Sunday 5th of January 2025


with drips in charge .....

From American Progress ….. 

Yesterday, George Will used prime
space in the Washington
and other major papers to suggest — not only is global warming
not the result of human activity -global warming may not exist at all. In a
one-two punch, this morning columnist Robert Novak used his regular space in
the Washington Post to suggest that global warming - if it even exists - would
only impact us so far in the future that our technological advances should be
able to handle it. Neither of these columns is based in scientific fact - their
only purpose seems to be to bolster the position of the administration. 

Halliburton's Port Adelaide Role- Refuelling The Apocanauts

 It's 2016, a decade after the 6/6/06 commencement of The Armageddon Conflict.  Australia is at war.  Naval vessels, able to stay at sea and away from the Antichrist's terrorists  under technological stealth cloaks are occassionally forced, while trudging between the various global "fronts"  to sail into ports for replenishments, refurbishment of armamentaria and some time off for the sailors.   The boys and girls of Halliburton have every need in readiness to get the job done before there's time to become a missile target.:

As the ships approach the Port of Adelaide, the support system swings into action as Halliburton's program co-ordinates local activity into providing the ship with the quickest return to sea that is humanly possible to provide.  Old tanks are sent to the factory while refurbished vehicles, comlplete with fresh crew desert-ready fguarding the uranium mines, the Adelaide-Darwin railway and the Papua-Adelaide gas pipes are loaded on board, and local water, stored in the specially built sub-city aquifers (piped from the extraterrestrially-refilled Artesian Basin) and produce are speedily transferred to naval supplies Refurbished missiles and the extra-effective depleted uranium ammuntion are restocked, and when the sailors have replenished themselves in the local bars and brothels another nautical Death Star is back on  the high seas, ready to fight for God.

reality shows .....

‘The first official recognition that the Iraq war
motivated the four London suicide bombers has been made by the government in a
major report into the 7 July attacks. 

Despite attempts by Downing Street to play down
suggestions that the conflict has made Britain a target for terrorists, the
Home Office inquiry into the deadliest terror attack on British soil has
conceded that the bombers were inspired by UK foreign policy, principally the
decision to invade Iraq.’ 

Welcome South Australia, the Halliburton-Driven Engine Of The World

Reading the Chinese Premier's toast to Australain PM Howard today, I felt someone walk over my grave.  The knowledge that Halliburton's railway line is suddenly going to worth a large fortune as the overland transport system for China-bound uranium didn't come as a suprise- there's enough pieces of the jigsaw puzzle in place now to see good glimpses of the picture. 

An omen of hope came through today, a new suburb for Adelaide was announced, and for a change Halliburton hasn't got the infrastructure job- in fact nobody has.  The local council in which this State Government driven southward expansion of Adelaide will be located expressed suprise that the land was declared available to the public  before the infrastrujcture was plotted. 

late night nero .....

‘"Today, we had a meeting at the White House of some
of the top educators from all around the country and I asked them the one
question that nobody’s been askin’: Is our children learning?" Then he can
look genuinely surprised and puzzled when the audience starts laughing. It will
all come so naturally to him.  

Or he could talk about how hard
he’s working to strengthen the economy to "put food on the American
people." Or he could tell us how he has warned "outsiders" not
to meddle in the internal affairs of sovereign Iraq. Again, the laughter will
likely take him by surprise and when he reacts with surprise it will evoke
further laughter.  

from the cuckoo's nest .....

‘This is the news from Iraq according to Donald Rumsfeld
and the Bush administration.  

A week after the US Defence
Secretary criticised the media for " exaggerating" reports of
violence in Iraq, The Independent has obtained examples of newspaper reports
the Bush administration want Iraqis to read. 

They were prepared by specially
trained American "psy-ops" troops who paid thousands of dollars to
Iraqi newspaper editors to run these un-attributed reports in their
publications. In order to hide its involvement, the Pentagon hired the Lincoln
Group to act as a liaison between troops and journalists. 

history can be a pain in the butt .....

Rice acknowledges
'thousands' of mistakes in Iraq

US Secretary of State Condoleezza
Rice has acknowledged that the United States has made "thousands"
of tactical errors in Iraq. 

But she pleaded that the US and
British invasion of Iraq three years ago be judged on its strategic goal -
the ouster of dictator Saddam Hussein to pave the way for democracy - as
she defended Washington's policy in the region. 

happy as .....

From the ABC …..

Downer, Vaile willing to take witness stand in AWB inquiry 

Two Federal Government ministers
say they are happy to appear as witnesses before the Cole inquiry if they
are asked. 

Trade Minister Mark Vaile and
Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer have until Wednesday to reply to
questions sent out by lawyers. 

industrial scale killers …..

‘I sometimes remember these
almost endearing fools when I find myself faced with another kind of war lover
– the kind that has not seen war and has often done everything possible not to
see it. The passion of these war lovers is a phenomenon; it never dims,
regardless of the distance from the object of their desire. Pick up the Sunday
papers and there they are, egocentrics of little harsh experience, other than a
Saturday in Sainsbury’s. Turn on the television and there they are again, night
after night, intoning not so much their love of war as their sales pitch for it
on behalf of the court to which they are assigned. "There’s no
doubt," said Matt Frei, the BBC’s man in America, "that the desire to
bring good, to bring American values to the rest of the world, and especially
now to the Middle East . . . is now increasingly tied up with military

some are more equal .....


From the ABC …… 


Ruddock threatens ACT same-sex union laws 

The Federal Government is threatening to block the ACT's civil union laws for gay and lesbian couples.

The Territory Government's bill will be debated in the legislative assembly in May, with the first ceremonies expected to take place in June. 

you’ve just gotta luuuuuve that US style democracy ……

‘Senior Shiite politicians said
today that the American ambassador has told Shiite officials to inform the
Iraqi prime minister that President Bush does not want him to remain the
country's leader in the next government. 

It is the first time the
Americans have directly intervened in the furious debate over the country's top
job, the politicians said, and it is inflaming tensions between the Americans
and some Shiite leaders. 

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