Saturday 11th of January 2025


twinkle, twinkle, little rattus .....

twinkle, twinkle, little rattus .....

‘Behind all this is a perception that nuclear power is needed to help fight climate change. But there's little chance that nuclear plants could be built quickly enough to make much difference. The existing 104 nuclear plants in the U.S., which supply roughly 20% of the nation's electricity, are old and nearing the end of their useful lives. Just to replace them would require building a new reactor every four or five months for the next 40 years. To significantly increase the nation's nuclear capacity would require far more.

the three mustardeers .....


the three mustardeers .....

There is a proverb in Europe that goes along the line that: "The Neanderthal with the biggest stick shall win the philosophical contest", meaning that "force shall prevail upon reason".

VP business development .....

VP business development .....

‘Cheney's inability to tap Iran's resources has long been a source of frustration. During the administration of Gerald Ford, Cheney pushed a reluctant Ford to sell Tehran Westinghouse technology that would have allowed Iran to reprocess plutonium and obtain uranium for a nuclear energy programme. The deal foundered in 1979 under the Carter administration, when the Shah was overthrown.

a benevolent hegemony .....

a benevolent hegemony .....

‘Although Donald Rumsfeld claimed that "we don’t seek empires" and "we’re not imperialistic," I don’t hesitate to use the terms. Not only did the 9/11 Commission Report conclude that "the American homeland is the planet," it referred to the Department of Defense as "the behemoth among federal agencies. With an annual budget larger than the gross domestic product of Russia, it is an empire."

plea bargaining .....


plea bargaining .....

Labor's IR changes madness: Howard …..

Prime Minister John Howard has used a visit to Western Australia's mining heartland to declare that voting for the Labor Party would be madness because of its industrial relations (IR) policy.

Mr Howard told a fundraising lunch in Kalgoorlie that Labor's plans to abolish Australian Workplace Agreements (AWAs) will hurt the one in four workers in WA currently on an individual contract.


and the winner is .....

and the winner is .....

‘Six years ago, the White House had the opportunity to pursue a relatively small group of jihadists across the Earth. With the support of every country that mattered, we went into Afghanistan to oust the Taliban, who had given sanctuary to bin Laden and his mad dream of global jihad.

the porkie pile ....


the porkie pile .....

Medicare; Private Health Fund costs; Higher Education costs: interest charges on HECS debts; the GST; the impact of the GST on prices, including fuel; no new taxes; Ethanol; Pensions; Foreign Debt; funding of Labour Market programs; reductions in government services; Children Overboard; Iraq & WMD; the funding of Party Political advertising; AWB; the length of Parliamentary sittings; David Hicks; Superannuation; Taxation; Immigration; the Ministerial Code of Conduct; Nuclear Power; the environment; Sorry …..

Reality TV

The New South Wales state government in Australia is boosting security at this year's APEC summit in light of the foiled attacks in Britain. Hundreds of additional surveillance cameras will be installed on trains and buses. Authorities are building a citywide digital network linking public and private closed-circuit TV cameras.

This introduction to a Voice Of America story exemplifies my worries that Dr Haneef has been used in Australian media to portray the possibility that a person similar to him could attempt to assasssinate the likes of US President Bush and Russian President Putin when they come to Sydney in September.

rattus shit .....

rattus shit .....

Mohamed Haneef was arrested & held in detention, without charge & without the right to seek bail, for almost 2 weeks.

After 300 highly trained police trampled through his life, the only "charge" levelled at Dr Haneef was that he "recklessly" gave his SIM card to his cousin - despite this information being given to the police from day one.

Hours after getting bail on this farcical "charge", the Australian Government cancelled Dr Haneef's visa, condemning him to stay in detention - currently 23 hours a day solitary confinement.

once a lapdog .....

once a lapdog .....

‘Tony Blair was told by the United States yesterday that he had no authority to tackle political negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians as he spent his first full day as special envoy to the Middle East.

Condoleezza Rice, the US secretary of state, insisted that America would retain leadership of the "political track" while Mr Blair would work on raising funds for the Palestinians, as well as building their economy and infrastructure.

bushit aids arch terrorist .....

bushit aids arch terrorist .....

Bush to cede power to VP during colonoscopy

'The president has had no symptoms,' Snow says before Saturday procedure.

Bush to turn over power to V.P. temporarily July 20: President Bush will hand over power to Vice President Dick Cheney while he undergoes a colonoscopy on Saturday. NBC's Kelly O'Donnell reports.

Pesident Bush will undergo a routine colonoscopy Saturday and temporarily hand presidential powers over to Vice President Dick Cheney, the White House said.

not one tear .....

not one tear .....


"Every evening, I write notes to the families of young Americans like Doug Zembiec," said Gates, his voice pinched, eyes watering. "For you & for me, they are not names on a press release or numbers updated on a Web site. They are our country's sons & daughters."

So said Robert Gates, bushit’s Secretary of Defence, in his address to the American Marine Corps Association this week, lamenting the pointless deaths of 3,628 members of the American armed forces in Iraq.

and so spake lady rattus .....

and so spake lady rattus .....

There was no deal: PM's wife …..

Janette Howard says her husband never made a deal with Peter Costello in
1994 to step aside as Prime Minister after one and a half terms.

In a new biography of John Howard, which exposes the deep personal animus between the Prime Minister and his Treasurer, Mrs Howard says: "John wasn't into making firm commitments".

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