Friday 7th of March 2025


whither democracy .....

whither democracy ....

Like most, I believe in democracy. But I also believe in capitalism, and though the two have usually been seen in the West as a good fit, of late I'm having doubts.

Every society has to use some system for organising production and consumption, and I know of none better than leaving it largely to private enterprise.

the drone ranger ....

the drone ranger ....

Civil liberties groups have slammed the legal reasoning behind the Justice Department "white paper" by pointing out that it redefines the meaning of "imminent" threat.

through the looking-glass darkly ....

through the looking-glass darkly ....

Obama Administration Claims Power To Authorize Pre-emptive Cyberwar Strikes

all fluoro & lycra .....

all fluoro & lycra ....

If it does nothing else, the election year of 2013 will vindicate some political careers and end quite a few others. Among them, of course, will be those of the party leaders: we will learn whether Julia Gillard can recover from an apparently terminal decline in the opinion polls and whether Tony Abbott can translate his initial blitzkrieg into a win where it counts.

the son of the godfather......

Coalition frontbencher Christopher Pyne :

the dullard & lance show .....

the dullard & lance show .....

This is not the election campaign. Right?

on message ....

whatever it takes ....

With Julia Gillard on the back foot, Tony Abbott makes a foolish ministry pledge, writes MICHELLE GRATTAN.

déjà vu ….

deja vu .....

our Lance .....

our Lance .....

With Julia Gillard announcing an election on September 14, Andrew Elder says the campaign will be a race between those who want to discover what an Abbott government will be like and those who want to hide it.

a morton's fork .....

a morton's fork ....

The election will not be won by popularity, being positive or negative or specific policies, but by who makes us more comfortable.

labor's new constituency ....

labor's new constituency ....

It was with a silken touch that the government slipped the bank lobby's ''covered bond'' legislation through the Senate a little more than a year ago.

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