Friday 7th of March 2025


justice for all....

Syria grants amnesty for terrorist crimes…

Damascus, Apr 30 (Prensa Latina) Syrian President Bashar al-Assad promulgated a Legislative Decree granting pardon to perpetrators of terrorist crimes committed before April 30th, 2022.


The amnesty does not cover those violations of the law that led to the death of a human being, as stipulated in the Anti-Terrorist Law No. 19 of 2012 and the Penal Code issued by Legislative Decree No. 148 of 1949 and its amendments, as detailed by the Telegram channel of the Syrian Presidency, nor does it affect the personal right, since the injured party may file a lawsuit before the competent civil court.



AS U.S. CONSUMERS struggle with soaring prices and supply shortages, the highly concentrated industry that delivers their goods from overseas is making extraordinary profits — an expected record-breaking $300 million in 2022, according to British market research firm Drewry. While an emboldened Federal Reserve is willing to risk a crushing recession to bring down prices — and Democrats have offered little resistance to interest rate hikes — Congress is turning to an alternative solution too little seen: passing and enacting legislation.

they are russians living in the donbass GETTING RUSSIAN NEWS.....

In what seems like the latest attempt to push pro-Kremlin narratives in Ukraine, a media company is targeting areas newly under Russian control. Russian troops have been present in the port city of Berdyansk since mid-May, and an outlet, whose name translates to Southern Front, has been disseminating misleading or unsubstantiated claims across YouTube, Telegram and through their own website.

a gun envy......

 Guns were a ubiquitous part of my childhood. My grandfather, who had been a master sergeant in the army, had a small arsenal in his house in Mechanic Falls, Maine. He gave me a 2020 bolt action Springfield rifle when I was 7.

By the time I was 10, I had graduated to a Winchester lever action 30-30. I moved my way up the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) Marksmanship Qualification Program, helped along by a summer camp where riflery was mandatory. Like many boys in rural America, I was fascinated by guns, although I disliked hunting.




Two decades as a reporter in war zones, however, resulted in a deep aversion to weapons. I saw what they did to human bodies. I inherited my grandfather’s guns and gave them to my uncle.

shooting the second amendment in the butt.....

Academy Award–winning actor Matthew McConaughey has used an appearance at the White House to call on Congress to "reach a higher ground" and pass gun control legislation in honour of the children and teachers killed in last month's shooting rampage at an elementary school in his home town of Uvalde, Texas. 

top gun mav'rick to the rescue, as rambo's gone woke and the US admin's entered the asylum.......

“The ferocity of the confrontation in Ukraine shows that we’re talking about much more than the fate of the regime in Kiev. The architecture of the entire world order is at stake.” Sergei Naryshkin, Director of Foreign Intelligence


Here’s your ‘reserve currency’ thought for the day: Every US dollar is a check written on an account that is overdrawn by 30 trillion dollars.

not a single peaceful bone in his old demented body, but plenty of fascist deceit.....

Decades of exceptionalism, ideological obsessions and a deep-rooted sense of superiority is catching up with the United States.

The world needs to appreciate the rapid shifts in the global order arising from the US’ toxic domestic situation, and how its political elite distracts people from its decline with an aggressive foreign policy anchored in outdated doctrines

US President Joe Biden visited Asia last week and triggered panic across the region when he spoke out of turn and unproductively about war with China.


slow reveal of the US mad mindset.....

Russian missiles struck Ukraine’s capital of Kyiv for the first time in over a month on Sunday. [GUSNOTE: this bombing PRECISELY destroyed newly delivered weapons (tanks and possibly shells) from Poland according to Russian websites]... This comes as Russian and Ukrainian forces continue to battle over control of the eastern city of Severodonetsk and Russian President Vladimir Putin is warning Western nations against supplying longer-range missile systems to Ukraine.


loyal order of water buffaloes.......

The Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes (or simply the Water Buffaloes) is a fictional and very exclusive men-only fraternal organization operating within Bedrock with a long and dedicated history in the franchise of The Flintstones. It serves as Fred and Barney's main club and hangout.


the matrix.........


...That argument is as good today as it was in 13th-century France. But in order to make it, conservatives would also have to take a stand against divorce, pornography, and possibly even contraception. That would be hugely unpopular, even with most Christians, which is why they didn’t do it. Instead, they muttered something about men marrying dogs and then breathed a sigh of relief when the Supreme Court rendered the whole thing moot. 

when lies are told for power and profit, truth is a poor pauper....

Disinformation is one of the Kremlin’s most important and far-reaching weapons.  Russia has operationalized the concept of perpetual adversarial competition in the information environment by encouraging the development of a disinformation and propaganda ecosystem.  This ecosystem creates and spreads false narratives to strategically advance the Kremlin’s policy goals.  There is no subject off-limits to this firehose of falsehoods.  Everything from human rights and environmental policy to assassinations and civilian-killing bombing campaigns are fair targets in Russia’s malign playbook.

not THE OTHER little prince.... the little shiity one.........

A recent article in Politico’s Lockheed Martin-sponsored National Security Daily newsletter featured a quote from an empire think tanker who argues that the tyranny of Saudi Arabia’s murderous Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) can be tempered by sending him to seminars.

In “Saudi Arabia shows Biden can’t have it all,” Politico describes an entirely imaginary conflict of presidential interests between a sincere desire to prioritize humanitarian concerns in Saudi Arabia and a need to maintain warm relations with Riyadh to keep oil prices low amid Washington’s economic war against Moscow.


sub-emperor trudeau goes potty......


WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The confiscation of Russian property under legislation now moving toward approval by the parliament of Canada is illegal under international law, and, if it happens, Russia would be entitled to take countermeasures, a leading US authority who has worked with the United Nations told Sputnik on Monday.

"That is the correct conclusion under international law," University of Illinois Professor of International Law Francis Boyle said. "Under the current circumstances, it would be illegal to seize Russian assets, confiscate them and then distribute the proceeds to Ukraine."

the list...

Elon Musk asks why 'leaking' Justice Department won't spill Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell's client list and says it's 'odd' officials remain silent on billionaire pedophile and his madam

Musk shared a meme of 'Things I'll never see in my life,' showing pictures of a dragon, a dinosaur, a unicorn, and text reading 'The Epstein/Maxwell client list'

Elon Musk has questioned why billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's client list has not been released by the 'leaking' Justice Department.


Musk, 50, shared a meme of 'things I'll never see in my life,' showing pictures of a dragon, a dinosaur, a unicorn, and text reading 'The Epstein/Maxwell client list.'


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