risk collateral damage to the Maxwell unsealing process by modifying the protective order.”

The “balance” that’s referred-to there is allegedly the right of both the accuser Giuffre and the accused Maxwell to have their privacy protected. Dershowitz says he wants this list in order to prove that his name isn’t on the list.



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violating anti-money laundering rules...

Deutsche Bank has said it will pay $150 million as part of a settlement with New York regulators, after being accused of violating anti-money laundering rules in its relations with the late disgraced tycoon Jeffrey Epstein.

The bank “failed to properly monitor account activity conducted on behalf of the registered sex offender,” the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) said in a statement on Tuesday. It added that the financial institution failed to monitor the activity despite having “ample information” about Epstein’s criminal record and the circumstances surrounding it.


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secret recordings...

As the dust settles around Ghislaine Maxwell’s arrest, the high-profile faces who once rushed to brush shoulders with her are nowhere to be seen, as fears grow over who will fall next in the tangled web left by Jeffrey Epstein.

The disgraced socialite was hauled in by the FBI in New Hampshire on July 2 for her alleged involvement in convicted sex offender Epstein’s sex trafficking network.

As new images emerge and old images resurface, many of the famous faces linked to Ms Maxwell and Epstein are scrambling to distance themselves from the former couple.

The heat is also turning up on Prince Andrew, who was friends with the infamous pair.

In the latest chapter of the scandal, a distant cousin of the royal, Christina Oxenberg, has told a UK tabloid Ms Maxwell may have ‘secret video footage’ of Andrew and be willing to share it with prosecutors.

Ms Oxenberg, who claims to also be a former friend of Epstein and Ms Maxwell, told The Sun Maxwell once ‘boasted’ to her about procuring women for the multimillionaire and that they would secretly record their friends.


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the FBI and malcolm X...

The FBI and New York Police Department are facing renewed calls to open their records into the assassination of Malcolm X, after the release of a deathbed confession of a former undercover NYPDofficer who admitted to being part of a conspiracy targeting Malcolm. In the confession, Raymond Wood, who died last year, admitted he entrapped two members of Malcolm’s security team in another crime — a plot to blow up the Statue of Liberty — just days before the assassination. This left the Black civil rights leader vulnerable at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem, where he was fatally shot on February 21, 1965. Raymond Wood’s cousin Reggie Wood, who released the confession last week at a press conference, tells Democracy Now! his cousin’s involvement in the plot haunted him for much of his life. “Ray was told by his handlers not to repeat anything that he had seen or heard, or he would join Malcolm,” says Reggie Wood. “He trusted me enough to reveal this information and asked me not to say anything until he passed away, but at the same time not to allow him to take it to his grave.”



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Dirty tricks from the FBI?... Read from top...


nude birthday pix...


New details emerged Friday about the feds’ decision not to pursue charges against Jeffrey Epstein in 2016 — when a number of lawyers warned he might still be abusing girls.

Documents released in the sex-trafficking case against the late millionaire pedophile’s pal, Ghislaine Maxwell, on Friday show that lawyers for one of his accusers, Virginia Giuffre, told prosecutors at the time that the British socialite took sexually explicit photos of the younger woman regularly and even gave one to Epstein for his birthday — when Virginia was 16.

The discussion came during a February 2016 meeting between a New York assistant US attorney and a trio of lawyers representing Giuffre.

At the time, Epstein had already pleaded guilty to state prostitution charges in Florida in 2007 but escaped related federal sex-trafficking charges through a controversial non-prosecution agreement.

In the meeting, Giuffee’s lawyers detailed a range of accusations against Epstein and Maxwell, including the alleged underage nude birthday photo, according to notes taken by the prosecutor, which were included in the documents.

After the meeting — which was held in a Lower Manhattan federal building — the prosecutor, who is identified as “AK,” spoke to the head of the criminal division for the Southern District of New York about the possibility of pursuing charges against Epstein.


“One thing that leaned in favor of taking action was that one of the lawyers … said that FBI agents in the Florida case were not happy with the result and how the case was resolved,” the prosecutor later recalled, according to the documents.

“That concerned AK because experienced FBI agents in this area usually, in AK’s experience, make collaborative decisions with the US [Attorney’s Office],” the documents state.

After speaking with the head of the criminal division, the prosecutor decided to call a higher-up in the FBI to ask him to ask the Florida agents if they felt “justice had not been served.”


The FBI honcho did not respond — and the prosecutor, “took the radio silence to mean that the FBI agents in Florida did not express dissatisfaction,” according to the documents.

No investigation was launched in 2016 — and Epstein remained free until a series of damning articles alleging sex abuse in the Miami Herald again placed him on the feds’ radar.

He was charged with sex trafficking in 2019 but later died by suicide in a lower Manhattan jail cell.


Maxwell was arrested for allegedly grooming and sex-trafficking underage girls for Epstein to abuse in the 1990s and early 2000s. She maintains her innocence.

The documents unsealed Friday were included in legal briefs filed by federal authorities who argued against a number of Maxwell’s pre-trial motions in her Manhattan federal court criminal case.


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falsifying records...


Two prison guards have admitted falsifying records on the night disgraced US financier Jeffrey Epstein killed himself in August 2019.

But in a plea deal with federal prosecutors, Tova Noel and Michael Thomas would be spared jail time.

The pair fabricated log entries to make it seem like they had conducted required half-hourly checks on Epstein.

But the court heard they were actually snoozing or surfing the web instead of making their rounds.

Epstein, a convicted sex offender, hanged himself in jail while awaiting trial on federal sex-trafficking charges.

He had pleaded not guilty to sexually abusing dozens of girls, some as young as 14.

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protection racket...


The death of paedophile Jeffrey Epstein denied his victims justice and left Ghislaine Maxwell as keeper of his darkest secrets. But a new book investigating the case suggests her trial shouldn’t be the end of this sordid story.

When the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell over her alleged complicity in trafficking teenage girls for sex with dead paedophile Jeffrey Epstein eventually draws to a conclusion, it is unlikely to be the end of this sordid, salacious saga.

Thanks to the mass of journalistic grunt work carried out by Miami Herald investigative reporter, Julie K Brown, and rigorously documented in her recently published ‘Perversion of Justice’, the recriminations will continue, law officials will continue to look over their shoulders and the victims will edge ever closer to closure, of sorts.

Because justice will elude the 34 women who have stayed the distance as legal proceedings against the disgraced financier dragged on, and were then ultimately derailed, when Epstein apparently chose the coward’s exit rather than face his accusers and hung himself with his bedsheets in his prison cell in the Special Housing Unit of New York’s Metropolitan Correctional Centre in August 2019.

While no one openly mourns the death of a sex monster, Epstein’s ranks of lawyers have attempted to paint his death as some sort of miscarriage of justice and Brown does take a close look at the circumstances surrounding it and comes up with... well, nothing certain.

The security cameras monitoring Epstein’s prison cell were on the blink at the time of his death, the two guards supposedly keeping watch over him – following one earlier unsuccessful attempt at suicide – were both found fast asleep on the job, and it was clearly documented that their charge was ill-suited to the harsh realities of prison life.

Brown also suggests that selecting Nicholas Tartaglione, a former upstate New York police officer facing quadruple murder charges, to be the bunkmate of Epstein, following his 2019 arrest on federal charges of sex trafficking minors, might have been considered a bit more carefully. 

But, frankly, any attempt to garner sympathy for the loathsome billionaire is hard to stomach, no matter how or at whose hands he finally shuffled off this mortal coil.


Anyone who has followed this story will see parallels in the way that Maxwell’s legal team is behaving in the run-up to her trial. Ever since her arrest, smarmy, disingenuous, top-flight lawyers have been trying to weasel bail, better prison conditions and more lenient treatment for their client, even enlisting the help of her brother to claim she was being kept in conditions as bad as those in the USA’s notorious rendition prison in Guantanamo Bay.

In the pleas to the court to go easy on Maxwell, there is never any mention of the countless lives of pretty young teenagers that were destroyed by cynical manipulation to coerce them into having sex with Epstein and his rich powerful pals, before they were discarded like the soiled towels the pervert would use three or four times a day after assaulting his latest ‘private masseuse.’

While Maxwell’s trial should certainly be a significant step forward in reaching closure on this case, and the total of $67million paid out in compensation to some of his victims also helps, after reading ‘Perversion of Justice’ you can’t help feel there is substantially more to be revealed, that, were it to be made public, would rupture the US political and legal establishment.

In one instance that Brown explores, it’s surely significant that no one has been able to extract from bureaucracy the unredacted flight manifests of Epstein’s private jet trips down to his personal slice of the Caribbean, dubbed ‘Paedophile Island.’ Rumours abound, meanwhile, about the identities of the rich and powerful men who accompanied the financier on his jaunts to the island of Little St James, along with the many teenage girls, for sordid sex in the sun away from prying eyes.

While money and power shield many of those who embraced Epstein’s hospitality, 59-year-old Maxwell’s pending trial could identify some of those accomplices who would much prefer they were never mentioned. This might prompt some of those unnamed former associates of Epstein into working on Maxwell’s behalf, calling in favours from powerful friends behind the scenes, attempting to coerce prosecutors and police and enlisting private investigators to dig up information that might deter her inquisitors from taking too close a look at all the details. Obviously, a carefully worded plea bargain would be in all their interests.

Because that’s how Epstein worked and Maxwell, without question, learned a lot from her former boyfriend. Of course, that would mean the search for truth would again be stymied.

What does offer hope is that the political and legal landscape in the States has changed since Donald Trump, a long-time pal of Epstein, left office and the more ‘colourful’ members of an inter-connected band of high-rolling lawyers, politicos and influence peddlers scattered in the wind. Some of the creepier rockspiders themselves have been arrested, charged and jailed for various misdemeanours while others have quietly scuttled off, hoping no one notices. 

Talk about the wider trafficking network that Epstein established seems to have gone quiet, particularly since the arrest of French modelling agent Jean-Luc Brunel over rape and sexual assault charges.

If that is true, then maybe justice of sorts can be found. Maybe Maxwell has no cards left to play and will spend the next few decades behind bars and Epstein’s victims, like Virginia Giuffre and Courtney Wild, can carry on with rich and fulfilling lives.

Or maybe something darker will emerge and Epstein’s crimes will become Maxwell’s crimes and the crimes of others. One thing is certain: only when the fallen socialite steps into the courtroom on November 29, will we even begin to know if we are anywhere near the end of this shameful perversion of justice.



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Read from top.




"he committed suicide"...

The disgraced financier, jailed in Manhattan on federal sex trafficking charges involving teenage girls, was found unconscious on the floor of his cell one morning in July 2019, a strip of bedsheet tied around his bruised neck.

In the hours and days that followed that suicide attempt, Jeffrey Epstein would claim to be living a “wonderful life,” denying any thoughts of ending it, even as he sat on suicide watch and faced daunting legal troubles.

“I have no interest in killing myself,” Mr. Epstein told a jailhouse psychologist, according to Bureau of Prisons documents that have not previously been made public. He was a “coward” and did not like pain, he explained. “I would not do that to myself.”

But two weeks later, he did just that: He died in his cell on Aug. 10 in the Metropolitan Correctional Center, having hanged himself with a bedsheet, the medical examiner ruled.


After a life of manipulation, Mr. Epstein created illusions until the very end, deceiving correctional officers, counselors and specially trained inmates assigned to monitor him around the clock, according to the documents — among more than 2,000 pages of Federal Bureau of Prisons records obtained by The New York Times after filing a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

The detailed notes and reports compiled by those who interacted with Mr. Epstein during his 36 days of detention show how he repeatedly assured them he had much to live for, while also hinting that he was increasingly despondent. The clues prompted too little action by jail and bureau officials, who made mistake after mistake leading up to Mr. Epstein’s death, the records reveal.

Beyond the legal and administrative matters, the collection of records provides the most intimate and detailed look yet at Mr. Epstein’s final days, and offers something often missing from public accounts: his voice.

He passed many days closed in a conference room with his lawyers, avoiding the confines of his dank and dirty cell. In conversations with psychologists and other inmates, he spoke of his interest in physics and mathematics and offered tidbits of investment advice. He reminisced about socializing with celebrities, even as he complained about the running toilet in his cell, the orange prison garb, his difficulty sleeping, his dehydration and a numbness in his right arm.


Read more:


Epstein committed suicide and chooks have got teeth....




Maxwell's crimes...


Despite being found guilty late last year for her role in sex crimes against minors, Ghislaine Maxwell, the “madam” and chief accomplice of the intelligence-linked pedophile and sex trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein, may soon walk free. A juror in the case, Scotty David, subsequently took credit for the jury’s decision to find Ghislaine Maxwell guilty and “inadvertently” revealed that he had incorrectly answered a pre-trial questionnaire. As a result, the possibility of a mistrial, and Ghislaine walking free, now looms large.

David has some interesting connections, as he currently works for the Carlyle Group – the global investment firm whose ties to the bin Laden family during the early 2000s have come under scrutiny. Carlyle’s executives often have ties to intelligence, with one example being its former chairman and then chairman emeritus, Frank Carlucci, who had been deputy director of the CIA and, later, Reagan’s Secretary of Defense. Carlyle’s current co-founder and co-chairman David Rubenstein, as noted in this article from Free Press Report, served on the board of the influential Trilateral Commission during the same time as Jeffrey Epstein, while his ex-wife Alice Rogoff (divorced in 2017) had a very close working relationship with Ghislaine Maxwell, including with her now defunct “charity” the TerraMar Project. Given the fact that there are known ties between David’s employer and Ghislaine Maxwell, why has this potential conflict of interest gone unmentioned by mainstream media?






Ghislaine and Epstein, as most now know, were also operating a sexual-trafficking and sexual-blackmail operation that involved the sexual abuse of minors, who were used to seduce and entrap powerful individuals, particularly Democratic politicians. Furthermore, the pair’s ties to intelligence have subsequently emerged and are alleged, including by eyewitnesses, to have begun in the 1980s with the direct involvement of Robert Maxwell. As noted in this article, Robert Maxwell at the time of his death was attempting to become “king” of New York high society.

Given the context surrounding the circumstances during which the Ghislaine-Epstein sexual-blackmail operation developed and launched, as detailed here, it appears more than plausible that this operation not only benefited certain intelligence agencies but also the organized crime–linked Mega Group and the Maxwell family itself. Ultimately, the activities that Ghislaine undertook alongside Epstein, as well as those of her siblings, fulfilled Robert Maxwell’s reported desire to become “the patriarch of a dynasty that would wield financial and political power on a global scale.” However, like the rise and fall of her father, Ghislaine’s power and influence was not meant to last.

In this light, it appears that the sexual-blackmail activities of these two individuals was an operation seeking to not only influence US policy on behalf of a foreign entity (as well as domestic entities such as the CIA) but to influence powerful individuals for the benefit of the Maxwell family itself as well as the organized crime web in which Robert Maxwell enmeshed his business interests in the latter years of his life.

To continue to claim that Ghislaine Maxwell’s activities were only performed to please Jeffrey Epstein who only sought to financially extort certain individuals for his personal gain is dishonest when faced with the facts of the matter and the context in which their operations took place. It also belittles the experiences of those who survived sexual abuse at the hands of both Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein, as the continued cover-up of their complex dealings means that justice will never be served for their enablers, while the names of those they unduly influenced will never become public. It is a revelation that those in power must prevent the public from understanding at all costs, lest Americans realize that the United States has long been a country ruled by backdoor dealings, illicit intelligence operations, and blackmail.











Krystal and Saagar discuss new revelations on connections of high profile people to Epstein.









white "colour" crime....


After Jeffrey Epstein pled guilty and served prison time for abusing young girls, some as young as 14, wealthy and powerful people allegedly met and traveled with him and sought him out on topics ranging from geopolitics, neuroscience, law, love and classical music. What a versatile dude. [The Wall Street Journal obtained]( Epstein’s calendars and analyzed the years after his 2008 conviction.

They found that Epstein met with people whose names never appeared in any previous documents including academic Noam Chomsky, former Obama White House lawyer Kathryn Ruemmler and current CIA director William Burns who was deputy secretary of state at the time. That's interesting isn't it? We speak to journalist Whitney Webb who has been following this story to pull out the strangest bits.






jeffrey knew too much....

Tucker Carlson KNOWS WHAT HAPPENED To Jeffrey Epstein







dotty connection......

On May 6, During Berkshire Hathaway's 2023 annual shareholder meeting, National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) Chair Peter Flaherty confronted Warren Buffett about his ties to Bill Gates and Gate's ties to Epstein. He was then forcibly grabbed and arrested. Peter joins the show for an exclusive interview.

You can follow Peter’s organization - National Legal and Policy Center - and the rest of their work here:





epstein's island.....


Distraction Island






epstein's dirt....






the client list....







who was his masters?.....


Jeffrey Epstein's Brother Reveals Everything He Knows






starmer and epstein.....

Starmer, Trump and the Epstein connection exposed



Who is Peter Mandelson, Starmer’s pick for U.S. ambassador?

From his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein to amassing a web of corporate interests, can Labour’s “prince of darkness” be trusted in Washington?

Peter Mandelson, Keir Starmer’s choice for British ambassador to the US, co-owns a business that helps companies “see opportunities in politics, regulation and public policy”.

Mandelson, who has a long history of favouring corporations in often scandalous situations, looks set to keep his shares in this company while supposedly representing the UK.

He founded his lobbying company, Global Counsel, in 2010, creating a lucrative business from his political contacts built up while a minister under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.

Mandelson stood down from Global Counsel’s board last year – probably in preparation for a post with Starmer’s government – but remains one of the two largest shareholders of the firm, owning over 25% of the company.

According to Companies House he is a “person with significant control” of Global Counsel.

I asked the Foreign Office if Mandelson must give up his ownership of Global Counsel to be ambassador.

They did not answer directly, telling me: “There is an established regime in place for the management of interests held by ambassadors or High Commissioners. This ensures that steps are taken to avoid or mitigate any actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest.”

The Foreign Office would not give any more detail of this “regime”.

The Jeffrey Epstein connection

Mandelson had to leave Cabinet twice because of scandals about relations with businessmen. But his most scandalous association with a businessman was revealed long after he left government.

US financier Jeffrey Epstein mixed his business dealings with trafficking. Emails between Epstein and US bank JP Morgan show he was close to Mandelson.

In 2009 Epstein emailed JP Morgan bankers boasting about their friendship, saying “Well for all intends [sic] and purposes Peter Mandelson is now deputy prime minister.”

Mandelson seemed willing to overlook Epstein’s offences to be close to a financial ‘mover and shaker’.

Emails suggest Mandelson stayed at Epstein’s Manhattan mansion in 2009, while Epstein was in prison.

Epstein also said Mandelson stayed with him in Paris in 2011 – when Epstein was a registered sex offender – and referred to him as “Petie” in emails to JP Morgan bankers.






         Gus Leonisky