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BlogsMargo's book is a light shining in the darkness (Lindsay Williams)Reading 'Not Happy, John!' has been a liberating experience. Here was a book which articulated the growing concerns that I've had about the state of politics and decision making in Australia. Other people do think the same way I do! I'm not just a lonely, 'deranged' voice in the wilderness. I could identify with Margo's feelings of being 'burnt out. Depressed' - at least in terms of Australia's political life.
Designer, Artist, writer, Animator. Darlinghurst Sydney. (Des Waterman)You're no Michael Moore.
The silent majority (Jason Cooper)I am one of the silent majority who like and respect John Howard. He and his governments have done more to improve this country than any of the Stand-at-the-sidelines-and-carp-brigade. Empty barges make the most noise.
Small business man unhappy with John Howard (Jack Phillips)As a small business man , I have had to work harder and longer , thanks to John Howard. Due to his bizarre economic management, I have had to contend with problematic low interest rates and a increase in the amount of work required to be done, so I can keep up to the massive increase of work being required by my customers. The 5 apprentices that I have been forced to put on , to help with demand, are also being forced to work constant overtime . Just because little Johnnie has some grand plan to work us to death. NOT HAPPY JOHN......
Maintain the Rage (Nic Puiu)I have rarely read a book that has made me so angry - angry at the lack of common sense here in Australia. We take far too much for granted, though we often lose sight of those small things that in this day and age should still matter, such as basic standards.
Why 'Not Happy John' needs a sequel (Tim Gillin)Margot Kingston's book describes the way the political hucksters and con merchants of the Howard government have screwed the public, dragged us into an unnecessary war and recycled spin at every opportunity. All for the great goal of re-election and holding onto power. I am sure political partisans of the left (defined as broadly as the word gets) will find plenty of grapeshot here for their prejudices, preconceptions and even the occasional principle. To my (admittedly biased) mind this is the greatest weakness of the book and of Margo's analysis. To really tell the story it needs a sequel, or prequel. 'Not Happy, Paul!'. Margo, to her credit, mentions how she voted against Keating, but the analysis more or less stops there.
Welcome to the NHJ! blogsite! Let's roll... ()Hi all. Thanks for dropping in to the NHJ! daily blogsite, and - first up - our thanks especially to the brilliant Penguin IT team for their patience, skill and creativity in arcing up this site for us to play with. Love your work, guys!
Provocative Book (Norman Murdoch)It's about time somebody started standing up to these so-called leaders. If they can't LEAD this great land of ours, in the interests for ALL Australians then they have to go, it's as simple as that! How about the way John Howard treated the George Bush visit, to me that looked like just plain contempt towards Australians and our media. He wanted to show the Australian public that he could do any thing he wanted, when he wanted to.
About time we had a book like this! (Sean Brady)Thanks for writing this book, Margo...and a big thank you to your fellow contributors and everyone who made this book possible. It's about time we had a book like this. The shelves of the Current Affairs section in bookshops are full of books alerting us to the horrors of the Bush administration, and we finally have a worthy volume about the Howard government to sit proudly with them.
It's the 'little' things ()In yesterday's Web Diary, Margo wrote 'lots of political commentators write that Mark Latham is concentrating on the
Unfair politics II ()Also claiming they've been slandered by recent campaign mammal-analogies - and now reportedly seeking a pro-bono Rights lawyer to pursue a Class Action - are these poor chappies.
Unfair Politics II ()Also claiming they've been slandered by recent campaign 'dirty tricks' mammal-analogies - and now reportedly seeking a pro-bono Rights lawyer to pursue a Class Action - are these cuddly chappies.
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